Why would Anthony Weiner cheat on her?
Why would Anthony Weiner cheat on her?
her teeth probably scrape dick every fucking time
because when your marriage is merely a political match and a sham it's not actually cheating
because she's not 13
Fpbp and also fpwp because the truth hurts
She could just give you a footjob instead
Would you kiss somebody whose breath smells like Clinton's yeastbox?
Weiner should make a Fakeapp of her and Hillary in la fragrande delecto, use it in the divorce proceedings.
She probably has a very meaty vag and doesn't suck a mean dick on a daily
Too old for him
These weren't supposed to be leaked yet you sneaky cunt.
Post more Huma
The same reason all men cheat: Boredom. Doesn't matter how good looking she is, you get tired of fucking her after a while.
Pls be in HOUSTON!
Any more nudes?
A sandwhich maker hasn't steered me wrong yet.
Fuck off, dishwasher.
Damn. Imagine being stuck with one woman the rest of your life. Just one body with 2 breasts and one pussy. Imagine doing all that you could have done within a couple of years, and the rest is all a miserable act just for the sake of preserving marriage.
Hopefully its the family and all that can provide in the future. Image being 70 and not having a wife and kids. Imagine being that guy. The future is the reason we sacrifice in the present.
I would never get bored of Huma
>manspreading in 2018
They give you internet access in prison, Jared?
I said for him, not for me.
But you'll find out soon enough on your own.
>it's user's 1st realisation that he's going to be alone for the rest of his life because of his immature retarded attitudes.
I would Huma her Abedin all day everyday.
Except when I'm babysitting my kid - that's dickpic posting time....
She got creampied by some néegers and she liked it so much it sapped all her strength so she had to crawl all the way back home on her hands and knees while all that nut dripped out of her desert cooch and onto the floor... and when she turned back and looked at the trail of cum she was leaving like a snail.. she became saddened for she felt the seed of all those black males were abandoning her...apart of her was forever gone when she submitted all of her soul and pussy to all those young black males (98' Chicago Bulls) and now their bbc african seed was going to waste on the concrete floor...she considered licking it all up but had to get back to her hubby and give him some of that nigger protein or he will throw a fit. The end.
I agree with you OP I think she's hot. Weiner is a dumbass
It's an impulse thing.
Guy can have a 10/10 at home and still have the urge to bang loads of sluts.
Her pussy stinks.
Tired of the same pussy.
Toasted please.
What did she ever see in that fag?
Mom said go clean your room.............
You all should watch their docu on Showtime. Shes a fridgid birch who resents him.
her vagina is sewed up too tight?
Don't try to understand it, just be grateful you aren't like them.
Her mouth tastes like mummified fish
Praise Yahweh!
What if she just didn’t put out or didn’t give head ?
You only say that because you're incel or sex is really rare and precious to you.
too old
position of power.
A way to get islam into american politics
She's doesn't look like a nine year old
She's Hillary's right hand ho. Do you seriously not think that she's a turbo cunt?
Reasons why Weiner cheated
1. Her family are literal terrorists who were responsible for the Suez crisis
2. Her brother is a notorious arms dealer who helped the Russian mafia run Ukrainian guns into Africa; he's one of the people "The Lord of War" is based around
3. She was a horrible informant and weak ass spy for Saudi aligned powers in Washington, without Clinton she would have been rolled up and thrown out long ago
4. She's dumber then a sack of bricks
5. Shes gay for Hillary, Anthony was tired of being the beta / bottom bitch in a power couple where Bill Clinton set him up to be a Beard
6. Anthony was tired of covering for Hillary's dumb schemes. Its one thing to be forced to do 4 out of 7 nights a week at some rubber chicken gala, its another level of "commitment" to help your waifu embezzle and launder 10 billion dollars, knowing full well you are going to be killed the second this thing goes tits up
7. Knowing you flushed your career down the toilet, you are addicted to sex and will never go down in history as a "good guy", despite working 19 hour days, 7 days a week for a system which you know will kill you in the end, to make room for the next bagman.
8. You know it will not only end and end badly for you, but you also know nothing matters right now; you can cheat and the damage done to HRC will give you a get out of jail free card by association.