>not born in the UK
>not a EU citizen
>legally denied entry as a foreigner
>"REEEEEEEEEE you can't just deny foreigners entry like that it's not cool at all just because she's foreign doesn't mean we have to exclude her"
-Sup Forums
>not born in the UK
>not a EU citizen
>legally denied entry as a foreigner
>"REEEEEEEEEE you can't just deny foreigners entry like that it's not cool at all just because she's foreign doesn't mean we have to exclude her"
-Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
okay, muhammad
what is your fucking point? you have none!
What is the difference between visiting and staying living off welfare for 500 Alex?
She looks so weird. Like a tranny
kys cuck
Your country is a backward Orwellian Islamified shithole
Sup Forums unironically btfo, all they will do is call you names but none of them will be able to refute your point since you called them out on one of the many glaring hypocrisies in their xenophobic ideology
maybe.. I dunno fucking hypocrisy that a 10 year old could point out?
>legally denied entry as a foreigner
You mean denied entry specifically and exclusively because her political view is that Europe should not actively erase its culture and heritage through mass immigration?
You don't understand what hypocrisy means, you fat lard fuck. I'll wait while you google up a definition to copy and paste to try and fool us into thinking you have a fucking clue what you're talking about.
very funny how Sup Forums suddenly hates authoritarianism but only when talking about the UK lmao
>You don't understand what hypocrisy means
Actually no what I'm pointing out is blatant hypocrisy. If she was a brown muslim woman arguing for sharia being denied entry nobody on here would bat an eye.
T. Muhammed
Europe for the europeans.
Fuck burgers, leafs, chinks, niggers, spics
Seriously. It's hilarious whenever this retarded board tries to criticize fascism they don't like
>nah it's evil when others do it but when we do it it's different because we totally have different views and all..
Banning a journalist and equating it to immigration. Nice try kike. Gas yourself
>Comes to visit
>Gets deported
>Muhamed comes to live of welfare
>Get him 3 girls so he can rape them in a safe environment
If I had an ethno-state I would allow tourism,but immigration understand lock that can be opened when I feel like it
>Actually no what I'm pointing out is blatant hypocrisy
You're not pointing out anything though, since you have no idea what you're talking about. Man you're so fucking clued out, there's no way you have an IQ above 90. Just shut up you fucking drooling retard, or go jump off a building.
Under a lock*
... Yes... Are you retarded?
>not an UK citizen
>not an EU citizen
Still protected by the european convention on human rights which protects freedom of expression and by extension freedom of the press
>meanwhile people who are an actual threat to the country and do nothing to benefit it whatsoever (i.e. the people that should be denied by law) are still able to come and go as they please
I do hope you choke on the hypocrisy, bong.
Or you're literally too fucking stupid to understand the differences.
excellent arguments bros
Go suck a Muslim dick. Oh wait.. that's your daughters job.
RIP cuck faggot.
The hypocrisy here is that if she was a brown Muslim opinionated loudmouth she wouldn't be getting denied in the first place
The UK has a fascist authoritarian deep state which uses cultural marxism as a tool to undermine its citizens. Their goal is slowly to control its citizens in every aspect
Well a muslim arguing for sharia would be allowed IN based on all evidence.
Checkmate, abdul. I'll keep laughing as your girls get raped.
Not many here would deny entry of visitors, even hitler said anyone could visit germany. Even so in the case of your example, that brown woman promoting a religion that is a historical enemy of europe, and a member of a foreign race is a whole lot different. She is a threat to the nation. Look at the reasons they cited for Lauren, Sellner, and Pettibone. Becaues they would incite "hatred" against minorities. I know you won't be able to understand the nuancy, this is the failing of all liberalists. There must be a one fits all system. Everything must be perfectly equal and consistent, live and die by principles blahblah fucking suicide cult
>Banning a journalist and equating it to immigration.
It's fascism my man. You can ban anyone you like. It's called isolationism.
>bu bu the nazis would have let in jewish journalists and protected them, that's why I love them so much
His point being?
>She is not from UK so why does she come
To visit?
I have read a lot of posts that want to stop all immigration from "shithole" countries,Muslim countries,Asian countries. I have never heard anyone speaking against traveling
why do you think I'm here to argue with you? I don't care what some stupid cumstain (you) thinks. I'm here to point our your bullshit and laugh at how fucking pathetic you are.
Thanks for showing you have no fucking clue what fascism is
>my man
as if we didn't already know you were a raging faggot from reddit
>but instead of actually protecting the state you're protecting a violent minority destroying said state
Fucking brilliant.
No your goverment is afraid of a right wing coup from outside so your authoriarian monarchs with ties to Rothschild kikes lose their power. Your own politicans are just puppets.
God, British men are such fucking cowards. I bet your women are packing more test than you sorry excuses
>calls himself a nationalist
>dates a foreigner
Everyone is giving shit to the UK. Meanwhile...
Fucking based. Keep these opportunistic retards out. They are a cancer to everything they touch.
Richard Spencer is controlled opposition. His russian wife has ties to the russian govt (kremlin)
>ignoring everyone who BTFO you
ya dude! Fucking based!
You're such a fucking faggot holy shit. How loose is your ass?
screaming REEEEEEEEEEEEE BRITISH GOVERNMENT KIKES is not a valid argument
most of you argue in favor of fascism, that's a fact
She's commonwealth citizen.
woah dude! epix comeback!! Fucking Based!
Wanna know how I know you're an antifa cockmonger with a low IQ?
Wanna know how I could absolutely destroy you in an argument by pointing out your hypocrisy just based on your emotional responses alone?
