Why is it good and why should I defend it?
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no, I'm not baiting, I legit want to know.
Capitalism is good for people without any real talents. It allows them to blackmail and extort using "money" rather than provide something useful to the people.
it's not, if you are too dumb to understand game theory and economics and buy into a false dichotomy of cap-com then you will defend it
>Capitalism is good for people without any real talents
The alternatives almost exclusively go hand in hand with totalitarianism.
Only form of capitalism that is good was the enlightened one which is now gone and replaced by corporatism, which is cancer.
It is kind of true, the managerial class of people only exist to defeat other country's managerial class.
It is important to distinguish between a free market (specifically a competitive market) and capitalism. You can have market competition in any system, but in capitalism you effectively make business leaders the leaders of your country.
Capitalism forces people to invest and invent because it rewards ingenuity.
What is good? It's not perfect of course, but it could be worse.
Moderation is key, you need a little of all. Healthy competition so that we are always striving forward and a little of charity so that people don't get left behind.
With respect to inventions free trade is built on the false promise that those you trade with will also invent something or refine it, clearly that is not in line with reality. You don't share military tech with china (well you shouldn't) so why share any tech?
>capitalism you effectively make business leaders the leaders of your country
Not exactly. Maybe in Peoplekind land, but the US is run by pedocriminals. Look at the 800+ CEO resignations since december. They didn't resign without good reason.
Now, all products are designed to normalize them. think I joke. take something simple like the bodysuit. That is exactly an adult onesie. Twerking is derived from the stance of a falling toddler. Body hair removal trends. The pedos are in full control. I would like products that actually advance humanity like those in the Jetson's cartoons. Where is my flying car? Oh that's right the R&D funds went to ElsaGate videos...
neither system encourages tech progress, the underlying people do who were developed by different evolutionary pressures, most important altruism and intellect. Socialism would eventually reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator by removing competition (thus intellect) and capitalism removes altruism.
Because I don't want to waste my hard earned money on gibsmedat
>implying surplus value is a real thing
How are those not the leaders of business? The US is unique due to its multiculturalism in that it let corporatism run massively amok, but removing that you would still have business leaders having the most power in your country under capitalism because there is no force to restrain them.
>Why is it good and why should I defend it?
It's not.
You shouldn't.
Mind you, Capitalism is just as Jewish and anti-White as Communism is.
>no, I'm not baiting, I legit want to know.
Then why have you only posted twice and not engaged anyone else with your questions?
They are leaders of businesses, but not leaders of the country. Or perhaps it might be better to say they are not leaders of the people. Rather they are forcing the people to accept their leadership by grooming them to accept their pedo behaviors. I won't call that leadership in any noble sense. The sheep are retarded and haven't figured out the game yet. When they do, I expect 1776 part 2.
Because I'm finding the conversation rather interesting and as it's following its natural course I don't find any reasons to interrupt it yet.
They are leaders in the sense that they control the government policies because they have enough financial power to do so. 1776 is a delusion whites wont even exists in the USA by the time people wake up.
>Because I'm finding the conversation rather interesting
By not being part of the thread you created? Yeah....right...
>and as it's following its natural course I don't find any reasons to interrupt it yet.
Even though you created the thread and you made the original questions and still have yet to provide the reasoning behind your questions.
Just admit it, you're a forum sliding shill meant to get people to think about becoming communists.
I'm not a gobbunist in any form, shape or way.
My question was clear, what does the people in Sup Forums think about capitalism, nothing more nothing less.
This thread is better than the usual garbage on here these days.
No the managerial class exists to manage shit that Bill Normie doesn't have a clue about
Becuase the US almost never has a shortage of goods for long.
The basic reason is the right to keep private profit and the liberty to start new competitive businesses. This also have to include the freedom to fail.
There are lots of bad things about capitalism too, but only manchildren think a perfect world is possiable.
(Note, I am using liberty here in a technical sense, liberty=! license to be a fuckwit)
Capitalism never works in the long run. Try to refute me.
Because it's a known quantity and the cost to switch at this point is too high both in money and lives.
>implying you could change it even if you wanted to
For better or worse it's the system that survived and its now the world we live in. Don't torture yourself by believing you have a choice when you can instead be working to understand how to thrive under it.
no inventors could do it themselves, but managerial provide better organization, so in biological competition they provide an advantage.
