Is Sup Forums cucked? I say an innocent right wing opinion on Sup Forums or talk about how a game is (((pandering))) to diversity (which they are) and I get told to fuck off to Sup Forums or called a Goober. Just look at Far Cry 5 or any other game these days.
Right wing opinion on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, get told to fuck off to Sup Forums, same thing. Is everywhere filled with shills or is Sup Forums infested with librul cucks?
bunch of conformist normie sociopaths have taken the reigns and enforce their groupthink this is why we have extended mags and bumpstocks
Andrew Cooper
You let people's words hurt you?
Carter Jones
if you think it's bad here I guess this is the only site you've been coming to ever
Jace Cox
They just hate that the whole site is now Sup Forums. I don’t blame them.
Bentley Cooper
well to be fair they just don't want political discussion about the games even though there are games with overt political discussion just like there are movies and music with the same I guess it up to the mods to decide how much they allow before sending it here
Camden Cook
Mods paid off by Soros? No thanks.
Gabriel Peterson
>browsing Sup Forums in 2018 >browsing Sup Forums after 2017 >browsing Sup Forums after 2016 >browsing Sup Forums after 2015 >browsing Sup Forums after 2014 >browsing Sup Forums after 2013 >browsing Sup Forums after 2012 >browsing Sup Forums after 2011 >browsing Sup Forums after 2010 >browsing Sup Forums after 2009 >browsing Sup Forums after 2008 >browsing Sup Forums after 2007
Parker Flores
Anime and video games are for soyboys now and that kills me.
Daniel Kelly
Keep the pressure. Eventually all boards will be under Sup Forums influence.
It's not that they are under liberal control, it's that Sup Forums is the neo-furry clan on Sup Forums. No matter whats being discussed, no matter how or why, you get one faggot in the thread who uses a Sup Forums meme like anyone gives a shit. If people want Sup Forums they'll come to Sup Forums.
Literally this. They only hate us because we are spiritually fucking them in the ass and they're too chicken shit to do anything.
Andrew Carter
Yeah. Sometimes they even start autistic threads on here, REEEEEing about "keeping your retards to your containment board". I never even venture to other boards. Perhaps, I should.
Charles Roberts
are u a newfag ? this website was always liberal /pol used to be liberal
Aaron Powell
Tribalism =! right wing
David Hall
Mods are going to get killed through supernatural means and tortured in the afterlife for collusion with the defeated forces of discord on this planet
Nah they hate you because "NIGGERS" isn't a valid contribution to any given subject matter, and thats all Sup Forums leakage pulls off. You really think the thought provoking and intellectual basis from Sup Forums goes anywhere? It doesnt. You need to go back to t_d. But in all seriousnesses Sup Forums was always contrarian, but we've always had a special hatred for off-topic bullshit. ha ha yeah jesus will smite them :DD
Wyatt Sanchez
Those are all degenerate hobby boards anyway.
Music isn't really degenerate, but Sup Forums is fucking stupid.
Oliver Gomez
Isn't /biz/ just filled with faggots shilling for their cryptos hoping to create enough hype to lure normalfags in and sell out.
Nathaniel Parker
Music, as well as dancing, is by definition degenerate.
Leo Lopez
>niggers >not a valid contribution to anything very true
Lincoln Cox
Replace "Early Adopters" with "People who want to buy drugs"
Joshua Martin
How would you even know that? You're just creating a strawman. You sound retarded and your shit is all whack. HEHEHEHE
Henry Reed
Depends what kind of music
John Reyes
/soc/ is worse. You see all these leftist trannies, women and faggots everywhere. Also a place filled with libertarian and centrist shits
Carter Parker
Maybe because I browse almost every board give or take? You seem to be under the impression Sup Forums takes with it on its journeys some kind've thought provoking content. Really it's just fucking children making everything about Jews. I'd say half of those "go back to Sup Forums" posts are in response to people complaining about "muh niggers." If that's what most other Anons see as Sup Forums,no wonder they hate most of you. If you wouldn't listen to it aloud in Church, It's degenerate.
Elijah Edwards
the entire internet is infested with libcucks as is the media, government, corporations, JEW MONEY HOLLYWEIRD. the infestation has reached critical point we have seconds to live. THE THIRD IMPACT IS UPON US AND WILL BE PIC RELATED because 3rd times a charm.
