Gay, born with out or a choice pol?

Gay, born with out or a choice pol?
Is estorgen and soy leading to the rise of gay

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i think its enviromwntal

Are Americlaps even trying anymore?

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Well no duh it is the new age of Aqueerius. Go search them stars.

The tides turned, the big wave. What did he say about bridegrooms wedding, so as above so below we will have no sex. Cheese and rice. They twisted his words and shit got mainfested wrong. No grave image book in the end it clearly says everything they manifested will come about that's why you should always stick to just word of mouth no problems and Jesus didn't write one word down.

memefags found your post

Attached: grrmsoyboy.jpg (623x467, 43K)

Some men are born to be priests. They either stay celibate or fuck kids

Isn't this political incorrect?

Attached: dont eat soy.png (637x825, 345K)

Lack of Vitamin D During infant brain development.


that chemical they put in plastic is.

It couldn't be from keeping little radio active devices in their pockets? It had to be from soy cause everyone drinks that milk right?

soy is in every food and has a link to estorgwn

So this problem has been going on way longer than anyone knew. Shit get a fork and stick me in the ass I am done for.

I thought it was just in the soy milk. Fml im going to be living with a bunch of pussies.

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Genome-Wide Association Study of Male Sexual Orientation:

Female relatives of male homosexuals have 1.3x as many kids:

News article summarizing the study:

Bisexual females have more teen pregnancies:


Straight males carry gay genes:

Attached: GayGenerations.png (1934x1038, 471K)

Damn Jonez and his big mouth. Will caveman turn us back?

>gay genes
>flag and reddit spacing

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They use the 6 color rainbow get it right. You made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Thanks.

Schrondinger's Jew strikes again

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Is soy grown in California or where?

Seriously where do they grow this tainted soy?

We really should have all this soy stuff contained and traced back to the ferry dusters.

are u done yet

As soon as you tell me where they grow it.

Am i like on the wrong side of things i thought we were all having fun. Apparently this isn't a joking matter?

Just dont worry guys i will find it for you and get the special antidepressants. Googlenight, don't be GaY.

Seriously heavy work is the church still blessing these crops too? Let me guess it's all grown in the middle of Jueville.