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FORD Nation
Politics related.
Newly elected Ontario PC Party Leader Doug Ford pushed back against comparisons to U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday, but went on to praise some of Trump’s economic policies.
“We’ve been in politics for 30 years, before even Donald Trump even existed,” said Ford, whose father was a PC MPP and whose brother Rob served as mayor of Toronto.
“But I’ll tell you one thing,” Ford said in the interview on CTV’s Power Play. “You look south of the border, trillions of dollars are coming into the country. They had the highest corporate tax rate, 36 per cent, down to 21 per cent. Manufacturing jobs are coming in by the droves. One of the lowest unemployment (rates) in 20 years,” Ford said.
fuck off jordan. give me my money
i want some milk, your hogging all the milk. from beyond the grave.
Rob had that street cred tho, has Doug smoked crack with the homies yet?
Let he who is without sin cast the first rock
Guy signed up members in wrong riding intentionally to stuff the ballot box. The Ford brothers were the biggest crystal meth dealers in Etobicoke. These fuckers are going to give Wynn another election and ensure Ontario NDP have the slush funds to cripple Canada for their foreign (Russian ) backers.
Prove me wrong in 2years. Screen cap this shit.
Thanks kek.
Fuck you.
rob ford was the greatest american who was accidentally not born in america, we lost a great hero with his passing. have to do whats right and elect his successor.
Canadians blindly vote for change. Prove me wrong.
Now Doug Ford will be next.
Wouldn't surprise me if Scheer gets in either.
lawl, got sauce shill?
Lol, muh Russians too.
Shit, I'm talking to the Libtard apparatus, aren't I?
that whole story took on a different character when we found out he had cancer and was dying
This image
My heat breaks.
Look at this man.
oh man...look at him. holy shit.
the pain is visceral. i feel the pain.
Why doesn’t he just smoke more crack
>In his illness and death, Rob Ford helped draw attention to a rare and still little-understood form of cancer.
>Sarcomas, or soft connective tissue cancers, make up less than one per cent of all cancers diagnosed in Canada. And Ford's rare form - liposarcoma -- made up just 15 per cent of that one per cent.
>The disease is so rare, it is diagnosed in only a few dozen patients in Canada each year. What's more, the form afflicting Ford -- pleomorphic liposarcoma -- is the rarest subtype of liposarcoma.
Rob was killed by the Illuminati.
I do, but I promised a certain dead finance minister I would be loyal to the party and not bring up dead horses. Specifically those related to Adena Springs.
And yes, so long as Andrew does not make dumb moves CPC is polling at 48% vs LPC at 31%. We just need to keep signing up members and training for the big show.
another bump that always had me wondering.
Keep your opsec tight Doug
No, you can pull the Elections Canada rolls and trace donors. We do it all the time when tracking the Chinese money bundling / laundering entering the LPC. You can do the same by pulling the corporate registries and offshore holdings for major bundles and cash cycles.
TLDR: Vivian Kraus the election database. Its not hard.
Literally ANYTHING is better than Wynne, holy fucking shit. The PCs had better NOT fuck this up like they have for the last terms. Like come on, it's being handed to them on a silver platter. The door is wide open. All they have to do is not trip. Just push that sword into the heart of the debt dyke.
Adding larp to menu?
You are confusing provincial and federal elections, glowing.
Are you kidding me? This dude is BASED
Sauce or larp larp larp
I'm actually not. The head of the NDP party is their federal branch & leader. The backbone of the NDP party is their municipal unions and local wings who also volunteer in the federal ridings and are shipped to other provinces to volunteer.
Or believe what you want. I cba to red pill you fuckers right now.
Is it a coincidence that conservative politicians receive the most heartfelt obits and emotional outpouring from the people?
Jim Flaherty was another great man that died too soon.
What sort of person would pretend to like a fat nigger loving crack addict like Rob Ford
Fuck off poofter.
What's NDP got to do with Doug Ford who just said his platform is:
-Kill carbon tax
-Repeal new sex education written partially by a convicted pedo and sex offender?
-Simplify regulations for business
-Get debt under control
That's based as fuck, our resources should be mobilized to get this guy in office.
This country is lost, the absolute worst thing would be to elect more cuckservatives who will change nothing, especially on immigration
I will be voting Wynne
lol this guys dead right?
> This country is lost, the absolute
> worst thing would be to elect
> more cuckservatives who will
> change nothing, especially on
> immigration
> I will be voting Wynne
Spoken like a loser. Can't succeed, so why try....
I pity you
He's leaning to shit post user, give him the time and space to explore before he blossoms
>convicted pedophile wrote the new sex-ed curriculum
The saddest part is I'm almost not surprised at this point.
I'm leaning toward voting NDP
Change my mind
Bet any money doug gets cancer in the next 5 years
Do you have to be a Canadian natural born citizen to be president?
If not just recruit one of us violent Americans to be your new king.
Hulk Hogan maybe
He would choke slam that faggot you have now.
Honestly, can't say anything bad about Horvath, she has conducted herself well, but alot of NDP rank and file are basically Marxists. Also, NDP doesn't have the polling, the alternative is 5 more years of Wynne.
Were on this user, the fire is lit. Worst case scenario, Manifest Destiny?
>Electing a guy who wont get a single vote in Toronto
>Literally the only part of the province that matters
God damn it why do we have to suffer with this horse face bitch more?
>Electing a guy who wont get a single vote in Toronto
Being this new to 4Chinz
Bitch please, I've been here since SA and Bluto/Sabu. My syntax and work is legendary. If anything I'm more proud you edgelords are taking my redpills as an intrusion and not just accepting the ideas without testing my credentials. At least that was one of the good things to come out of the Mad Max experiment.
Support the OPC, he's going to need all the help he can get; all I am saying is Doug stuffed the box and unless he finds a way to get the purple voters to GOTV, the Ford Nation is not going to be enough to defeat Wynn.
I guarantee you he will win handedly.
Any retard who votes for Wynne needs to be put to death.
I hope Ford totally does a trump/obama and tears down every degenerate thing that hideous cunt has done
>and make her cry
Kitchener checking in.
Why do you want to be led by an idiot?
You’re only voting windbag so you can import more of your relatives eh Pajeet?
>Crack head
>Still managed to run the economy better than anyone is past 20 years.
Feelsbadman. A fat crack head was probably the best politician in Canada
Some people see what Trump has done and think "I want that for MY country!"
Rob was making fun of a woman city councillor that got caught driving drunk, and she was never charged I believe.... that's a classic...
Maybe I know how to vote for her 4 times. Ford will be LOSERNATION
If you guys sell 1mm memberships I'll personally buy 4ch off hero-moot, park it on a EC2 cluster and bring back /files/
Yeah. To make our country better in every way.
>tfw a crackhead is more competent than your average canadian politician