I want the BBC to make more shows like this.
It means they'll collapse sooner.
Someone explain to me what troy is.
A character in star trek :)
Sharday's baby-daddy
an ancient greek city
Let me guess... Paris is black and Helen white blondie?
They made a show about the Greek Legend of Troy and filled it with anachronistic subsaharan negroes and miscegenation as BBC usually does with "historical" media. No one watched it apparantly except a million or so cucks fetishists.
Its about the irish dying because no potatos
>despite interracial threesome
Explain yourselves bongs
You don't remember him from such educational films as “Lead Paint: Delicious But Deadly,” and “Here Comes the Metric System!”?
I can't believer taxpayers money goes to this shit. Why can't the BBC go private and stop forcing people to pay money for them?
Because nobody would pay to watch them.
>Thinks big black cock will give up gib mes
This. WTF
aliens please come brutally genocide the human race
How long until we're shamed and called racist for not watching?
why they shoehorn niggers into everything?
They could have shoehorned a pahjeet or Turk in as Zeus or Achilles for the lols and made people debate if it was okay since Zeus is a version of an ancient Central Asian god who could also be known as Indra.
>In before the media blames lack of ratings on "Racism"
>BBC decides to double down and allocates 30 million pounds to a all nigger ancient Greek saga.
Never underestimate the insanity of the left. They think if they keep shoving this shit in our faces we will like it.
>but muh interracial threesome
Imagine if they had some old Indian dude as Zeus.
Greek goes... "Zeus is that you?"
Zeus: "Ah yes, that is one of my names. See me in my Pahjeet visage, mortal. The pahjeets know me as Indra. The Anatolians you fight,know me as..."
Wasn't it a Hittite settlement until Alexander conquered it?
The causeway out to the island was built by Alexander's forces.
Is this the age of Bongbusters?
Bongs gonna bong.
I swear britcuckistan is a disgusting country.
>Tune in to the interracial threesome, brought you by the BBC!
This. Let them eat shit.
Based Brits. Nothing wrong in that country.
I watched this for about 20 mins on Saturday night because my TV signal was shit and I was just waiting for my [spoiler]black[/spoiler] girlfriend to arrive with the KFC. I had no idea what to expect or what it even was. It was fucking shit.
That's the BBC, that's not Britain. A nation of 60 million people, yet the BBC got only 1.6m watching this racism, that's about the same size as the Muslim population of London or something.
Dump here immediately and date a real woman who can give you real children.
*dump her, rather
Your thinking of Tyre. Troy predates Alexander by nearly a millenium.
What in fucks name is that supposed to be, a walking pile of shit with eyes?
>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an inter-racial threesome
no fucking way this is a real article
I refuse to believe that Britain fell so low
Ancient Trojan city. The Trojans were separate from the Greeks, though still mediterrenean, not Turkish as modern day turks are descendants of steppe nomads who flooded the place later.
There aren't any more Trojans today, for obvious reasons. Though if you believe the Roman myth of Aeneas survivors from Troy settled on the Italian peninsula and descended into the groups who would join Romulus and Remus in founding Rome. But this is most likely just bullshit because the Romans were severe greekaboos and wanted to have more mythical connections to them, even if it was to be descended from people whose asses they kicked.
Well they had colonies for a reason...
An e-celeb from Youtube.
The BBC are fucking evil and it needs to be abolished.
>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an interracial threesome
pseuds and redditors will gobble this bait like it’s their fucking job. the absolute state of this board
That city was Tyre, a Phoenician one, but yes, Troy was Hittite.
I thought the ancient Greeks were of a lighter complexion. Who's the character in the pic, a slave or something?
Top Kek!
Can we pirate it somehow and have a Sup Forums theater viewing where we meme the shit out of it?
How so? Aren't you forced to pay for them via TV-licenses or some shit?
She can give me children, she's already pregnant with our first and we're planning to have one or two more after our first.
1 main character is blond & she has a threesome with 2 black guys, who are also gay.
Achilles is black & so is the majority of the Trojan soldiers.
>BBC collapses from lack of your forced tax funding
>despite attempting to thrill viewers with an interracial threesome
My favorite part right there. As if that were supposed to make it enticing and not repugnant.
I THINK it's already been uploaded on daily motion
Niggers were Trojan Soldiers?
Literally what the fuck
thats how actual greeks look like
haha let's skip straight to the interracial gangbang haha
Holy shit, they don't care...
underrated post lol
How was it supposed to make money in the first place?
Oh no nono no pffhaaahahahahaha look at this country! Look at what's at the top of its people's heads! Look at their cum encrusted lips!
And that's the problem with government funded anything. They can continue to fail over and over at the taxpayers' expense and the free market will never kill them off.
>BBC collapses
>no more TV licenses
> doesn't even matter because it's funded by taxes (or TV licenses)
We wuz Trojans and Shit.
Disgusting but doesn't surprise me, I was channel hopping the other day and saw some ultra ham fisted scene in a show where some bald white woman was running from evil white men trying to attack her and was saved by some shitskin hero, fucking hate this Island so much
I like you. Well done!
Is that hideous nigger on the right supposed to be Helen?
>BBC thinks this is the most beautiful woman in the world
BBC is funded by the British government. Losing money doesn't mean anything.
There were ionian Greeks living in the vicinity well before Alexander, so it depends on when you date the iliad. Most of the cities throughout Anatolia had already been Greek for centuries by Alexander's day
Thanks for contributing to the abomination of humanity. Hope you can live with yourself when clarity comes one day.
More like time to increase the tv license fee and mandate penis inspections to check for illegal weapons and tv antennas.
Not forced but heavily enforced enticment. Literal threats sent to your door if you dont pay. They con, young weak people, old people who have always been fed the same propaganda and those who cant be bothered with the hassle of refusing. The amount of licesncing is decreasing year on year though, people have had enough of the shit.
I always thought they were white like the Sudanese or Australian aborigines.
But can they collapse if they're still getting payed by the government?
If you don't watch, you don't have to pay.
Confirming Roman greekaboo tendencies shaped fashion, food, music, sport, writing and thinking.
The further you got from Rome, the more Roman you tried to appear, as a signal of status. While in Rome, high status meant wearing draped on robes instead of wrapped on, generally trying to be as Athenian as fuck.
>n-no goy, you're supposed to enjoy fictional and fetishized accounts of your history
Putting good use to your tv licenses
That's Deanna "Cameltoe " Troi !! No "y"!!
>why they shoehorn niggers into everything?
Uh no dude, that is Zeus. Im not joking.
Great Britain, may you live forever
Thanks for your concern but it's not necessary, we're happy :)
Troy is a myth.
I think a lot of Brits are doing the silent majority thing where they aren't pleased with what's going on but prefer to keep their heads down and let their wallets/rating/statistics speak for them.
That doesn't work for long once the other side start cooking the books then you end up with 2016 where everyone had enough and started to go out loud.
An ancient city-state in modern-day Turkey.