Yeah, although I don't mind faggots calling me names. What I do mind is cucked faggot-ass moderators on other boards deleting Sup Forums content when it's relevant to that board. Why can't they just let it be when it's clearly relevant
Tyler King
It also doesn't help that most cross-board Sup Forums anons are schizophrenic autists like who can't write about their desired topic without coming off as weird and gross.
Grayson Watson
People who like music, TV shows and (((modern cinema))), vidya and comic books are all bugmen. I know a guy who browses these boards and he's the stereotypical soyboy.
Who gives a shit what these subhumans think?
Noah Martin
there will never be kotor 3 or swat 5 why even live desu
Christian Barnes
soros, shariablue and JIDF throw literally millions to kill 4cuck, what you read are janitors and pajeets paid to shut down anything not considered (((politically correct))) on this site. Just look at the absolute state of Sup Forums, it went from best board to 95% (approx) shilling anti white propaganda and D&C threads
>implying all modern music, TV shows, and movies are degenerate. Boy you do realize Hollywood isn't the only producer of movies, right? Even then I can name a COUPLE Hollywood movies that aren't trash nor political.
Eli Garcia
>there will never be kotor 3 or swat 5 I want swat 5 too
Daniel Scott
>Just look at Far Cry 5 or any other game these days.
What about it. The fact that fags at Polygon and Kotaku are mad about it suggests its actually pretty good.
Nicholas Williams
Just like you don't want politics on your vidya entertainment, they dont want politics in their Sup Forums entertainment. You're a hypocrite desu
Aiden Gonzalez
No it didnt you fucking newfag. You were clearly never here for the Zimmerman trials.
Jace Fisher
Why does Far Cry 5 trigger you? All you do is kill a retarded cult
Only Sup Forums and /x/ don't care if you say nigger
Adrian Perez
>Zimmerman wow 2013 is considered oldfag
I should leave this place
Gavin Jenkins
The problem they have is that they claim that SJW logic, it's marxist.
While the people that that preaches SJW didn't grew up reading Das kapital, but reading comics and watching cartoons.
SJW it's cape comic justice, I know cause I studied actual marxist justice and justice systems and they would be considered to harsh for the SJW, they are unrealistically sanctimonious.
I want to like /biz/ but it's just bitcoin and eBay threads.
Asher Scott
Zimmerman is a latino and thus nu-Sup Forums (post 2016) would never like him.
Grayson Green
>implying all modern music, TV shows, and movies are degenerate. Everything pre-1900 music-wise is degenerate. >Boy you do realize Hollywood isn't the only producer of movies, right? Oh right, cause indie films aren't hollywood poz on steroids. Other than that you're stuck watching either Indian Bollywood garbage or Chinese propaganda films.
Jason Price
Sup Forums are fags. Liking pop culture alone is enough to tell you they are blue pilled normies
/biz/ is as racist and anti semetic as pol is im sure there are others.
Robert Nguyen
What is "SJW" to you? SJW as a term was coined in 2014 during #GamerGate incase you weren't around for that.
Landon Collins
Does it really matter?
Sup Forums is by the far the largest board with the most traffic, it is the only board that keeps Sup Forums relevant, thats probably the only reason gook moot hasnt deleted it. Without Sup Forums, Sup Forums would have gone the way of SomethingAwful years ago. The other boards are fucking dead now with the exception of Sup Forums (now second to Sup Forums in traffic) and maybe Sup Forums to a way lesser extent. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are pretty much interchangable names at this point.
>Everything pre-1900 music-wise is degenerate Y-you do know not all modern music is hedonist R&B, r-right? You can find some genuinely good orchestrations, humble songs, or rather dazzling electronic creations. >Oh right, cause indie films aren't hollywood poz on steroids. Other than that you're stuck watching either Indian Bollywood garbage or Chinese propaganda films. Movies have ALWAYS been flavor of the times. I can name plenty of films that have no objective political biases. More than actually do,even. So can you, if you weren't so harsh to judge user.
Ryder Moore
>Posting on a literal anime image board
Brody Walker
Sup Forums is racist against Indians because they've flooded the IT industry
Carson Gutierrez
No but its old for Sup Forums (excluding /new/), and definitely much older than that newest newfag I was responding to.
Juan Hughes
Sup Forums watches television less than Sup Forums plays video games
Jacob Ward
I am buying Far Cry five just to kill pseudo Christians. Gonna be a blast. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Andrew Peterson
Hello Mohamed
Ian Jenkins
Jace Bell
Funny that.
