How did Sup Forums manage to troll 1000's of boomers into believing this shit?
Fucking bravo
How did Sup Forums manage to troll 1000's of boomers into believing this shit?
Fucking bravo
Other urls found in this thread:
What is Q
The gayest letter in the alphabet
Like P.T. Barnum said: There's a sucker born every minute."
Because they paid off conspiracy youtubers to perpetuate their LARP. Jordan Sather comes to mind, I'm 100% convinced the Jews paid him off.
Q said this would happen.
I must of blinked and missed it.
That would be u
tick tock
Depends who you ask.
If you're/pol/ then Q is mossad.
If you're from leddit or faceberg or twatter the. Q is someone working for POTUS.
If you're a baby-boomer then Q is Jesus.
Pick which one you believe.
Q predicted boomers would fall for this
>The Q paradox
>critical thought
pick one
Inb4 frank
Oh right, I forgot to accuse him of being anon5, even though anon5 is still posting as anon5. Some people also think he's Baked Alaska, Alex Jones, etc.
"Q" Is supossed to be aware of them...
It was easy, brah.
That leaves the question who is it? Or who took it over from who?
WOW! THATS SO AMAZING! Q is aware of Israel! What a fucking revelation, my mind is blown. Q is legit confirmed.
Didn't he also say Merkel is Hitlers kid and Nazis are Marxists? I stopped paying attention.
Listen, I was there. There was 1 thread with 1 series of posts that were Q's. It was on October 30th or 31st. There were no shills in the thread and (((they))) were observing. They dropped some info and after that the Jews took over the LARP and turned it into what it is today.
How are the boomers digesting it?
They aren't. They are still pro-Jew.
Is this what Q means
Q predicted this.
He said Nazi scientists who were brought to the US for the rocket program influenced Marxists to be Nazi-esq or something. So the poor innocent Juden were corrupted by the mean ol' Nazis. I really didn't stay to find out what he meant. I told him to post proof, called him a faggot a few times and left.
I don't Understand..So it's bad If he's names the jew and it's bad if he's not doing . people always finding ways to be whiny bitches. Besides is not just about "whoa Q said this, then it's true". Off course anyone needs to lurk more to know if "Q" is a LARP or not.
This just sidestepping it Peterson style. The guy's an alt-light cuckservative only interested in anti-hillary memes and illuminati autism. He doesn't give a shit about the white race or nationalism or ethnic crime or fucking anything. Probably voted for Rubio and thinks 9/11 truth memes are cutting edge.
Heres a fun fact:
"Poor juden corrupted by the mean ol' nazis"
We all know kikes are not inocent, but you know what happens if somebody names the jew, prepare to lose your job, your home and to be rejected by others..
The same with Boomers, if somebody says something "mean" about kikes, they refuse to listen... You can't expect people to go full 14/88 without risking something
Most people, user included, don't even know he exists. If they did we wouldn't have to be explaining it.
If he expects anyone here to walk away from NatSocism he's going to need to post proof, one way or the other. It isn't about what I think, it's about what user think. If he's going to defuse this situation the attacks on whites by Jews and blacks have to stop, or at least lessen significantly, which hasn't happened. Time will tell, but until he proves things not many here will listen and I'm not going to be his cheerleader.
#DOITQ #MAGA OMG I cant believe the evil. I am crying while typing this right now. Me and hubby are redpilled now. God bless you president Trump! Praise Jebus *insert bible quote here* We will defeat the NAZIS again!
You forgot to praise Israel.
The exact same John Bircher funded NGO's as every other CNP group.
It's a LARP you low IQ nigger. Honestly. How dumb can people be. A high level insider posting on the chans. Jesus christ.
this is when I started to believe
The Invisible College. Now you have figured it out.
You're right... And Now that you mention it, I've noted this... He never adresses the anti white agenda, the fading whiteness of america and stuff like that.. That's suspicious.
Wtf does potus never crossed the line (ground) mean?
potus never crossed 38th parallel into North Korea met with Kim Jung in the forbidden city
I expect you to show Us why is he a LARP.
