Is it really true that birth control pill causes girls to go fat, makes them more prone to cancer, fucks with their hormones and makes them even more crazy than they are?
Red pill me on birth control pill
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Source: I have a basic understanding of human anatomy and chemistry.
No that's just how they be
>plot twist - it has always been sugar pills and women are just that fat, that infertile, and that crazy
yes, it also stops them from having children which causes them to be able to have risk free sex and thus become sluts with double digit cock counts who no man wants to marry. Its why the marriage rate has dropped from 72% to 15% in just 30 years (source:gallup polls)
someone's been listening to that blonde fag too much
What kind of source is that
(((birth control pills)))
Yeah cuz men can fuck whoever they want but if women do it, incel virgins on 4chin lose their minds we can't have that
>girl starts taking BC at 16
>she ages a few years, starts to lose her fast metabolism
>life not as a bimbo minor starts to wear her down, making her jaded and bitchy
>literally is a hormone pill, ofc it fucks with their hormones
Source: my wife is on it
You know there are hundreds of types of hormones year?
The birth control pill is the worst thing to ever happen to civilization.
One of the most dangerous things about them is it change their mating preferences. Never get together with a woman on birth control, the moment she's off them she may not be attractive to you anymore.
youre going to be eaten by your cats in 15 years after you an hero
>A hunter can shoot whichever deer he wants but god forbid a deer wants to get shot by 10 hunter then everybody thinks it's crazy
Can cause infertility. I know 2 women who got fucked by the pill, one can't have kids at all now, the other has irregular periods and 'may be infertile' according to her doctor.
And that's why you're still a virgin user
Because men have to be charismatic, good looking, money and a secure future
Woman on the other hand have to have a 6/10 face
>using virgin as an insult on a bootleg friend simulator that preaches and values chastity above all else
roastie, i...
Banks are
>Yeah cuz men can fuck whoever they want but if women do it
And instead of shaming the few men who do this, your solution was to turn all women into turbo-sluts?
Birth control pills are synthetic estrogen and progesterone. They are the female equivalent of testosterone. When you hear about athletes using “steroids” they refer to synthetic testosterone. We are basically giving women drugs that make them more female. They pee and some of the hormones are present in the urine. This goes into the water source and doesn’t get filtered out sometimes. We then see girls that are fully developed at 12 and “men” that drink the water start developing female characteristics.
Yes, and it can kill them. Even a small change in hormones has a cascading effect in all systems of body. I can't even imagine what tricking your body into thinking it's pregnant for most of the month does. On top of that most women get put on it at a young age for irregular periods because our diets, lifestyle and environments are unhealthy.
kek underrated
I know it's bait, but here goes:
You have a lock and a key. There are 2 outcomes
>Scenario 1
A key that opens any lock is a master key and therefore is highly desirable
>Scenario 2
A lock that can be opened by any key, is undesirable, thus making it a shitty lock.
Birth control is degeneracy. Make lots of white children, you faggot.
>men can fuck whoever they want
No they can't, you hell-bound piece of shit.
Banks don't stop white women from being impregnated by white men. Birth control destroys the future armies that would have destroyed the banks.
The redpill on birth control is that it is actually
>birth control for males
>women piss birth control, millions of gallons daily
>this runoff contaminates the water table
>boys and men consume water with bc in it
>this develops into feminine features
>it is lowering sperm counts among whites in West (Israel not affected, hmmm)
>science studies show this bc runoff is also affecting marine life; literally the frogs are turning gay and becoming dual-sex
Birth control is actually birth control for the unwashed washes, and white men. Women are the vessels to piss it out into our water supply. Jews preach degeneracy to women, like Lena Dunham, so that they take more and more bc earlier and earlier, in order to target white males in the West. This is why so many Gen Z males are extremely feminine, even more so than the betamales on Silicon Valley. Feminine men are less aggressive and more docile. Jews are lowering white men to the level of more effeminate Jewish men, by using white shiksas. And our Gov officials don't care. Sperm counts among white Western men are down 50% in just a few decades. (and that's a good thing - Jewish shill for Buzzfeed or Vice)
Being more woman like means wider hips and more fat being deposited in the breast, thigh and butt regions. This also means being more submissive to men and a stronger response to emotional moments. That’s why that image of the dead Arab kid on the beach was so effective. For men that are exposed, they develop gyno, narrower shoulders, wider hips, stunted brain development (adequate testosterone is absolutely necessary for men to develop healthy, masculine brains) and are much more submissive and emotionally sensitive. As you can see, this plays along very well with the current mainstream media motives as they often abuse pathos to convey their message.
