Without Christianity the west is doomed. Sweden was merely the start.
Without Christianity the west is doomed. Sweden was merely the start
Christianity started this mess
>Europe thrives under Christianity for over 1000 years
>Atheism starts taking hold after WW2
>Suddenly whites want to replace themselves because they don't feel like they have a culture anymore
Hmmm, really makes you think.
>Christianity started this mess
Nope, rather:
>Protestantism started this mess
For a scholarly, convincing, thorough book about how Protestantism led to postmodernism and the spiritually vacuous modern world, see Dr. Brad Gregory's work the unintended reformation:
It's not a correlation with "how christian" a country is. The Czech Republic and Estonia are some of the least christian countries in Europe, and they're certainly better than strongly christian Greece or Ireland...
Also, that doesn't take into account how co-opted christianity is by (((them))), for a very long time, and the fact that the majority of christian worshippers are non-whites...
Also, I wouldn't complain about Swedes not attending church...
Sweden let their Church rot so it got co-opted by the atheist left who are currently in the process of destroying all western culture. No shock there. The US is the only western country that isn't giving in to the atheist left and so far they're the only country that is resisting the lefts efforts in any significant way
>sweden least religious western country
>somehow the reason they are cucked is because Christianity despite the country not being Christian
>meanwhile extremely religious countries like poland manage to keep the she's from being cucked
blame the Manjaw
Is that jew mechanic redpilled?
Christianity is the problem and those who who promote Christianity are traitors.
Christianity teaches to preach to the world and mess with other groups.
Frya tells us differently.
"Meddle not with the people of Lyda, nor of Finda, because Wralda will help them, and any injury that you inflict on them will recoil upon your own heads."
Now who are Lyda and Findas people? Here are three old maps that show us they are. I circled Lyda's land aka Africa in red. Finda's land is Asia.
Yes, we have given hundreds of millions to try to make them into White societies to no avail. Not only that they hate us for it. So now we slave away our children's future for them.
To make matters worse they lie to us by saying they need help, but they are robbing us of our land, our freedom, and our existence.
What is the Christian answer to this?
"Matthew 5:39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Turn your cheek and pray for them. Frya tells us,
"if it should happen that they come to you for advice or assistance, then it behoves you to help them; but if they should rob you, then fall upon them with fire and sword."
Refugees in the US are mainly here due to church groups catering to them. Your typical fedora might be a pants wetting leftist but they don't set up programs to settle Somalis in Idaho and other mainly white states. It's groups like the Lutherans who are doing that.
Is that Dylan Roof in the front row?
They lied and robbed us. Why does the Christian turn the other cheek instead of picking up his sword like Frya has told us to do? For treasure in heaven. He turns the other cheek because he only thinks about himself. He is a traitor. He has betrayed his people for false promises in heaven.
"Matthew 6:20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
The Fryan man and woman cannot turn the other cheek. For they know if they do they harm their people, their folk, their families. They know that this is not noble nor is it honorable. The Christian see the complete opposite. He sees betraying his own people as good, why? Because he believes he will be rewarded for treacherous acts. Its time to choose the false religions of Abraham or the survival of your people. Time has proven Frya right and Christianity wrong.
Have you seen a church in the US? It's either full of spics (catholics, run by the very jewish jesuits) or even more retarded shit like the "Episcopalians", a totally meaningless denomination that has woman priests, and so on. Don't forget that the majority of evangelicals are fucking ziocucks, the only religious group to support zionism, besides the jews themselves.
Pic related, a "conservative pastor"... Yeah, go suck my balls... The other "presbyterian soyboy" was also american...
They post random pics thinking it proves anything when we have actual data that atheists swing so far left they're actually more liberal than the fucking Jews. Of course they'll ignore that and spam random cuck images to deflect from the issue that 100% of the SJW left are atheists. ALL of them. Every single one. But don't worry about that, look at this news article of a Christian who adopted black kids!
