>tfw you realize god doesn't exist
Tfw you realize god doesn't exist
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tfw you realize you're not very smart
It doesn't matter.
You atheist have destroyed Western Civilization, the only culture in the world that would put up with your bullshit.
Now you either convert to Islam or get your head cut off.
Go collect your Darwin award and tell us how fucking smart you are.
HINT: There's no Santa either, but we still enjoy Christmas.
tfw when u realize he does
worshipping zombie jews
>ohwow hur dur deus vult!!!
kek you are probably an overweight virgin
tfw you draw stupid looking pics of beams and rays coming out of silhouettes and think your smart or something
Tfw you realize weak memes won't safeguard you from the fires of hell
ironically the Jews are trying to get you to be an atheist.
>tfw you realize god must exist
kike on a stick
>tfw you're passing this off as profound wisdom
>tfw everyone else realized it when they were 6 and you're a brainlet
Jews play all sides. The Jews are always trying to get you to do something. Not being a Christian =/= being an atheist, also.
I feel like consciousness is too complex to not have a source. One single thing out of place and you are become potato
>tfw you never believed in god
get on my level... oh wait can't
>tfw you build up enough good karma to max out your luck stat
Socrates was a monotheist
The trash is where you belong
Op is a jew
>tfw your're a shill
>there are an infinite number of possible worlds
>it's possible that God exists in one of these worlds
>If god exists in one of these worlds, god exists in all worlds
>Maybe God only exists if you believe he exists
>I took LSD on Saturday and Jesus said he's proud of me for hitting 60 days nofap
>mfw I realized God exists
So life and nature were made by purest randomness I guess. Sounds realistic indeed.
I kek at all the fuckwits on Sup Forums that have gotten memed into thinking modern atheism is any different than Christianity. It’s basically just Christianity with no belief in a higher/supernatural power. Both have very similar ways of thinking about pagan and mystical stuff. Also one doesn’t need to believe in God to know how certain traditions are superior to others.
I'd accept damnation if God existed and would clean out the evil.
Not going to hold my breath.
>nofap 91 days
>wet dreams: 4
twf you realize "god" is a computer program
Tom Campbell: Virtual Reality; Why Should I Care?
kek even if god made them its randomly generated
you think he rendered everything by hand?
take limit as x ->infinity:
nomral person:
>answer = 0
atheist scholar:
>answer is unknowable
>i see no proof it goes to 0
>there is always something it is never 0
>omg you mouthbreathers
>skygod fags dieeeeeeeeee
An atheist scholar then meets an asymptote AND FUCKING DIES BECAUSE THEY CANNOT COMPREHEND
There are multiple Gods.
God exists. He is humble, he is just, but he is forgiving. Save yourself before it's too late.
> "Realizing that Jesus Christ actually did die on the cross for our sins and his resurrection is the linchpin to human salvation."
Good to see another Big TOE'r in the wild.
I used to be like you OP. But over time I let Jesus Christ into my life and have developed a relationship with God. If you have faith, anything is possible. Anything.
This, but unironically
i'll admit
you have a point there
Oh to be a midwit who gets caught up in such elementary logical fallacies.
You need to have something to believe or you're in for a depressing ass life. Good luck trying to outsmart everyone.
>He is humble
You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me - Exodus 20:5
>It's the same guy shitposting a million threads about his totally controversial and modern beliefs
Janitors, stop slacking.
If God does not exist then why does everything give him a reason to exist?
The reason some people stray from christianity is because they are either exposed to bullshit prodestantism or radical catholicism and not the true teachings of christ
Atheism is jewish and gay, also sage
Christ wasnt God. He was the son of David.
If there is no God then comes there question why is there any existence at all? Why is the universe not just a void? Not an empty space, just infinite nothingness.
This, pagans and atheists BTFO
Right, anything like traps not being gay
Correct answer.
>> randomly generated
probability distributions
Material science cant even prove that the brains creates consciousness.
Very happy to see another Big TOE'r as well. espically one Sup Forums lol.