after the jews, because they co-invented it aside from banking, fractional reserve, racemixing and bunch of other shit it seems.
BCPs mess women's hormones up, which in turn messes up thoughts and emotions and logic. Use different birth control, or better yet, don't fuck outside of marriage. Save the good things, like sex, for those worthy of it, like your spouse.
>implying women are discerning and conscientious household founders
holy shit, imagine if you are the only daughter in the family. Your genetic line has stopped right there.
what also makes me wonder is why the birth control pill is not given to blacks or indians who are just booming like crazy and where it would make sense to dispense the pill in the first place.
not true, modern roasties have 0 standards
Also, re: weight gain. Five pounds, tops, is all the extra weight a female could potentially gain.
Any weight beyond that, it's a result if bad habits and no self control aka personal failings. But fatties prefer the "muh meds make me heavy" narrative because voila no personal failings.
You have a pencil sharpener and a pencil. There are 2 outcomes
>Scenario 1
A pencil sharpener that sharpens any pencil is a master sharpener and therefore is highly desirable
>Scenario 2
A pencil that has been sharpened by many sharpeners is worn down and is undesirable, thus making it a shitty lock
I can make up shitty analogies too.
Jews. They literally tested those on puerto rican monkeys.
yeah and i'm sure the hormones targeted by these pills have nothing to do with reproduction. kek, dude
key and lock are much closer to penis and vagina in my analogy. Get the plates, because you just got served.
they don't tho. in fact they are abetted in (((legislating))) more and more whoredom. you pretty much have to be muslim to bang a virgin and get away with it these days
I disagree, but you've made up your mind
The more sex a man has, the better at it he gets, and his dick stays the same size.
The more sex a woman has, the more blown out her vagina gets and skill improvement is optional since a lot of guys are happy with a dead fish as long as they're alive and consenting.
Your analogy would have been more accurate if you said the pencil sharpener was devouring so many pencils its blade dulled and the hole for pencils cracked open.
Nice bait.
But we all know the truth is the opposite of what the media says.
No mate, it's the best. We are simply in a period of transition
they put autism in my soup, don't complain about what you can't watch
If that was a joke about HRT, it was clever and subtle.
Yes. It fucks them up completely and eventually gives them a stroke. Avoid at all costs. If you were to steal your GF's pills and give them to your dog you would be arrested for animal cruelty.
100% yes on all accounts
Source: my horrible ex fiance who was significantly less of all those things before taking the pill
Birth control helps make women less crazy by helping a fuckload of things.
Helps with:
>heavy periods
>painful cramps
>irregular periods/cycles
>irregular hair growth
>ovarian cysts
>high/irregular testosterone
the list goes on.
And to mention as well:
>prevents ovarian cancer
>prevents uterine cancer
Birth control, if the correct one that agrees with the specific body that's ingesting it, helps immensely and does much more good than you think.
lol no, bitches are crazy to begin with. You are more likely to find the holy grail than you are to find a logical, and rational woman.
hello JIDF
The way birth control works is that it tricks the body into thinking its already pregnant, so it won't release any more eggs. Most standard birth control pills do this by stimulating or simulating progesterone production in a woman. Progesterone, like all hormones, has an effect on a wide variety of systems in the body. In certain people, or in those who overuse or misuse birth control, it might have an effect on cancer risk. PMS is caused by the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, so it would make them more bitchy, and it necessarily fucks with your hormones. Not sure about the fat thing though.
Many hours of Dr. Phil YouTube videos.
Not JIDF, there's this thing called firsthand experience.