So Sup Forums, as an American where we've never been over 90% white 10% other, we've never really had an ethnostate.
It took us roughly 65ish years give or take to let immigration drag us down to 56%
But in one foul swoop, the effective ethnostates of Sweden, Germany, UK, etc have been brought from 99.5%+ ethnic homogeneity, on par with that of China, Japan etc to 80% if they're lucky. All of this is the span of maybe 15-30 years, depending on the country. This is 2x as quickly as America's racial conquest.
>What does it feel like going from perfection to being ruled by your lessers on the streets you grew up on?
Good bye Europe
It's okay if you're embarrassed and can't reply
We know the truth Europe
Germany is 94% white though. Its about 20% immigrant but that is counting Danes, Swedes, Brits, French and so on. Its like Denmark that is 90% ethnical danish and 10% immigrant. But if you look at the black percentage and the shitskin percentage is 0.2% for blacks and 5% for shitskins. Its really bad but no where near what you claim.
Germany is less than 83% white, check again
White people did it to themselves.
If it isnt some coal burning white whore it's a white knight cuck defending her.
Let it all burn.
they would start executing their own citizens if it meant not being 88%.
Why do we have these bullshit threads again?
All of the west and soon even slavic countries are and will be fucked beyond repair.
We need to stand together or else we will vanish.
>>What does it feel like going from perfection to being ruled by your lessers on the streets you grew up on?
Literally heartbreaking.
>80% white
lolno they wish
is this a contest who has less niggers?
It's about the rates, not the current numbers
You'll overtake us in less than 25 years
Sweden in less than 20
>With respect to European Americans, the percentages are much more different than African Americans or Latinos, with European American genomes being 98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American. In general, the numbers seem to agree with what one would expect given the history of American colonization by Europeans and their interactions with African and Native Americans
The mutt meme is 100% projection.
>All these butthurt faggots arguing percentages rather than arguing how to stop and reverse the damage
american put the Turks there Americans still control Germnay
help us lads, and we shall help you, we love you burgers
so, mealy mouth faggot locust
you need to die im not reading anything past that
Frankly someone needs to kill or expel non-whites. Any little bit helps.
he's right.
so whats the plan faggots
As always I offer you to take our whites from us.
And we're all losing.
Where in Europe was this?
do you think Canada will end up the same
One race, the human race.
im guessing germany or sweden
We will, hold the line and be ready.
You think the juden d&c threads are a joke? They are very real and work amazingly well.
only if they are cute castizas
We want to help you but you guys keep hurting our delicate feelings.
we're already like 65% white at best
Thank you based Atlantic Ocean.
Thank you based Bill of Rights.
Thank you based Trump.
God bless the USA!
Did you know only 1 in 5 arson cases are ever solved?