No god hates traps
Keep me from the traps they have set for me, from the snares of those who do wrong. - Psalm 141:9
Hurr durr how retarded are you user?
Such a Jew response.
Wouldn't it be funny at judgment day you had to justify turning many against him?
Amen brother it was just a bit of humor, anything but sin and degeneracy is possible with God
TFW you are just a figment of my imagination, woven into the tapestry that is my singular existence, as I float aimlessly through the void forever. Can't wake up.
What created the universe?
Do you have proofs he doesn't exist?
St. Thomas Aquinas has 5 main proofs for his existence. Its funny how smart atheists think they are when they don't even know what the Summa is. To be fair you have to have a high IQ to understand Aquinas.
When you grow up and realize it is impossible for a single universal principle (i.e. God) to not exist, and we are His creation.
There is a creator of the Universe. This creator is not any of the Gods of the religions. This is a fact.
Atheism is not biologically viable, any nation that embraces this degenerate religion of nihilism will soon cease to exist.
Shills are really ramping it up, this is like the 3rd thread today
When exactly?
Obvious bait thread is obvious, stop replying you fags
What do people even mean when they say God is "perfect"?
I never believed in god. When I Was A kid I said god was make pretend like Santa Claus.
Paganism will help restore pride in European culture
Jesus was the son of David.
How is that retarded? Says so in the bible many times.
Yea but if we sage, we get to tell op how much of a massive faggot he is
It's almost as if they're being biologically punished for something.
If God existed he would've cleaned out all the kikes and sandniggers.
>being this retarded
Meaning he was the Messiah like David. Not the literal descendant of King David.
God doesn't make mistakes.
Jesus was a jew sand nigger that hung around with prostitutes, thieves, and other lowlifes. He had the same fucked up perception of morality that everyone else did living at the time, the only reason why he was deemed a progressive and "th true son of God" was because he disavowed established religion and saying that only the meek and poor could get into heaven. I believe there is a God but it's got to do nature and nothing else
King David predates Jesus's birth by 1000 years.
They literally give a lineage of david's descendants leading to Jesus in the gospel. It's doesn't matter so much though (unless you're a jew trying to deny messianic prophecy) since Jesus existed with the father before the creation of the earth (See the nicene creed). He just chose to be incarnated in the tribe of Judah as a descendant of David.
Take 2 things, one more "perfect" than the other.
There is a spectrum from imperfect to perfect even among those two objects yes? Whats the next conclusion you can gather from that?
Have you read the Urantia book?
GOD is a word symbol designating all personalizations of Deity. The term requires a different definition on each personal level of Deity function and must be still further redefined within each of these levels, as this term may be used to designate the diverse co-ordinate and subordinate personalizations of Deity; for example: the Paradise Creator Sons—the local universe fathers.
In the flesh (his resurrection) Jesus was the son of David. David's bloodline. This is according to your own book.
>Jesus hung around with prostitutes, thieves, and other lowlifes.
Literally something a pharisee would say 2000 years ago.
>being this stupid
You realize you're just as dumb as the Muslims who believe the shit the Koran says?
He was though. He was also god and the messiah.
DMT or do you think you "enlightend" yourself
he did you moron everyone knows that, how do you use merchant memes yet worship a jewish god?
You keep attacking me instead of the argument.
Jesus was the son of David.
>atheist ruined amuttica
What was there to ruin that niggers and women haven't already ruined?
The Jewish establishment that keeps trying to screw the world over tried to screw him over, though
Jesus Christ had a dualistic nature as a manifestation of God inhabiting a mortal body for a temporary amount of time. The body He took was from the tribe of David, and Matthew constructed a genealogy to convince Jews that he was legit and connected to the most important Jews in history. Literally 1700 year old theology. Are you a Muslim?
honestly can't tell if you're larping at this point
Jesus's father was probably some random fuck and Mary told Joseph that it was god who made her pregnant, and his cucked dumbass believed her
holy fuck the Romans killed Jesus not the Jews
even if they did the shit he was preaching was treason to every establishment
What's the difference between Christianity and all other religions?
I'm not an atheist
when your brain is fried from the inside out?