The state of Britain 2018

British officer gets arrested after trying to search a suspect for drugs. Normalfags on social media cheer for the suspect of cours

Attached: g4IxdqMqwTG8vYAF.webm (180x320, 1.12M)

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Get your shit together Plantagenet.


UK's police are literally a meme bro, We've established this a long time ago.

Its set up your actual morons, the guy on the floor was not even struggling

so anyone could go to the UK and literally take over the government with their bare hands? anyone wanna hang out this weekend and take over england?

this was a guy in a police uniform on halloween

Attached: m8.jpg (250x238, 7K)

Bobby’s could use some 2nd Amendment

Fake and gay

literal put his hands behind his back
why can't niggers do this?!?!??!?!?1@?#!@?$!1y42
b 4tu/yhwerty./sfgh'kn arpiguhq3p5th1qe'rg, a/fglkn

Proof please? Holyfuck I dont know why this is making me feel so bad. Not even Sweden is this bad
if this is true.

And the Police dont patrol by themselves, always in pairs and you can be sure the other copper would be all over the guy unless he was also getting himself arrested by Jamal
Calm down you spastic its not real

Is he being detained?

Let me guess this one is fake too?
Come guys everyone knows your police are a fucking joke. Just own it man.

Attached: UkCops.jpg (607x608, 44K)

Yes, the kind gentleman informed the police officer that his search was racist so the police officer lied down and allowed the man to arrest him

The absolute state of British excuses
Like that one time a white Briton got undressed by a nig and Brits on Sup Forums kept saying he was actually a Pole

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Looks like police officer is the favorite Halloween disguisment in Britain

Attached: 0fbezxr.jpg (411x372, 81K)

Count me in. Reverse colonization.

Guise! Guise!
Its uh... uh... FAKE COPS!!!

How does the government intend to become a police state with the absolute shower of shit that make up our force?

Na this one is most likely real, brainless niggers probabley harrased the brainless police for a "funny photo"

it probably is desu. Tbh famalam europe cops are pussies compare to Canada and US but that's because they never had problems until now

No, Mr. FBI agent, I do not want to commit private hostile acts against a sovereign nation with you, but you might consider passing up the line a message to your deep state masters: Britain in ripe for liberation and regime change with concomitant institution of freedomz like the right to speak freely and to bear arms. I hear they have oil under London, and nobody lives there except the same sort of brown peoples we usually fight.


yea sure.....

at least when a terrorist attack happens out officers don't stand about whilst kids are being tortured to death.
Son, sit down and be humble, remember - I am, and always will be your father.

There are many legit reasons to laugh at us, you don't have to add fakes to it you know.

This is a trollstation thing I'm pretty sure. One of those pranks.
Our police are absolutely pathetic, still, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's true.


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Okay now i know you are memeing

Attached: UK.jpg (960x452, 58K)

>hahah britain is a totalitarian shithole
>hahaha britains police are a joke

Attached: Murica.gif (267x200, 567K)

>meme flag
>retarded comment
in the trash it goes.

Are those people on the bottom supposed to be specific individuals or just a happy white couple?

its real

Attached: download.jpg (567x320, 67K)

Pu... Please obey. Put your weapon in t.. the bin please. It's against the law. Also I see you watching BBC without a license. Would you mind turning it off? Sir? Please...

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>on-going terrorist attack
>long term child abuse
pick 1

Attached: betrayal.jpg (624x810, 133K)

Suppose this guy got caught by CCTV?

How the mighty have fallen

Attached: britishpolice.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Turns out it was actually a cop in plain clothes arresting a criminal dressed as a cop
Based British police, innit

Attached: 2azs.jpg (155x160, 10K)

>God I wish that was me

Probably, they wipe everything from clearnet that makes them look dumb though

>can't even deal with some dumb third worlders
>mexican police has to deal with people that make ISIS look like kids

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I don't even

Attached: 0fbezxrs.jpg (529x627, 86K)

its from a youtube channel called "TrollStation" and the channel says its fake down in the comments of the video. KYS faggot

Attached: british police.gif (400x224, 3.99M)

Yeah, but I figure there's really no way to get away with crimes in the UK (unless you're a muzzie amirite) since they can just use the ubiquitous cameras to find out where he lives.

British police are a complete joke, we know already.





Oi luv!
Got a loicense for that there butta knife?

Attached: Sir!.jpg (634x857, 84K)

Hot Fuzz is a documentary about British Police, not a comedy.

Attached: hotfuzz_3040120k.jpg (858x536, 255K)

My favorite vid of cuckdon

Yea you guys just stand and watch those slags get dragged and raped in underground sex dungeons. Move aside for the mighty British Empire!

Guess i know where im going on halloween.

Attached: britishpolice.webm (362x640, 1.45M)


Martin Sellner and his e-thot gf. You must have missed the passed couple days user.


I've read so much shit about the UK lately, hasn't been a good week for you guys.

>Be French calphite
>Lose 4 world wars
>Thinks it has the right to laugh at the british calphite

Our brothers will come for you Kafir.

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>meanwhile the raid white persons house
>take items out of his house and sell them on an auction
>to fund BBCs Troy with "interracial threesome".

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> "interracial threesome".

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I don't really follow internet celebrity gossip. This is my first time posting on Sup Forums in months. I'm incredibly bored.

Thanks for replying though.

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quality (you) my friend, thanks


Somehow racists and Russians are to blame for this

As much as I think the UK should be the 51st state my mom is making me some tendies this weekend so I'm afraid I can't go.

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Fuck, UK is the laughing stock of Sup Forums today, what a bunch of pussies. Worthless fucking pussies. You dont deserve to have children bongs, you arent even men. Pathetic. You are worthless. Might as well drop your trousers and let ol Jamal stick it up your bum.

>Male pattern baldness
I know those feelz

bruh that officer clearly threw back his right hand to be cuffed. is he just this much of a cuck or fake? Sad.

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I just can't believe this is fucking real.

>british royalty meeting with lebron james to take photos that could be on a cuck porn thumbnail.

What in the fuck is going on ????

they only police the ones that follow the laws, now go pay your tv tax you sub-manlet faggot

would have been just as cost effective to pay each person who watch it a tenner

Hey seeing that Helen seems white shouldn't we be calling them out on racism seeing that Helen was supposed to be the most beautiful person in the world. Why not a negress? racist morons.

The elite intend to ride it out as long as possible. Probably why they're passing laws restricting things like internet porn. As this would just open up the gateway for further government encroachment on internet freedoms, much like what the PATRIOT act was for our civil freedoms.


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>Mexico's police sides with them

>The absolute fucking state of England
This shit is like a Monty Python skit.

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