America, a Capitalist system, has been around longer than every Communist state
When didn't it work in the long run? Did it always fail in the long run? what do you consider not working?
poor example, neither adheres to the original principles nor does it have the original people
>No force to restrain them
In a true free market the restraints would come from the consumers, this assumes of course that the consumers are smart enough to boycott by refusing to buy and don't fall victim to the usual "but it's the only way I can get x" and "the businessmen are just greedy they don't care about us" idiocy.
In a real free market these corporations would only get money from consumers and investors (no bailouts, no gibs), and it's in their best interest to keep consumers happy, so naturally they wouldn't just decide to fuck people over for a quick buck. Fucking people over never works over time.
This is completely wrong, the best tactic is to cheat. In a free market this is accomplished by forming mono and oligopolies and then consumers cannot do anything but buy your shit.
>Tell me how to like this ideology
also their best interest is profit, which is especially problematic because the system's pressures are on selecting sociopaths to be in charge
Because private business without government or social interference allows for the most leeway for innovation.
Almost every nation in te top quartile of economic freedom ranked in the top quartile of economic growth as well, while nations in the bottom quartile of economic freedom ranked in the bottom quartile of economic growth.
>it's bad to ask people why they should buy into an ideology.
The self-evidence of you sourcing your question from potentially thousands of people instantly across the world should explain to you everything you need to know. Tell me user, were the appliances in your home created by capitalist economies, or by command economies? How can you be so blind?
how would you reconcile that claim with the fact that large leaps in tech are made during wartime where there is less economic freedom?
Capitalism isn't good or bad but it is the best system we have thought up so far.
Capitalism encourages risk taking since the rewards are absolutely huge. This keeps a steady stream of innovation and opportunity for anyone willing to work hard enough to pull themselves out of poverty, even if only from working class to moderate affluency.
Competition is what keeps prices and wages fair - Its like an auction between companies.
The requirement to make profit is another huge factor why capitalist nations succeed and communist ones stagnate - One gets more money for serving more customers in a private restaurant, one only has to work harder in a public one.
Of course the state basically ruins everything it touches and they are ruining capitalism too
How would you reconcile the fact that America has been at war 222 of it's 229 year existence?
I'm not being blind, I'm asking why should I buy into an ideology and actively support it instead of fight it.
I'm all for free market, don't get me wrong, what worries me is the fact that the end game is corporatism which I completely despite.
it is not, america is not capitalist for a long time, secondly a state is defined by its people who are displaced in america so it isn't really the same state.
Yes mono and oligopolies will occur, and people as smart as yourself and I would recognize them, and then deliberately not buy from them and get it from somewhere else, potentially even better. If I had my way, all of society would be smart enough to see this and wouldn't let it happen.
Because the innovators are in competition with each other for government contracts. Imagine if they were in as much competition all the time, but not for government contracts, but for consumer investment and sales, uninhibited by regulation.
I mean, something that comes to mind, and the main reason why here in south murica most faggots hate capitalism, is that the US actively made profit out of other countries, which lead to the gobbunist ideas down here in the first place.
are you claiming america hasn't produced any inventions? How about nukes?
American economy is mixed-market with foundational principles of capitalism. The only thing that makes it 'mixed-market' is government contracting and regulation. Capitalism requires moderate regulation to operate on a basis of fair equity while minimizing exploitation in order to be successful, e.g: the American economy.
>worse you do more free stuff
>better you do more taken away
That is way off base and ridiculous.
capitalism is defined by absent regulation, obviously this a gradient and what you say in practice is true and this could be construed as no true scotsman fallacy but that is the definition and america does not match it
oh look an example of government wasting money
With a central bank like the illegal federal reserve we do not have actual capitalism.
>nor does it have the original people
No fucking shit, Sherlock. It's been 200 years! They are all dead as doornails because of AGE. What do you think Long Term is if 'Everyone died of old age' excludes it?
Because usually during wartime an entire nation, including private business, is committed to an effort promulgated by the government.
I don't necessarilly agree with FDR's New Deal, which I think would be a major reference point for you, however, these wartime nations were still largely market economies. And yes, while MILITARY technology may have improved, the technology used by the average, everday citizen did not. There are countless examples of nations who overinvest in war and underinvest in everday life.
That being said, capitalism is definitely the best during peacetime, which is something we should be striving for.