It's because he's not showing what we all want? Like Israeli Involvement in 9/11, the browning of america? the anti white agenda? etc... I Already told you, "Q" Target is mostly Boomers.. Talk anything bad about kikes and His message will be rejected..
and conveniently, he said 60% of info must be covered.. Again, read my previous message. I also have my doubts because because he doesn't seem pro white
Liberals also control the media, the education system and they're the ones giving money to niggers.... If the (((democrat party)) is abolished, you can say goodbye to all the anti white agendas and sjw bullshit...And you have those, because indoctrination in campuses and media.
so this girl adds me on facebook. starts telling me about Q. I play interested but recall the original one on here in October that by mid November was a full scale LARP. This poor girl admits to recently being redpilled by this Q, and sends me his youtube videos. Literally dying.
As for me? I believe the first round was legit. The rest has been BS but at least its red pilling people. I honestly think its possible some anons are guilty of the LARP going Youtube aside from the paid jewtube celebrities. Youll remember the first round if you recall which political figure from the late 50s and early 60s Q posted as OP image and were actually on this board at that time.
It's fucking hilarious I constantly see boomers on normiebook talking about shit Q said.
#hrcvideo fuckin lol
What the fuck is this Boomer meme?
hello [C]lowns [I]n [A]merica
>Meme F(l)ag
t. boomer
The mainstream became nazi-esque. You guys thinking its cultural marxism and commies, but commies propaganda is very different from what happens in the US now. Commies don't lie about facts, it's their idea to be somewhat scientific about it, and if they say silly shit that you can verify to not be true, it supposed to damage their objectivity or something along those lines. So they tend to twist conclusions. Nazis were completely shameless about their propaganda. They just lied through their teeth, and completely ignored any objections. Which is what happens now here. The media outright makes up silly shit. It's not really nazi per se, but Goebbels style propaganda. The idea is not to be caught in lies but the people wouldn't even check or believe obvious shit. Both nazis and commies were totalitarian mind-control freak shows, but methods were different. Aryans for these crop of nazis are the protected minorities. They even come up with lore to justify this silly shit. Communists were weak on lore. it was mostly, think about the science shit. And twist conclusions. But Russiagate is Goebbels as fuck. They just went with it, and its so shameless it's not going to be debunked either.
>Commies don't lie about facts
this x10
you have to get here faster if you're going to do that
They don't lie about the facts you can verify. All the lying is in processing of the events that transpired.
Take any communist crime. It's either they don't talk about it, or acknowledge known facts, and offer their explanation. It's never the typical Goebbels shit that would be random statements of contradictory shit. Look at Russiagate. Literally everything is flat out made up lie with zero basis. Then compare to pretty much any communist propaganda. That' why commies were less effective. They sell dream about the future. Goebbels was selling a completely made up reality now. Completely different approaches.
Nazis were no worse than any other civilization trying to fight back against a world overtaken by parasites. Anyone thumping the "Goebbels propaganda was the worst" tune is lying both to me and themselves.
Q in the lieu of big if true
The mainstream is commie retard. Why do you think nothing has been conserved since 1965? McCarthy was right and did nothing wrong. Operation Mockingbird was a success and is ongoing. Nazi's were the good guys. You're boomer narrative is SAD
Goebbels was not constrained by the facts. He never bothered with explanations.
Russiagate is classic Goebbels. Elon Musk is classic communist shit, with promises in the future, avoiding unpleasant facts and offering his interpretations where he can twist facts. Both are scumbags, but it's clearly different approach. Goebbels used to really piss off people when they knew that literally nothing the fucker was pushing was remotely real. Communists were redpilled when they stumbled into the never mentioned shit. Both were shit tier propaganda driven police states. Goebbels shit was much more similar to the US propaganda that commies propaganda. People who lived through both hated both of them.
It's not commie. Commie is not at all what happens in the US. They aggressively come out with "narrative". Commie propaganda is boring shit, where they really hope you don't really get into details, and believe everything will be fine in not so distant future. Commies are promising shit in the future, and completely avoid any unpleasant facts or twist them. But they don't aggressively come out screaming the narrative they want. That's Goebbels, and that's mainstream media in the US.
I'm Q, le israel is bad, Trump did nothing wrong, Hitler was pretty okay, Merkel is Hitler's daughter, Obama is a muslim brotherhood agent.