/biz/ hates pajeet too for all the scams they pull in Crypto.
Christian Kelly
I remember when I REMEMBER WHEN I LOST MY MIND there was something so pleasant about EVEN YOUR EMOTIONS have an echo IN SO MUCH SPACE
Face it, more and more people are waking up to race realism and the JQ. Nothing you snowflakes can do about it.
Connor Cooper
Haven't you learned anything from gamergate and what it did to this place? Everything has to be a leftist circlejerk for them, and if you express any opinion that they don't like they'll claim to be a victim and use it to silence you. The Left cries out in pain as they strike you.
Samuel Howard
Problem is only Sup Forums and Sup Forums give a shit.
Gavin Sanchez
>Go to the most left-leaning boards on the site >Gets surprised when he goes off-topic with niggers and jews and it receives a sour reception
Nobody cares that Sup Forums exists and posts on different boards, but everyone cares that its a bunch of try-hard redditors who barely understand "board culture" and derail threads with their stupid opinions. See pic related
By Sup Forumss logic the only boards that are redpilled are /r9k/ /s4s/ /x/ /biz/. "Colonies" like pointed out you'll still run into resistance but are more susceptible to talking to you, unlike literally every other board who doesn't give a shit.
Jacob Garcia
Sup Forums is too IMO. Just a loud vocal minority who REEEEE's every time someone calls developers out on their political bullshit.
Brandon Bailey
hate chan Sup Forums is still good
Angel Moore
>/gif/ >regular gay/bbc/fat threads. Sorry I'm going to have to deny that one.
Chase Jenkins
Take your pick.
Your redpill meme? It's something you cling to because porn and gore aren't shocking enough, for your parents who grew up with internet access.
Sup Forums is referred to as Sup Forums 2.0 for a reason. This is the kiddy pool where you can splash about mindlessly. And, if you try to wander off, you're not-so-subtly directed back to it with a
Asher Parker
They're blue pilled freaks.
Jack Harris
I'm going to keep spamming this post as I remember, but >not /bant/ Bant is literally our property.
most boards are majority right wing especially the large ones like Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Of course the few lefties tell people to fuck of to Sup Forums but they are a minority
Cooper Martinez
Brayden Campbell
Grow a thicker skin... words cant hurt you faggot unless you let them
Christopher Collins
Pool's closed you lying nigger.
Julian Moore
Those are done by your friendly neighborhood them, you know this.
every board i visit becomes Sup Forums 2.0 it's magic
Kevin Sanders
Second post most accurate post.
Adam Adams
>using triple quotes >uisng cucked >im just a regular right guy i just think the jews control us >i think diversity was created by the jews to hinder the white race. > It has nothing to do with companies trying to get more money by including people from different races and backgrounds.
Stay right fucking here in this containment board. Dont come out.
Henry Cook
Those threads are older than Sup Forums itself. /gif/ is a fetish board and /wsg/ is more suitable for your desired materials. P-please save our board.
Dominic Ross
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /r9k/, /k/, and /fit/ are your most right-wing boards.
Sup Forums, /jp/, /vp/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums are very liberal. This is from a few years ago but interesting story. >2012 >Meet girl in /vp/ thread >start dating for a while >6 months in, decides fuck it I'm a boy now >try and convince her no you're retarded >too late, we broke up and she's now a lesbian man
John Edwards
>Facts are memes. Liberals have to be the most retarded creatures on the planet. Mold and fungi are superior to leftists.
>Far Cry 5 >you can create a female character >pandering
>Sup Forums told you to fuck off At least they are honest enough to admit that they always wanted to be a qt3.14 grill. Why can't you?
Aaron Bennett
Checked. /thread.
Jaxson Foster
>A small army of subversive kikes randomly appears in this thread
If you hate Sup Forums so much why the fuck are you always here?
Oh right, becuase you got your ass blown the fuck out earlier and trying to lead people astray.
Parker Ward
people go to Sup Forums for music, not to hear about the politics they are running from. people to to Sup Forums to talk about whatever the fuck Sup Forums talks about, not to hear about the politics destroying their family. When power level dropping faggot like yourself step into there, you stand out like a sore thumb and like a redditor standing out here, you are mocked, using what you seem to hold dear the most. Chances are a lot of the people shitting on you also believe what you believe but it sure is fun swatting gnats.