Your entire argument is based on hyperbole and autisticly strict levels of adherence. The sooner you stop thinking in black and white the sooner you'll be able to hone a successful argument.
>Why is it good and why should I defend it?
Capitalism is just the natural consequence of freedom.
Freedom should be defended at all cost.
Capitalism is good because it:
> encourages cooperation for mutual benefit (win-win) over plunder (win-lose)
> turns greed and self-interest into a productive force for society
> private property rights are essential to a dignified life
> competitive markets are the most efficient system of allocating resources in a world of scarcity
I could go on for a while but basically it lets people freely interact together in a way that creates mutual benefit, promotes harmony over conflict and allows each person the maximum opportunity to pursue their goals in life whatever they may be.
Your first point is appealing to the highest denominator which is a terrible tactic given how genetics work. You second point relies on the premise that free markets will not do what they always do and become oligopolies.
> free markets.....what they always do and become oligopolies.
I'll be posting jewtube links only.
Yes, they'll be pretty much all by jews.
I'm sorry, they're just really good with money.
I thought they didn't let abbos have computers
>Business leaders corrupt the government
>The government is the problem
Being this stupid
It's a good concept, and many countries thrive from it. But the Jews use it as a tool to control wealth.
Define wartime.
USA has been at perpetual war for decades now.
If I might suggest something about the new deal, I'd say to take any power you want to give to the government and take it to its logical extreme. This should give you a good idea of whether or not it's a good thing or a bad thing, because inevitably the collective will push it there.
In the case of the new deal, the logical extreme of that is what we currently have, an endless stream of demands for gibs and excuses for people who are too lazy to work, and decide to steal from others (in the form of taxes) to sustain their shit lifestyles.
Why not become a C O M M I E and abolish money?
You don't need to defend anything. You and your entire Mexican shithole continent can rot and burn for all I care.
It's not good, and you shouldn't defend it. We just have a lot of lolbergtarians here.
Because all you have to do is look at Venezuela to know socialism isnt working and Vietnam is still dirt poor with its communism.
Almost all of Venezuela's oil is owned privately
I literally acknowledge your response in advance and you respond the same anyway, brainlet.
Because you get to keep what you earn
>It works through voluntary exchange
>competitiviness prevents exploitation
>it has produced an enormous improvement in the standard of living of everyone
>contrary to popular belief, it has more equality to the ordinary man than communism ever did
Neither is Capitalism. Marxist socialism may be shit, but that doesn't mean Capitalism is any better.
No, I'll pass. I just think there should be tougher punishment for CEOs, and large companies that fuck people over. I honestly don't have an answer.
It made a lot of sense pre-industrial revolution. Now first mover and size advantage allow a few to steamroll the entire planet's economy.
Bro post I, pencil.
If you want to fall in love with markets its a good idead to start with I, pencil and Friedman's little explanation about pencils.
Basically pencils prove why free markets are the best.
>Works all day, producing $500 of goods
>Boss gives a cut of $150
>Boss doesn't do anything himself
>"I get to keep the money I make"
>every single part for the rover and the spaceship were made by the us govermant
at this point i just don't care talking to commies anymore, i am just waiting for day x when i can shoot you fuckers
I would say only that the israeli wars america fights dont count as wartime because there isn't the economic push for development since you are only bombing random sandniggers. Although maybe some of those (sarin?) gas vaccinations things were invented for iraq specifically.
So let me get this straight, you're in favor of the concept of the New Deal, but you just don't like how it was implemented. I don't really want to respond to that until I completely understand your point.
Labor theory of value... buhahahahaha
>Works all day, producing $500 of goods
>Boss gives a cut of $150
You see now this is where you fucked up. Can you see the mistake?
false dichotomy, trade does not need to be unregulated for there to be trade
That's a decent deal if you couldn't produce 150$ of sell able goods by yourself.
Idk why you'd defend something that is clearly broken. How anyone can claim a system that regularly collapses and straight up requires the harvesting of all the planet's resources is beyond me.
feudalism is the best system to ever exist
Regular capitalism doesn't work, too much money going to few people we need controlled capitalism can't have companies like amazon destroying small businesses
If my gf swallows my load, who is entitled to the surplus value created? Am I entitled to any because my balls produced or does she get all of it because she laboured for it? What if she wants to split it with me 50/50?