Can't go too deep feds are watching me.
Cryptic message.
Vague "prophetic" statemet
>Russiagate is classic Goebbels. Elon Musk is classic communist shit, with promises in the future, avoiding unpleasant facts and offering his interpretations where he can twist facts.
What the fuck do you think Russiagate is? They have no proof other than unnamed sources familiar with the thinking of, or (((intelligence)))) officials who also offer no proof. They btfo every trump vindication with promises that it can be changed in the future, including the legitimacy of the actual presidency. The MSM, Higher Education, ADL, SPLC Etc are communists. Similar to the bolshevik jews. A nazi speaks hard truths which is why they had several different ethnicities in the SS but were still vilified as exterminationists. Talk about moving the goal posts, the holocaust is a perfect example. The trump opposition on the left are marxist communists and the opposition on the right are globalist Zionists. Fuck Israel
take the q map down the rabbit hole
Q is real anyone with a brain knows that by now.
Only Jewish shills say Q is not real fucking obvious as hell to spot you.
Find the promise land anons , Q is breaking the internet, largest intel drop in known history, what LARP lasts for 5 months and continues to gain steam week after week instead of lose it?
If you’re lurking and on the fence just read Q posts , find the maps, search out the qresearch board, tell your friends we are taking the country back from filthy Rothschild scum.
Are you not familiar with the Frankfurt School? Their cultural communism has destroyed our culture. They began as communists and spread their diversion through American universities and now their groupthink is accepted as fact. That's communism, when 1+1= tranny/white privilege/gay pride/etc. They saw the slippery slope of cultural communism and they have succeeded.
You faggots believing Q was real was the true proof that pol now is only boomers and reddit fags
I'm sure your making a nice living on youtube talking about Q. Q reminds me of Glenn Beck, "I'm just asking questions"
Yet, none of Q's posts discuss zionism and it's control of foreign policy, media, education system etc. Q always refused to name the jew. Enjoy your larp shekels fag.
They don't have any source. It's made up from the beginning to end and probably based on projection.
You think that because Goebbels appealed to you, this is truth. The guy was aggressive liar. Again, you don't bother to check shit he said, because it's a comfortable lie. But he was lying through his teeth. How the war was going great until the Russians were on the door steps, and pretty much everything the guy said was a lie, so you can't grasp how literally everything was completely made up for the occasion.
Communists are promising feel good stuff in the future. It doesn't appeal to you, but it appeals to people who deem themselves "smart". They are not smart either. Bolsheviks promised everyone shit too, the devil was in details. Goebbels was a pathological liar.
You think that nazi is specific to aryans. You can pick any select group based on identity, and announce how great they are, what a wonderful history they had, paint some enemy, and go with it. That's really Goebbels thing. Communists believe in utopia, so they are much closer to a cult. They need massive brainwashing that is incomprehensible to anyone outside the cult. Everyone who questions them is an enemy. With Goebbels, the enemy also had an identity. You are experiencing nazi tier shit with SJW, only this time, you are the white male/jew, and they are whatever the fuck they think they are/aryans. It doesn't really have to be the German folk that benefits from being elite group. It's remarkable how they are similar to nazis in Germany in 1930s.
if its a larp its working to wake normies up to the kikery, if q "group" names the jew 6 months in they isolate the holohoax beleivers and msm sheep
>snopes debunked it so
Q is a star trek refence. It is an omnipowerful collective that values knowledge and inquisitive thoughts. Since its a larp, qanon accidently channeled all the power Sup Forums had been gathering and accidently destablized a western government with meme magic.
Q is actually a bible reference, which is why they think he is Jesus.
I'm an oldfag. Been on Sup Forums since before the Chanology days. I got caught up in the Q threads and migrated over to the new research board. The atmosphere there is pretty comfy and some serious digging goes on. It's an odd mix of oldfags, Sup Forums nazis, libertarian patriot types, militaryfags, grannyfags, and so on. But I like it there. It's where the best digging occurs now and I'm sad to say it blows Sup Forums out of the water. If you're interested in connecting the dots.... find us!
