WTF do I do now? I can't afford a kid and we've only been seeing each other for 5 months.
Girlfriend just told me shes pregnant
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Burn in hell
Here's what you do... pack up your post and take it to /adv/, or /bant/. Then you tell your boss at JIDF/Shareblue/Antifa that you quit your job shit posting on Sup Forums
You fucking man up and try to raise that child into a good adult. Also kys for making a thread on Sup Forums about this
Don't worry. It's not yours.
Your life will have some meaning now whether you want it or not. Good luck and keep your chin up for your child. It's not that hard.
Can’t pay the fine, don’t commit the crime.
You made a decision, now be a man about it. Unless you want to be in the same boat as all the black and white trash males that abandon their children that I’m sure you shittalked at some point.
Did I click on your fucking blog, shithead?
This is off-topic.
Fucking loser
You save the white race.
do gay porn, it's easy money
god has chosen
raise it well
Doesn't matter, if you don't have money the state gives you some. Sage for blog cancer
Man up and stop behaving like a helpless woman.
Listen to these anons OP you will be alright. This is a blessing not a curse
Man up and take care of your mulatto baby.
Man up, playtime's over
>I can't afford a kid and we've only been seeing each other for 5 months.
youre a nigger
>I can't afford a kid
You can.
Literally happened to me two years ago, have my own place stepped up and got a beautiful child who adds dimensions to life I never thought possible.
tl;dr stop being a nig
Congrats. Mines due in july and we can't really afford it either but you just make it work apparently.
What race is it?
>youre a nigger
So, an American?
I think you’re confusing Sup Forums for Sup Forums again, OP. You silly faggot, you.
Get married and get the gibs. You'll automatically qualify for food stamps if you make under a certain amount and if you marry her you get $1000 tax credit per child.
you were warned. Try to make the best and find new meaning in your coming life change. Just don't be that user that comes to Sup Forums and tries to convince others to make the same mistakes as you.
Were you actually ejaculating inside of her with no condom?
What's it like not knowing the way of the Dao?
You fucking retard man up and raise that kid
Don't marry her and get single mother welfare like minorities do
Ask your parents for help.
1) Propose to her
2) Get a second job
3) Ask parents/community/church for help
You'll be ok. Change your mindset and stay positive. If you need to get a better paying job then you've got to do that. Giddy up cowboy.
Listen to me user, and listen good:
You CAN afford a kid. This is your time. You will have a wrecked life if you abort and the relationship w the girl will be over.
You need to take the lead and show the girl this is what you want and you're willing to do what it takes to make it work. DO NOT GIVE IN TO FEAR.
Also, a life tip here- you can and will make however much money you need to make- there's a metaphysical aspect to this, but if you don't believe in God now's a good time to start, bc your life will be a living hell if you don't have the baby.
You may have to cut some things out and change some things you're doing- you may have to get a second job... But the incredible thing is that when you're working for your child and family you will find previously unknown reserves of energy and strength- this is becoming a man. Embrace it. This in not a sad pepe meme moment- this is the best thing that ever happened to you. Trust me.
no more anime, vidya, and tendies for you
That depends... are you and your GF white?
tell her you break up with her for speaking out of turn.
>Girlfriend just told me shes pregnant....
Did you give informed consent to the pregnancy?
When you were having sex, did she tell you that she was using birth control? Did she tell you that she was ovulating? Did she tell you about the chances of becoming pregnant? Knowing all that, did you still have sex with her?
You didn't know? Then you've been Raped my friend. A man who does not consent to a pregnancy and has had his sperm stolen from him has been raped.
You have three options, faggot.
1. Man the fuck up, take responsibility and raise that child proper.
2. Be a pussy and leave her, anyone who catches wind of what you did will likely be disgusted by your cowardly choice.
3. Kill yourself.
First of all why were you fucking without some kind of contraception?
As for what you do? You get married and work overtime to support the kiddo.
>youre a nigger
If this is true OP then just bounce
Persaude her to get an abortion
Get on welfare and claim Indian ancestry.
Nice name, memeflag
Being a father is the most fulfilling thing you can be, so - if it is yours - raise it to be a good person.
Also may as well marry now, a child born to a fractured family is statistically horrendous.
fucking kek this made me lose it
Listen to this guy OP. Don't be a nigger, find strength in god and raise this kid right
Rip your life and your money.
3DPD not even once. I'll take a shot in your memory tonight, OP, and maybe one for your wife's son too if I'm feeling spry.
Knowing just how far women are able to go at times, I'd do a swab test to see whether the kid is really yours. If it's yours, man the fuck up and provide for the child, even if you don't want to stay with her. But ideally, stay with her, raise the kid right and take care of the mess that you've created.