
Is there a point in resisting Trudeau's "charms"? Are we too far gone to be saved?

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Get that King, errr, I mean "Queen" Soyboy out of there, and you might still have a shot.

Canada's new fag I mean flag?

I don't think he will win another term. Half the population that voted for him only voted because he was supposed to make pot legal. They were too stupid to realize that didn't mean decriminalized and are now upset over his actual legalize strategy. They won't be repeat voters.

I thought he was going for full legalization this July.

the chains are made of gibs and weed so no one gives a fuck including me

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Oh shit, looks like he might be "postponing" the issue, perhaps to give himself a platform for the coming election. As expected of Truecuck.

Legalization is not the same as decriminalization. People wanted him to just remove penalties for selling and getting caught with pot. Anyone with a brain knew he was going to make selling pot still illegal but it would be controlled like alcohol. It will be legal in july, but the plan is not what the voters wanted. Sucks for them I guess. It's been great to read the butthurt on facebook about it anyways.


Yeah, they can do that. That's fine. I also know of many libs that want kathleen wynne out of office anyways so Ontario may finally be conservative again. All the min wage increases by the wynne government just show how desperate they are to get the next vote.

What could you possibly have against this man?

He is everything we could want in a leader.

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I'm not sure I follow. What you said is literally on the Liberal website. I'm sure they've campaigned on an alcohol-like regulated system of selling weed. I always assumed people wanted it legal because, in their minds, legal = free from social stigma. The official way of getting pot will surely be more expensive than getting it from a dealer, given Trudeau's love of vacations.

He's going to get destroyed in the next election, especially if Doug Ford is even remotely better than Wynne.

Everyone is sick of political correctness and higher taxes. It's not a popular platform.

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I'm surprised that NDP is still losing to the Liberals in Ontario.

la cuckolcabra del norte

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That's not what people want.
That's what the Government wants to get tax revenue. People just want unregulated weed in stores, just like we want unregulated alcohol at the grocery store.
We don't want front-facing Government/One corporation owned control boards with 3x the retail prices.

Even so, I'm not convinced he will even legalize weed this year. It's probably he best bet of winning the 2019 election. There are enough social conservatives that don't want weed legal that Scheer won't know where to stand on the issue.

Organize the death squads now.

When Trudeau first announced his legalization platform everyone who voted for him thought he meant decriminalization. Where people could buy, and smoke weed with no consequence from their dealers. Trudeau is proposing legalization but taxation like alcohol. Still illegal to buy from your buddy, but legal to get at an LCBO type store. More expensive than before, with added penalties for driving under the influence. All of my lib friends voted for Trudeau thinking he was just going to decriminalize.

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Yeah, I was skeptical of Summer 2018 purely because of the date being so close to election 2019. Very tempting for him (and by "him" I mean his butt-buddy Gerald Butts) to hold it off as material for the election. Hopefully the stoners aren't brain damaged enough to fall for it.

Their candidate is shitty. Same reason the Conservatives lost to the liberals last election, bad candidate.
Brown was a shit candidate, everyone is glad he is gone. All of the potential candidates were way better than Brown. Doug is OK, I think he really is the best candidate policy wise though

- Eliminate Carbon taxes, fuck Trudeau
- Remove new sex-ed program teaching LGBT none sense
- Stop increases to minimum wage, reduce taxes to 0 or near 0 on incomes below $30,000 instead
- Not really for or against abortion.
- Make huge spending cuts and balance the budget
- Lower taxes and encourage more business to come to the province.

I pretty much agree with his policies around the board. He's going to win in a landslide, so long as he doesn't try to be Trump.

But if the conservatives aren't going to legalize it at all, the Liberals will still get the pot head vote no matter what. NDP can try to take votes, and not to be racist, but he's brown and no one in Quebec will vote for him.

As much as I dislike weed, the liberal governments plan to legalize isn't half bad. If the conservative government just runs with it, they will get at least some of the pot head vote.

>soon twinkle toes soon

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That's strange, I always assumed the former, not the latter, even during the 2015 elections. I think the liquor stores were brought up at some point so I always associated Trudeau's weed policy to be putting them in the same position as alcohol. Although, if one were to perceive weed = cigarettes, I guess one would believe in the grocery store scenario.

Liberals have out-NDP'd the NDP at this point. As for the weed thing, Liberals can be dissociated with weed if the Conservatives manage to convince stoners that the Liberals will never legalize weed, taking weed out of the game entirely. Although, good luck with the Conservatives getting that to happen.

Thanks for giving me material, leafs

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el motorizado lardo del americano

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The NDP needs to focus on Unions and Jobs, that was always their strength. But it's hard to focus on union workers when all the good jobs are gone and everyone works for minimum wage, then the "union" becomes the Government, and wages become welfare.

If the NDP tries to out social justice Trudeau, the federal election is going to be like 10% Liberal, 15% NDP and 75% Conservative. And not because Scheer is a good candidate, simply because people are sick of political correctness.

I wish these retarded lefties would realize that their stupid political correctness is the primary reason why Doug Ford and Donald Trump win elections. The more they freak out about nothing, the more people just want to see them pissed off. Nobody on the street I know actually likes social justice. Even the Chomsky reading socialists think SJ is going to far.

I don't know a single person who likes Trudeau. The Liberals are fucking done in the next election.

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I would really like to believe Omar Khadr, Joshua Boyle and the fucking India trip were turning points.

He will win again because there isnt anyone else to vote for and every woman and shitskin is going to vote for the drama teacher

Far right leaf discord.
Actually trying to make something, join if interested.

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yeah, if Scheer doesn't have any major scandals and actually differentiates himself from Trudeau he should win

India trip absolutely was in terms of destroying his "cool dude" vibe, he became a cringelord overnight. People were sharing memes at my work joking on it and this place was heavily pro-Trudeau (but mostly anti-Harper was the sentiment) during the election

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I'm worried he won't, and he will lean left on all the stupid SJW topics, like feminism and racial equality.
We don't need any fucking laws passed for that shit, the point of equality is to NOT have laws that prevent people from working. And he needs to cut all funding for any LGBT, feminist or social justice program. It's a waste of tax payer money keeping professional protesters employed.

sadly I think it's likely he won't be much different than Trudeau aside from being more conventional instead of flamboyant.

Doug Ford is the real hope of Canadian conservatives, he was acknowledging the effectiveness of Trump's economic policies. If he wins in the liberal stronghold of Ontario should hopefully send a message to the federal Tories that some form of Trumpism is viable in Canada.

He's too much even for this gay pride parade.

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We could have had Mad Max :(

You should convince Lee Goldson to kill Trudeau

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I feel like he's some weird sort of a gift for humanity so that we can realize how pointless and utterly stupid the political stage really is. It's all just so absurd.

Trudeau is like a drill that runs perpetually. Just when you think he's hit rock bottom, he digs deeper. Truly a sign to peoplekind.

Kek. Fucking Trudeau.