Blow your brains out, kike.
Another random pic. Where's the data you brainless fuck? Huh? Don't have any? Sheeeeit, if you have to acknowledge actual facts then you'd have no choice but to admit the only thing saving the west is Christians. Without Christians Hillary would've won in a landslide. Say thank you for us saving your country.
Don't forget these Episcopalians were just former Anglicans (who broke with thousands of years of church to follow their king), and then when they revolted against ther king in america they quickly became "episcopalians", because they take it sooo seriously...
No shit, this is the most boomer cucked churched imaginable... It's not "lack of christianity" or a lack of "christian identity" that is dooming the west, it's rather a lack of a RACIAL identity.
Europe thrived out of common sense.
Christianity was the first thing to bring up multiracialism and globalist garbage into European countries, which Europeans shrugged and kept it only as a pretext to drive off other races, as they were of different religions, and even then it was what gave importance to kike literature and allow them to come into our territory.
And then it served as the main thing to legitimize enlightement poison into the public discourse.
Have you seen what the fuck these "evangelical" cucks preach? They're fucking zionists. You're just talking shit you don't know about, you've never been to a US church, instead you're just masturbating about it, and "christian identity" when it's irrelevant without a RACE factor. The National Socialists expelled degeneracy from their country without reinforcing the churches, which they persecuted during Kirchenkampf while banning "political christianity" that was corrupted by (((them))) even back then...
Take this redpill, but the churches are not our "greatest allies", they use their vast resources to... actually import migrants from their "missions" in africa, their "christian brothers", and host "hallelujah" singouts to welcome them... This happens in America, in the south and ESPECIALLY in the most white places.
Still waiting on any actual evidence you have that atheists aren't the cause of the leftist cancer. Got anything? Anything at all?
Have you seen how atheists VOTE? I'd take an evangelical who votes straight R over any "redpilled" atheist fuck who votes in lockstep with niggers and spics. Nazis are never coming back in vogue and you're sabotaging your country by attacking the people who are trying to salvage it.
i think that in the old days most people would just die off, particularly those without enough determination, endurance and balls, which mattered even more than strength or intelligence. modern science and civilization made it so that cucks who would have died at childbirth, or starved, or gotten depressed because it was too cold and life was shit, or didn't have the balls to go fight a war or to go hunt bears, over the years got to thrive, have kids, etc. they've been increasing in number.
what we see is their reflection, on society itself, and a correction is needed. it's a good thing that soyboys are adopting and not having kids of their own.
It's the JEWS, you fool. Atheists are just degenerate retards. "christians" vote more conservative because they are more traditional, not because of any merits of it, or indeed any church leadership supporting it. They would have been traditional regardless of the main organized religion they addhere to.
Again, atheists are just useful idiots, nihilists, irrelevant.
Most atheists are leftists but it doesn't not mean that most leftists are atheist. This is introductory logic and set theory.
Everyone would take evangelicals over liberal atheists, doesn't change the fact it's the JEWS behind them (and in fact, behind them both if you consider the church leaderships and zionism among evangelicals and christian in general). Doesn't mean the churches are our "greatest allies", that will deliver us from degeneracy, far from that, in truth.
I'm convinced you're a shill now. Punching to the right because "muh ideological purity". Enjoy spinning your wheels and actively hurting the right because you refuse to acknowledge the only thing that can stop the left in your country, Christians.
Go fuck yourself you dumbass shill. You think your D&C isn't blatantly obvious by now?
Communism begins where atheism begins....god damned jews
AND note that protestantism was the birth of PURE Christianity ie it dawned from people reading the Bible themselves and fully using that as a lesson, while initially a good thing as it prompted liberty and division from the corrupted catholics, without the regulation of the half pagan Catholic church the multiracialist and universalist concepts carved in Christianity by its Jewish creators were able to fully thrive under protestants.
