Do niggers know they aren't as intelligent as whites? Like deep down they must know this. I know they are fragile little boys who constantly yell about "muh dick", but do they realize that they are intellectually inferior to the white man?
Nigger hate thread
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poor kitties :(
and no it's called cognitive dissonance. they are unaware how retarded and violent they are thus making them that much more deadly.
that cat will return with some friends and slit their throats. survived the kick after all
cats have 9 lives dawg.
You know what I don't like about blacks? Their race is always causing problems and acting up in public. I bet if you go to YouTube and look up "subway fight" you will get a bunch of videos of black behaving badly.
Yet, if a white person dares to say that they don't wish to live around blacks, blacks freak out. "That's ignorant!"
Ummmm are they in denial that a lot of blacks act like pieces of shit or something?
>That's ignorant!
Its spelled "dats ignant"
>Like deep down they must know this
Only the ones with some semblance of intelligence.
C'mon Sup Forums! Stop being a newfag and participate in the nigger hate thread.
> be me
> work for fb/IG LERT(live video) team
> spend 9 hours a day watching niggers be niggers
> go home every day shaking my head in disbelief
Every single day I think I saw/heard the dumbest shit possible, only to be out done the very next day.
Sure, whites do dumb, trashy shit, but your average nigger broadcasting live is will in the same broadcast stick a loaded gun into their mouth then complain that so and so said “dey baby isn’t being cared to properly”
I don’t know how my liberal co workers justify it. They can’t even claim these people are poor because you will see them literally making it rain 20’s on a pile of illegal guns and drugs then complain about trumps new food plan lol
No wonder we hate niggers.
Kick my cat and I will lynch that nigger with barbed wire.
Yeah, reality.
Look, even that dove on the back ground is leaving.
Naaaw, he just uncle tommin, in sheeeeeiiit
Its so fucked.. Those cats were trusting and it got them injured, possibly killed. Now that I think of it, that sounds a lot like the white liberal..
I am in a shelter with both the one on the left, and the one on the right.
No shit, dude in shelter looks exactly like the one on the left.
Funnier yet.
The dude on the left there is a muslim. There is another older black guy in the Shelter who claims to be a hebrew israelite.
I am waiting for them to go to war.
They are just practicing football feild goal kicks. Why you bein raciss n sheit?
Why I stopped being a lolbertarian in one image.
Why is this at all related to libertarianism?
Niggers, AMR lmao
Fuck. I've more or less done that accidentally when I got tangled up with my cat in the middle of the night, and I'm still mortified. What sort of scumbag does that on purpose?
>open borders
>immigrants will love freedom and individualism once they encounter it
>don't worry about becoming a minority, all that matters is ideology, surely if they each read Atlas Shrugged we would be fine
He thought the holding cell was a bathroom. By the way, there really is doo doo and feces all over the walls in the holding cells.
This. When I started to take the redpill, I would be like "We could get rid of government if we just got rid of black people". Needless to say, that was the end of my lolbertarian days..
Niggers are not human. There are so many videos of them doing this
i like a lot of stuff about libertarians. but fuck open boarders and immigrants and open boarders.
i do like freedom. but not kikes
>If only whitey left us alone and didn't do slave trades, we be like black panther and shit
I just found the most disturbing thing, I think I have ever seen on youtube.
I, have no words to explain this. Or any reason for it to even exist. I know it will make epic memes. But I am to disturbed to make them.
So i am going to leave this here, and hope the great memes will come of it.
Fast Forward to 1 min 24 seconds.
Here it is with audio.. Its even worse than the gif
What. in. the. fuckin. fuck.
I was looking up michael jackson memes on youtube, and that is what I found instead.
Yeah, but the thing is that it's not just the depravity of the individual black. I grew up in a white neighborhood, and occasionally you'd get that one white kid who liked to torture animals or whatever. Any parent on the block would chew the kid out, and the other kids wouldn't have anything to do with him. The older kids would keep the younger kids away.
but but hands up don't shoot
niggers. anything for attention. t
As I white man with a low IQ and a massive dick I don't feel qualified to answer. Now if you don't mind im gonna go fuck muh biatches whilst eating water melon off their titties.
We need to get pet lions for anti nig operations
Call your local PETCO.
Ask them why thet sell so many Beta fish to niggers to fight them to the death.
I have to go to the homeless Shelter now.
I can only hope someone, will meme that video well.
i am still speachless, goodbye.
that was such a nice place to live once
I hate cats but even I will ask why?
In school every black person I knew would talk bout how dey had sex. Come to find out, they weren't lying. Pretty much all blacks fuck a cousin, an aunt, or even their own mother..
Good luck brother! Better times are ahead
dis says egyptians were back
fuck niggers
example, i went to the pool today which is 99% white people. nog couple shows up - fat as shit, and loud as fuck. "fuk dis, fuk dat", male nog spitting out some shitty rap rhymes.
niggers are unhygenic as fuck and tend to keep their homes in a state most whites would find unliveable
It's true, I fucked your mom..
And dad, he squealed more than you mom, although she squirts further.
niggers will lie cheat steal manipulate and take advantage of anything they can before they ever consider work.
A nigger in it's natural habitat is violent and cruel beyond measure.
10/10 underrated. But I hope you get out of that situation soon.
People have been searching for the 'missing link' between man and ape for generations because no one is willing to admit the obvious truth that Niggers are that missing link.
Luckily for us all Niggers are also extremely gullible and especially under the care of the Church can be kept docile
Damn! Dey English was black too!
I love a happy ending
Fuck me fucking dead!?
they are few and far between.
i hope youre doing well
This makes me want to release cougars in these niggers houses.
>lighting the wrong end of the cigar
fucking too true.
A common nigger habit is chalk eating, which in parts of Africa and the Carribean is shortened to simply eating dirt. Tons of niggers around the Western World eat dirt, chalk, baby powder, corn starch, or combinations thereof to cure an imaginary illness. This causes a ton of negative side effects (since they are eating shit that cannot be digested) and bring an increased burden on the healthcare system
that t shirt though, kek
Yes we do but we can eliminate all of you and it won't matter anymore
Maybe black lives matter has a point? This one was kinda brutal.. They could have shot him in the leg
I must have seen this comic a hundred times and I just noticed that.
>Doesn't know how to reply to a post
>Talks about "eliminating" whitey