How do we convince Americans that their guns won't really help them if the government becomes tyrannical?
How do we convince Americans that their guns won't really help them if the government becomes tyrannical?
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You can't because there are only 4 cops in my town and they almost all got killed last week and haven't even found who shot at them.
>guns wont beat the US gov
Why would you, shill? Are you sucking in your daily dose of media. Because that's your goal. When reality is media fiction (!) you've completed your programming.
Get some Afghans to tell us.
Oh.... wait.. Op's question is based on bullshit.
Never mind.
>becomes tyrannical
>10:1 k/d ratio
>even after Chinese support
why do you think the government isn't already tyrannical?
You don't.
Show them by getting the cops to disarm themselves. They can lead by example. When people realize that the cops are perfectly safe without weapons, they won't be so worried themselves.
And when it comes to tyrannical governments, just ask your average military guy if he'd take up arms against his fellow American.
No one should have a gun. We should fight violence with love.
Because this. Now fuck off retard
As long as niggers have guns , whites need to keep arming themselves.
Good idea, first de-militarize the police state. That should prove that cops don't need military firearms, then after they get rid of all their weapons. By being disarmed they will have nothing but peace.
Absolutely dead-on.
This right here >>
kys faggot
>in all fields
how do you figure they wont?
>civil war breaks out
>gun or no gun...?
Exactly. Just last week, a man broke into my home intent on raping my wife. I hugged him until his want for rape disappeared.
What if patriots in the military turn against their government and plan a coup? AKA they don't listen.
WTF Even his eyelids are fat
Popers won’t do shit against drones
>10/1 kdr
>still loses
>Let's ask the people whose guns we're trying to take how to convince them that facts aren't real therefore should give up their guns
>guns wont help against a tyrannical government
Unless you can find someone to carry out the orders of the government you are fucked. Most military personnel would turn their weapons toward the government before the people.
If the government attacked the people the military would be broken into sects taking equipment with them. It would look more like a Roman Civil War with generals as the dominant force in restructuring the system.
>We should fight violence with love.
Yeah I heard that worked out really well for Jesus.
not posting shill threads about it 24/7 would be a good start, but they're not paying ya to sit on your ass now, are they?
what they lack in drone defence they make up for 10x in human defence
>Who was Jesus?
>let’s analyze
>name Jesus
>skin brown
>hieght 5’6
>wears sandlas
>was prosecuted and discriminated against by those in power
>Jesus was Mexican!
>let’s analyze
>Mexican name Jesus
>skin brown
>height 5’6
>wears chanclas (aka sandals)
>is being prosecuted and discriminated against by those in power
>but but Mexicans are breaking the law, fuck off Jesus was also breaking the law
>where’s your compassion fake as Christians? love thy neighbor! Pussy!
>but but Jesus was middle eastern
>Jesus’s crossed (walked) the ocean from Mexico to the the new world to spread he’s religion
>so you-> (modern day jews) inbred corn fed hicks better leave Mexicans(Jesus) aka gods people alone!
>if not you’ll go to hell and guess what?
>there’s no sister fucking in hell!
>so leave them alone, K? K.
>hurr durr my gun is to protect me from the government
so do you want to be safe from the government or not
I see a thread like this and it really makes me believe that what they say about leftists having weaker survival instincts is true.
>You can't do anything, anyway. Just accept death, bro
Die. I want all of you to die horrible deaths. You don't deserve to live in this country.
Good point
The fuck are you talking about.
I'm an American and I've never understood this line of thinking, either.
Yes, we have guns.
The government has EVERYTHING ELSE.
And now some dumbass is going to post that meme about the colonial foot soldiers fighting the full might of the British empire as if that's in any way comparable.
To bad technology has gotten too advanced what’s a ar-15 going to do to a heat seeking missile? No milita can take on the US government.
Its a deterrent. You're thinking far too literal if you think they would roll out F18's and Tanks into the street. Some user wrote a nice response to this line of thinking on /k/, IIRC he worked in the government on how to counter an insurgent domestic threat. Maybe someone can post it.
But really, its a deterrent, I think the government would have far more robustness in passing more tyrannical laws if the populace were not armed. Bundy ranch is a good story.
We don't need to worry about our own government. We should be worried about North Korea and Russia using chemical weapons on us.
oh its already been posted
Now fuck off
Ya know most people get guns and they say it's to protect ourselves from the government. What they don't tell you is it's a fucking lie. We know full well our government will never try and use force to get us to do what they want. They don't need to. We get guns because most of us are fucking terrified of being woken up by gangs of niggers breaking into our homes but no one will ever come out and say it because that'd be "racist". We invited niggers into our communities and our lives and now no one feels safe anymore so we buy weapons to give us a fighting chance against literal subhumans
Ask our Brit bros how safe they are with their unarmed police
Yes, because the U.S government will send out tiny heat seeking missiles to kill every single militia fighter. You need ground troops to take cities, and you can't bomb your own country so fucking much that you are able to kill literally every single rebel. If drones/missiles are so damn good, why are we still in the Middle East?