Christianity is literally a religion based on selfish individualism where you are supposed to avoid conflict and nationalism and all things related to that in favor of a "personal relationship with God" and betraying your people for a spot in heaven. As this user I'm quoting said it is based on rewarding people for treachery to the collective. This is exactly why the mainly protestant western world ever was allowed to become so corrupted in the first place.
Jews begin with Christianity. Isrealites never existed until christians did
He is right, most only identify as Christians over their liking of tradition.
That's not a problem at all though. Having a respect for tradition and heritage is important, we need more of it. What's retarded is playing D&C and attacking Christians because they're not neo-nazi larpers.
If you think this is the first time that Christianity has looked like it might die in the west, you're stupid and don't understand history. It always comes back, and then goes away a bit, and then comes back, and it does this forever.
Respect and tradition and the importance of those concepts came directly from Roman pagans who's culture valued those things above all else. This cultural reality was integrated with Catholicism to make it more palletable to the Roman public when it came around. Protestants give no fucks about it if you haven't noticed.
Respecting tradition and heritage is important.
When is the last time Christianity was this close to dying in terms of the west.
The Biblical Israelites did the same thing, often falling into pagan faggotry.
White Christian = teaching White children to worship the enemy and be their slaves.
Fryan = teaching White children who they are and where they come from.
>joseph gets cucked by god
>mary gives birth to jesus, a jewish bastard cuck baby
>jesus proceeds to tell everybody to turn the other cheek, be weak-willed cucks and never fight degeneracy because everyone that's bad will just go to hell
>his followers procede to destabilize and destroy the greatest civilization in western history
I am not saying it is a problem, I'm saying most of them are people who like tradition, and that this is the main factor for their choices, and that identifying as Christians is just another result of it.
>The bible, compiled hundreds of years after Christianity was founded, is "pure Christianity"
Love this American meme
>Roman pagans
Regularly practiced homosexuality and collected male concubines. Absolute degenerates. Their "traditions" are the same ones destroying the west now.
Literal talmud rhetoric.
Christianity is a transgender spirituality
Matthew 22:30, which states that there will be no marriage in heaven because we “will be like the angels in heaven.”
All angels are masculine so when women go to heaven they become masculine. Christianity is a transgender spirituality.
"there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Matthew 19:12
Christianity is a transgender spirituality "The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body." 1 Corinthians 6:20
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise." Galations 3:28
"Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" Ephesians 5:21 - 33
Priest don't take wives because they are wives to Christ through the church.
"For man was not made from woman, but woman from man."
1 Corinthians 11:8
No man can give birth only a woman can. The idea that mankind wad started with a man is transexual fantasy.
>destabilize and destroy the greatest civilization in western history
You mean the most degenerate. Rome was rife with homosexuality and trannies.
I agree
>all those who disagree with me and don't think only christianity will deliver us from atheists, which are totally our greatest concern, not jews, is a "divisive" shill
Go somewhere else if you want so bad to bitch about atheists. You're programmed and low-quality as a poster, it's not even worth trying to redpill trash like you. What will stop "atheists" or the left and the jews behind them, and secure the future of our race, are whites with a "racial" identity, just like the Third Reich did - no "evangelical cucks" and zionists involved, no fucking race-mixing "based" pastors. Go have a discussion about "race" in your local church and see how they will react and ask yourself if they are really the ones who will "save us". Or better, stop posting here alltogether...
Yeah Rome was so degenerate it became christian
Romans had strong family values and their "mos maiorum" and "virtú", homossexuals were considered "infamous" person and liable to legal restrictions, if only the passive partner. Their society degenerated, but then, so does christians adopt "black children" and directly import migrants through their churches...
What destroy the west, rome and all other people are the Jews subverting them, they are behind degeneracy.
And gave rise to the greatest empires humanity has ever seen.
Christianity and it's origins are the root cause not the preventative factor.
No it destroyed the greatest empire. Rome went pooping toilets to pooping in the streets.
it's pure kikery
The west is already doomed, open your eyes.
