Why does Sup Forums suck so much lately?

Why does Sup Forums suck so much lately?

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dk. are you a Fed?

Why does the stock market rebound?


the election slowly turned this place in to facebook meets stormfront

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sorry, I'll try harder.

Maybe visiting bait threads has something to do with it. Try joining into legitimate conversations.
It is people like you who taint a movement by spreading demoralizing complaints. Traitors get the bullet first, remember that

Lots far left scum bags on here funded by Soros.

Trying spread propaganda

And lots people eu shit

Anti brxit shit

because ops like you are a faggot

You're, amongst few, the reason why this board sucks.

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>mods like to remove enjoyable and interesting threads while having the usual hot garbage from outsiders remained
>Sup Forums, stormfags, underage and boomer redditors, loud faggots who cry about shills all the time and reply to them, fucking retards

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Reddit goyboys trying to jump on the bandwagon and jewish spammers trying to mislead said reddit goyboys (as they do)

Stormfronters, baby boomers and normies flooded this board
They actually think an imageboard on an anine website made for ironic nazi shitposting is the last bastion against some sort of cultural war against the white race and that somehow they are going to "gas the jews" and "rope the degenerates",etc

Basically it's normies being retarded, as always

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too much emphasis on fucking garbage e-celebs that have never written more than 2 pages of critical thinking.

Instead of reading and researching real philosophers and worth while thinkers, most of nu/pol/ loves to shitposts about those whores who got denied entrance in the UK

Literally who the fuck cares yet you niggers LOVE to discuss the most useless shit ever.

Every single e-celeb thread is a hidden thread in my book.

I think lots of people have been turned off by the blatant uninvestigated mass murder false flags in the USA, pretty much destroying any illusions anyone had of there being a free government anywhere.

newfags and gay mods.

They really take this place too seriously, no? I would bet that they are the only ones who repeat these rundown catchphrases, Sup Forums memes and everything that brings zero originality. But God forbid if they're told to shut up. That only means that shariablue shills are in the thread. But seriously, of those faggots only the 90IQ Amerilard Christians at least try to explaing things before condemning you to eternal hellfire.

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Because you’re filling it with shitty threads.

This is also true. Posts that are clearly joking or playing devil's advocate get taken at face value and are barraged with ad hominems and accusations of shilling. It's impossible to have a discussion any more because if you try to represent the other side you just invite shitposting. Sup Forums is becoming an echo chamber just like the places it claims to hate.

too many feds


Whiter than you Mohammad

Spring break.

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>Compromised mods (there is a rat or 2 sitting and banning people for the simplest shit like sage)
>lots of fucking shilling 24/7 due to butthurt lefties and jews
>as a result of the above, some anons just left for the time being and are hoping for the thing to become better and are just lurking now.
Don't give up hope. We will prevail and we will see the day of the rope and every cunt will hang high.

>100 of these same threads on Sup Forums
>retards still reply because they're from plebbit
kys, all of you

too many italians