I don't know what level of jewish pilpul you're on but SJW, the far left, neo-cons all promise utopia through their communist beliefs. They promise minorities the same level of success by patronizing them and capitalising, via their cargo cult mentality. They promise equality to mentally ill and demand acceptance for sodomites and mentally ill fags and believe diversity will create our communist utopia. The MSM, education system, political establishment all succeed through their communist tactics via Rules For Radicals, by (((Alinsky))). Goebbels is a blip in history when compared to the jewish communist subversion of the western societies.
It's labels and names. The spirit of what happens is much closer to Goebbels. The guy could sell anything, really. As long as you have enough outlets broadcasting his shit. He might have been a great salesman. He made up shit for the occasion.
The only woke boomer I know of is David Duke. I'll be pleasantly suprised to see the majority of Q Boomers name the jew. More likely, they'll label anyone who talks about Zionist control of foreign policy, media, deep state, etc. As shills, which I've seem numerous times on their gay youtube streams and threads. They've been brainwashed from birth with no counter argument and I cannot fathom them breaking the conditioning. They'll just need to die off, along with their "Muh Greatest Ally" mentality.
Q is larpy bullshit. Anybody who thinks otherwise should kill herself. Why would a top-level spook come to Sup Forums to shitpost about the biggest top secret scandal in the history of the USA? Arresting half the government for treason isn't something that people in the know just run their mouths about on Sup Forums.
Every third post is someone sperging out about Revelations and condemning sinners to hell. It's tedious as fuck there and I honestly don't know how you stand it unless you are Christian as fuck. I was warming up to Christianity before, but after dealing with that shut, bleah, no ty.
arent the rothschilds rockefellers, soros, jews?
Q keeps naming the jew.
Everything you just said is complete anecdotal bullshit. Fuck off you retarded faggot
They have lore. Have you seen communist lore? Like how the shit was great and enemy fucked it up? No. You don't. Because for communist, everything good is in the future. For Nazis, on the other hand, there has to be some great tradition. Like Wakanda. That's not communist, dude. That's 100% certifiable nazi shit. Only you are the enemy who fucked it up. And if you work for them to make up for your crimes, they will reach their greatness. They will take leadership positions. How the fuck does it remotely resemble commune, which is the utopia shit commies strive for? It doesn't. But it's a lot like great aryan stories. WE WUZ KANGZ is 100% that. Women and a few fucked up tribes with matriarchy. The list goes on. The great trannies/gays in history. Communism is all, 100% forward looking. This is nazi shit, except for aryans, you have the freak show the stories are aimed at.
You keep deflecting on jewish bolshevism, which has been far more successful in the societies of western civilization versus one man, involved in one nation's nationalist movement. Jewish communist subversion brought us the immigration act of 1965, has degraded our society to the point that kids are getting hormone treatments to "become" a different gender, has convinced people all races are identical, unless the darker race demands gibs. How you can ignore all of that, and focus on one man's efforts to keep morale high in order to attempt to win a war against ZOG, is laughable. Your one man argument versus the established communists who lie to your daughter when she enters college and convinces her to date a tyrone so she can virtue signal against the accomplishes of her family, is communism.
Go post on their cripplechan board how naming the Rothschilds is naming the Jew and watch them scream denials at you.
Communism is about tearing apart society for the utopia. Don't forget the means to their end
you fucks STOP IT
my dad is in the defense department and he believes 100% that Q is real. Just stop it already
Guy from James Bond who gives 007 gadgets.
"We are not utopians."-Marx, Lenin, Tito
Confirmed. His dad and the department of defense just flew over my wife's son's house.
Oh my, a larp named a conspiracy boogyman. Thank god they didn't mention all the jews in the CIA or the Council of Foreign Relations who got us into war with blatent lies. There is verifiable shit about zionist subversion yet Q larps about a Rothschild plane crash. Cool!
Confirmed. My dad is here at my house playing wii with me while moms rapper friend comes to hang out in her room.
This is not only a fun fact but it's also true
I hope they didn't wake Lil Tyrone. His boomee grandparents have to babysit tomorrow and might miss the next larp livestream where Lionel asks a bunch of retarded hypotheticals and refuses to actually disclose known subversion by jews and zionist allys