It's true. The left can't meme for shit.
Unironically true
Damn check out all those new holes to dilate!
would be accurate if the 'transgender' wolf had a single arrow he was stabbing herself with
Anyone that says transexuals shouldn't be allowed in the military, implying they aren't fit or tough enough for combat, has obviously never met a transexual. Every transexual person I know is tough as nails and doesn't cower to bullies.
this but unironically
Post more of these memes
this but ironically
>People who take actual bullets, lose limbs and die.
>"People" who are mentally ill and take hormone drugs and chop off their genitals.
and every transgender in the military is unable to deploy because of the hormones.
they're literally useless in a military capacity.
kys. just like 30% of the trannies
We should make a transgender unit exclusively for suicide missions since apparently they are all Rambos.
That's not why trannies aren't allowed in the military.
Its because trannies have really huge health bills which would pass on to the common taxpayer.
I sure hope this is true since I have no interest in defending a degenerate society that allows trannys to serve. I look forward to them strapping tanks of gasoline to their backs and charging up a hill with female marines to roast out Japs from pillboxes someday. In the meantime, I'll be home wishing them the best.
>doesn't cower to bullies
That doesn't match with their suicide rate.
>an undercover team composed of military trannies in their 30s, all on full make up and trap gear
sounds like you can make 1b in hollywood with that movie
lol nah
>implying sticks and stones and scraped knees compares to the epic novella of conflict derived deep in the minds of the most awake
>thick as nails
Except for their gender, that's fluid apparently.
all those dildoholsters!
Yeah everyone with a mental illness should have a gun, especially when more than half of them are suicidal
Military vets
>Fought against the face of death
>Watched their friends get blown into bloody gobs
>Entire country on their shoulders
>Wore the brunt of savage retards trying to kill them for the idiotic belief that doing so would net them 72 virgins.
>Harsh conditions often 10 days without food on 100 mile treks filled with mines and enemies at every turn
>Forced to do all this with months in between ever seeing your families face.
>Wahhh someone misgendered me by using the wrong pronoun!
>My life is so hard!
Whoever believes this image unironically deserves to be gassed, then resuscitated and gassed again 100 times.
Totally not a falseflag meme created by OP lol!
it's past your bedtime /r/the_donald
both deserve nothing more than the other
Trannies choose to shove arrows in their bodies, vets are getting the shaft by government run healthcare
so are they saying it's going to fuck that pup?