Funny how the memeflaggots always spam these threads.
So is church leadership and priest schools full of homossexuals and pedophiles... The preferrence of monks for young boys as been noted since the christian roman times as is their practice of indulging in buttfucking their "holy brothers"...
Poland is the last stronghold of the Christian Faith. They saved the Allied Forces from the Ottomans in WW1 not once, but twice. Today they stand against the madness in Europe.
I thought it was Czech Republic.
christianity, as with any religion, is just a way for humans to try to understand the world. we need something to believe in because it makes us feel safe to know what is happening around us. religion is just a biproduct of the human nature to seek answers, which is why we have technology and science.
It's telling they make Christian threads their priority in their D&C campaign. If Christianity isn't the key to restoring the west then how come the shills put so much effort into shitting up Christian threads on Sup Forums? Makes you think
>all those people disagree with me and my retarded "solutions", why could that be
>of course, they're shills!
This is the mentality that kills imageboards. If you want to go circlejerk about BASED christianity try r/christianity may be more suited for your intellect...
Trully our "greatest allies"...
>Use a memeflag
>Use obvious D&C tactics
>Provide absolutely NO data or anything to support your assertions other than meme images
>Whine about being called out
Whoever is paying you to do this needs to cut your wage because you're seriously fucking bad at it
The wisdom of the creator spoken through the tongue of a man.
There were far better than this.
And I don't mean more pious, I mean in this series there was more evil shit.
>whaaaaaaaaaah everything is "muh divisive"
>why can't I circlejerk about the church as opposed to degeneracy, when it's not the case, it's almost like people want me to do something practical to save the white race
Yeah, they're paying people to disagree with you! It's not that you're deploying retard tactics... Go fuck yourself kid (or ask your local priest to do it).
If the Catholics had their way they could've stopped Hitler starting a hopeless unwinnable war that ended up destroying western culture. Alas we still have stormfaggots trying to defend it.
God was a social glue, but Nietzsche predicted the collapse of Christianity, and that without a guiding force for society to take up, you end up with his concept of the Last Man, which is the perfect description of what you call "atheists" as people who have been lied to and manipulated by Judaeo-Christian nonsense become spiteful and nihilistic and advocate a total destruction of everything that currently exists in the west because they don't have a universal set of principles to act as a roadmap. And the process is only going to get much much worse too. Capitalism has acted as a transitional force that people have been able to focus intently on their work, but a full 50% of all currently worked jobs will be gone by 2050 at the latest. We will have a 98% jobless society by the end of the century and that's only 3 generations away. Christianity offers no solutions to this problem.
Nietzsche also predicted that some form of radical egalitarian socialism would end up killing untold millions of people and he was right.
People have to stop resisting the inevitable death of God and start orienting themselves towards a higher purpose that is physically determined, naturally determined. You cannot stop the inevitable march away from nonsense, the real world slowly begins catching up. Something has to be done to replace the Christian social glue before it's too late and everyone falls into materialistic nihilism, which we can all agree is the death of everything.
$0.01 has been deposited into your account
Just stop it dude, you made the thread about accusing non-Christians and now is somehow bitching over D&C, for fuck sake.
You say people without country flags shit up these threads, well newfags like you have shit up the entire board.
Yes he is waiting for the woamn to pronounce them man&man.
Those who practice Christianity are slaves to Jews.
I've provided numerous factual pieces of evidence that proves that atheists are the ones behind the left wing cultural movement swamping the west. Nobody has provided anything of any sort that contradicts that evidence. We have a lot of memeflag spamming fags who are obviously shariahblue shills though.
Western Rome collapsed within decades of fully converting to Christianity. Pax Romana occurred when Christianity was still considered an illegal atheist cult and the Jews behind it were being prosecuted.
As compared to Catholics keeping their followers illiterate and telling them what to believe? Not that that was too bad a thing considering the message it promotes.