>just because she's foreign
That wasn't the reason you idiot.
>denying someone because of words
>allowing isis terrorists and giving them welfare
Totally the same right.
>The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada requests, in the name of Her Majesty the Queen, all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely, without delay or hindrance, and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.
>in the name of Her Majesty the Queen [...] allow the bearer to pass freely
This is the document she was carrying when she was denied entry to the Queen's realm.
>Wanna know how I could absolutely destroy you in an argument by pointing out your hypocrisy just based on your emotional responses alone?
I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously any more.
>in favor
You're not English, are you?
>if I pretend not to care about what's going on in my country it means it doesn't affect me
>has enough cash to stay for her visit
>doesn't plan to work illegally
>has a address to stay at
>has set dates for when she leaves
>has no criminal record
I see no problem. Has she been working illegally in other countries without a permit? I'm not sure if I believe this story anymore.
You can't call it hate speech when she literally has not been convicted anywhere can you? Or hasn't broken any laws in the UK?
>faggot OP literally runs away
cowardly antifa scum. probably gettnig fucked in his loose ass rn
>yeah this seems like a normal well adjusted person we'd like to have here
There's also the possibility she is so deluded that she used anti immigrant/racist sentiment when questioned by border authorities or had no real reason to be in the UK.
I'm not beleiving this shit anymore.
You fucking rat. Fuck me, I don't even know if I want to come home any more.
I don't have problem with brown people visiting, I only have a problem with them when they stay
I agree with you. She is not banned is she? Did they give her any legal means to seek reentry?
He uses American spellings pal
>If she was a brown muslim woman arguing for sharia being denied entry nobody on here would bat an eye.
Of course. I’m not sure I’d call it hypocritical though, because it was never about immigration or free speech or whatever for them. It was and continues to be about marginalizing anybody that isn’t white. To that end they’re being consistent.
I agree she’s a racist cunt, though
For example, I can't enter the USA if I have no reason to be there or can't get passed questioning if I am selected. It's happened.
Bigger question is why anyone wants to go to your shithole country
>fascism that promotes functional beliefs and self-sufficiency, and fascism that promotes degeneracy and self-destruction are the same
I am not an authoritarian, but this comparison is wildly inaccurate and irritating.
I haven't really checked. I'm assuming they banned her because she has a history of being a total cunt and pulling stupid stunts like the italian boat one. These alt right retards will do anything for 5 seconds of fame.
if she was a brown muslim woman arguing for shariah she would've been welcomed in
that's hypocrisy
This. OP BTFO by a leaf
If my purpose is to enter the UK and make youtube videos I wouldn't be allowed to enter either.
>huuuurrr Horshoe theory.
Not all brands of authoritarianism are the same you fucking dunce. All that fried curry and paki dick clogging your brain?
Is it just a few completely assblasted anons that post these same fucking tradthot threads every three hours or is it sustained effort by some shit like Krauts commie discord to piss everyone off
>stunts like the italian boat one.
You mean this one? wait..ohh noooo
>my brand of fascism is the right one
you should stop using meme responses like >muh horseshoe every single time I've seen it at least 40 times this week, it doesn't invalidate the argument
But I don't like Lauren
She should make an interview deep into a French no-go zone.
Are you new here? There is a type of facism that Sup Forums likes
>millions of illiterate Paki rapists
>totally fine
>one minor YouTube celeb
So she should've came illegally and claimed refugee status as a 12 year old for free gibs is what you're saying
>no meme responses
>all responses that refute my point are meme responses
No wonder you are in the gutter. Fags like you enable it
Someone post the UK Bobby fine with gang raped and trucks of peace then getting upset over internet comments
They are beta orbiters. Also, given her dating past, they are also cucks.
Cancer of the highest order.
I don't think the law works like you think it works.
he is much better looking than her, he could do much better
she's not a nigger or a mud person. She's jewish but I mean
>the difference is WE WANT her here
>WE DONT WANT niggers here
>lauren southern is not a nigger
made it easy for you
> Journalist
> Trying to visit legally
> Wants to stay a few days
> Has western values like free speech and obedience to just laws, which should be shared by the Brits
> Welfare-seeker
> Trying to enter illegally
> Wants to stay forever and have many children
> Has primitive and antisocial values which should be rejected by the Brits, but which the savage wants to impose on them
> lol what a bunch of hypocrites to support the first and not the second, checkmate racists
OP is a woman, don't bother
idk if you didn't figure this out yet....but Sup Forums doesn't hate immigration... it hates niggers.
It does. And you're completey misusing the word fascist like every other spastic that throws it around. If Britain were fascist it wouldn't be the dystopian hell hole it is now. The word your looking for is Communist.
OP must be a Kaffir Paki or some sort of Islamic shit that worships pig-man Mohammad.
When all the shit happens, none of the current laws are going to have any effect on how Piglamist-Agents-of-Jewry get dealt with. The law will be decided by a pull of a trigger and the river Thames will flow red with Jewish and Islamic blood mixed together.
>> Trying to enter illegally
what? what illegals entered the UK and were given all those benefits and legal citizenship?
Fascism is not bad you nerd. Fascism that brings about ultimately undesirable results is bad.
Lauren wanted to hunt refugees but UK wont let her
Why are you arguing semantics you virtue signaling jackass? Authoritarianism is at the core of both. The "fascism" you worship ended up getting annihilated by communists
Roastie BTFO and that's what matters the most
They were released without charge for the "boat stunt". Are we banning people for non-crimes now?
She caught the terrorist!!!