Shameless bump, get in here!
Whatever man.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>Important witnesses have not been interviewed, and records have not been subpoenaed, including bank documents and certain communications.
>Several witnesses thought to be central to the investigation never came before the panel, including Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort; Mr. Manafort’s deputy, Rick Gates; Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn; and Mr. Trump’s former campaign foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, all of whom are under indictment by the special counsel."
We can't let bump get the nucular codes
>trusting nunes
means rwar soon baden down de hatches fugg
kek. It looks like Trump and the good guys are about to start publicly draining the swamp.
>republicans investigated the republicans and found that the republicans did nothing wrong
I hope Mueller goes after them next once the orange retard is in jail
Nunes confirmed traitor. I guess he wants to go down with a sinking ship.
>not even hiding your flag
It was a bipartisan investigation, try again sweetie.
yes in just a few more years Mueller will begin to prepare to announce his intentions to conclude his investigation and Drumf will be finished for good
This was a good play by GOP. Mueller said he might wait to announce decision. This will force his hand, 2097D chess
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So city people, in their infinite wisdom, voted for someone who colluded with Russia for donations in exchange for uranium, then accidently released tons of classified DOJ documents on the internet and deleted her servers to cover it up, resulting in the CIA/NSA's toolkit being released on the internet for all nations to play with. Wait, who were the retards?
So do I, all of them.
We knew it all along though, the dems are just buttblasted that shillary lost
Don't you understand op? All of those rethuglicans are just Russian puppets covering for gronald grumpfh
You have to remember this started in 2015 when Samantha Powers (unmasker), "after noticing Donald Trump's surging campaign, focused on oppo research and *expanded it to include Trump's ties to Russia*". This was before any allegation
I am sure at some point they will find something.
>some guy lied about the weather to the FBI
>two guys while working for Hillary 20 years ago did not fill out bank documents correctly or something
>dumb kid got drunk and told some want to be abo that Russia has dirt in Hillary
>some cunt brought in by obama tried to be part of a honey pot operation but they smelled her bull shit when they walked in
It is just pathetic at this point. Maybe there is a video of stormy Daniels or something. At least she is hot.
Your guy couldn’t convince a fat chick to swallow.
>Important witnesses have not been interviewed
Yes they have. Manafort, Page, Padapopolous, etc.
>Several witnesses thought to be central to the investigation
>never came before the panel
They were already under investigation by Mueller and had been interviewed
>all of whom are under indictment by the special counsel
For NOTHING related to Russia
Busy day at the office boys?
Keep trying, Boris!
It's incredible how 30% of the internet population continues to believe a repeatedly demonstrated lying sh*tbag and Russian State disinformation.
Thanks for giving this thread bumps. I’m convinced (You) only post this to keep threads alive.
It's incredible to me that anyone believes a half-assed excuse concocted after an election night loss to justify losing $1.5 billion has stuck around for as long as it has. Especially considering Obama and Clinton laughed at Trump for even considering that the results could be rigged and giving him shit for not saying he would auto-concede if he lost. el oh fucking el.
Couldn't care less about Hillary, but I despise sh*tbags and subversives, including you, Boris.
Your initial assessment that Sup Forums is an influential media source is grossly mistaken, but please - by all means keep posting your garbage.
Boris huh? Nice propaganda shillblue. You got BTFO, you're out of excuses
1 week, Vlad!
>being this retarded
Whats it like having a double digit IQ and falling for leftwing psyop campaign designed to instill division and hatred?
you wouldn't happen to be a stephen colbert fan, would you?
>Your initial assessment that Sup Forums is an influential media source is grossly mistaken
never said that, get your reading glasses and have another look
>but please - by all means keep posting your garbage
will do
Nice spin, but nope Ivan.
Nunes did nothing but lick Trump's ass.
How's that GDP going, Boris?
Russian power is a myth.
Too bad the Kremlin and Oligarch's are destroying their own country and shipping their families overseas to live off the Russian people and resources.
The real question is: Can you guys hold it together when he kicks over or are we going to have to show you how to build a successful economy?
They also think the best way to deal with guns are to let only the government and police have them.
>no collusion announced
>reddit bans r/uncensorednews
Does anybody really care what a liar says?
Here is a permalink for once this thread archives...
When all your excuses run out, i want you to check back on what you posted and come to terms with how unbelievably wrong you are.