I was talking about the British Empire. Not Rome. Rome was degenerate and collapsed because of it
>f-fucking natzees destroying western culture
But I am also a jewish shill. The mind of the faggot... I wish it was as simple as having the churches as our greatest allies and sheit, it would be much easier, but we can see beyond that...
Yeah you're going to save the west by shitposting on Sup Forums about how Hitler did nothing wrong. Go get 'em you retard
Rome was a far greater empire than the Britbongs, they are the reason western Europe had any semblance of cultural identity and were the basis for the technological and philosophical revival which allowed Britain to thrive in the first place.
I'd like to clarify I have no problem with truly right winged Christians and will fight alongside you, it's just that if you truly want to fight for the white race Christian ideology simply does not agree.
Shitposting on the internet does not disable you from actually fighting for a cause elsewhere.
All of this was already refuted and you started accusing people of being shills.
The problem is kikes, kikes create propaganda to every group of society pushing for their goals, and people who value -tradition and nationality- just like to identify as Christians as a side note.
Do you think he's actually going out in public and espousing the virtues of Nazi ideology? Or do you think he's a coward who shitposts about how he wants to save the white race and attacks sections of society like Christians who are actually fighting to preserve western culture because they're not larpers like he is?
Also he STILL hasn't posted any hard data to support anything he's said. Still hiding behind meme images.
And circlejerking and masturbating about "christianity" on an imageboard will achieve exactly what, besides submitting it to ridicule?
>Europe thrives under Christianity
The only people who use memeflags on Sup Forums are shills. You're using a memeflag.
>Christian ideology simply does not agree.
“And when Phin´ehas, the son of Ele-a´zar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from among the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand; and he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel. And those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Phin´ehas, the son of Ele-a´zar, the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, while he was zealous for my sake among them, that I consumed not the children of Israel in my jealousy. Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace: and he shall have it, and his seed after him, even the covenant of an everlasting priesthood; because he was zealous for his God, and made an atonement for the children of Israel.”
Numbers 25:7-13 KJVA
“A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.”
Deuteronomy 23:2 KJVA
“Beware of all whoredom, my son, and chiefly take a wife of the seed of thy fathers, and take not a strange woman to wife, which is not of thy father's tribe.”
Tobit 4:12 KJVA
I'm a Christian and regularly convert people irl. Tell me how often do you go to nazi meetups?
>has to resort to projections of what I do in public
Do you go screeching about "christianity being our only cure" in public? Are you a jehovah witness?
>attacks sections of society like Christians who are actually fighting to preserve western culture
Except when I posted severe instances of them and their leadership doing not that, but fighting for the ENEMY. Even Hitler spoke of how they would rather build missions in Africa to convert the Zulus and Kaffirs rather than to oppose degeneracy at home...
>Also he STILL hasn't posted any hard data to support anything he's said. Still hiding behind meme images.
So all these instances I posted aren't evidence of anything? You want some data? Go search the amount of evangelicals who support Israel... Retard.
Hard data for what? We're discussing philosophical matters more than anything else, hard data isn't really a concept.
Explain what Christians are doing to preserve western culture? Adopting and converting African children and bringing them into America? Kissing the feet of brown spics in Latin America?
More meme accusations and no refutation of what I said.
>So all these instances I posted aren't evidence of anything
No. It's called anecdotal evidence, and you're a dumbass.
I could find quotes that contradict every single one of those. There were no doubt based priests who contributed partially to the Bible but they don't make up the core of it which is represented by Jesus and what he directly espoused
>We're discussing philosophical matters more than anything else
No we're not. Atheists support overwhelmingly support leftist policies. Atheists are the ones pushing identity politics, transgenderism, homosexuality and socialism. This is supported by data. It's not a philosophical question at all. It's a hard and objective fact that atheists are the cause of what is happening in the west.
Who the fuck is supporting atheism here?
>I could find quotes that contradict every single one of those.
Then do it, faggot. Put up or shut up.