Russia is /ourguy/
Not sure if you've noticed but Putin has been naming the Jew since day one, he even said that it's the Jews who meddled in the election
heat seeking missile doesn't track your body you raging mongoloid.
I know. I've read it. It's fucking stupid. His entire point is that the government would be unwilling to even try to enforce a police state if there was a threat "bullets flying back at them".
If they want to crush your little revolt militarily, they're going to.
One word. Vietnam.
Nail ed it
It's not about the government anymore. 45% support socialism in America now. It's for them. Not a revolution but a civil war.
The us has never gone 100% at war, at the end of the day nothing will happen
>And now some dumbass is going to post that meme about the colonial foot soldiers fighting the full might of the British empire as if that's in any way comparable.
How is the literal foundation of our country and the entire reason the 2nd Amendment exists in the first place an incomparable meme?
>The government has EVERYTHING ELSE.
Yeah, and if we're at the point where they're using EVERYTHING ELSE against their own citizens, our country is beyond done. Think for a second you dipshit. Under what possible circumstance could any President sign off bombing our own soil or using tanks (and I mean actual M1 tanks and not just surplus APC's the cops bought) against the citizenry?
There's also this . Soldiers have to get out of those tanks, jets, and drone piloting trailers eventually, and when they do guerrillas can shot them in the fucking face... Except it will never come to that because in addition to what I already said, huge sections of the military, especially the infantry are 2A supporting small government Republicans. Most of them won't fight their neighbors.
You cannot convince reasonable people with fallacious & specious arguments.
We will never cede power that God has given to us.
A lie repeated ad infinitum, is none the less, a lie.
>Leftists think they can resist and win against the government with pacifism or Antifa
>They think right wingers and their guns don't stand a chance
Even their double standards are shit. One is unarmed and the other is an armed populace.
This.. Checks and balances and shit.
Yeah, Vietnam was a military failure, it wasn't a political decision to withdraw or anything.
>How is the literal foundation of our country and the entire reason the 2nd Amendment exists in the first place an incomparable meme?
Because it was almost 300 years ago.
>Under what possible circumstance could any President sign off bombing our own soil or using tanks
I don't know. You're the ones dreaming up the doomsday scenarios, not us.
>Soldiers have to get out of those tanks, jets, and drone piloting trailers eventually, and when they do guerrillas can shot them in the fucking face
When you're getting this exhaustive with the details, that's how you know the point is stupid.
Also, we've had this play out many a time in our history, our government fighting against armed citizens, none of them won.
The Second Amendment isn't to combat a tyrannical government, it's to bypass the possibility of there being one.
The founders had just fought a horrible and bloody war to establish their government, they sure as fuck didn't want anybody fighting it.
The Second Amendment was the attempt to circumvent that possibility. the US government is not supposed to have a standing federal army in peacetime. The Second Amendment was intended to replace a federal army by instead arming and training every able bodied American that did not object based upon religious reasons.
Every county of every state is supposed to have a militia, that in times of war would take command from its state militia which itself would be marshaled by the Commander in Chief in times of war, but only in times of war. The rest of the time the states would control their own regions with no federal oversight as long as the constitution was being upheld.
It was one of the most ambitious attempts at perpetuating true liberty in the history of mankind. Landed gentry deliberately ceded its power to the people. That is the true intent of the Second Amendment.
No tyrant was ever intended to be able to exist in the USA.
But Americans forgot that responsibilities go along with rights, and now all they know is simplistic industry marketing, they do not understand the profound beauty of the Second Amendment.
The Americans let a federal military exist and get out of control and now it is much too big for democracy to wield.
But why bother convincing them that their guns won't help?
They can't stop the MIC with guns, they can't stop the MIC at all. You can't stop something that has the option of taking everybody everywhere with it when it dies. That's true, sure.
But disarming doesn't achieve anything either. All it would accomplish would be to ensure that America can never ever return to its intended path.
It may balkanize some day and in doing so, find its way home. They need the guns.
i'm proud of you for overcoming your obstacles :)
Don't blame us. Communists infiltrated our institutions. Joseph McCarthy was onto them and (((they))) shut it down. Most people are retards and the (((education))) they receive is a disservice to them.
we couldent fight a drawn out conflict halfway around the world while politics prohibited us from entering Cambodia, where the majority of the viet-kong supply lines were.
it is outrageuos to think that a bunch of rednecks could win against a fully armed and supported military fighing on its own soil
take a look at how saf forces are ass raping insurgent forces. its because they are fighting on their own soil. backed by modern weapon systems (yes the us is arming forces, but its only enough so that they aren't being to conspicuous in the public eye)
I agree completely. We should be able to own anything they have. I have great spot to park my new Ferrari red Abrams.
1 Post by this ID
>How do we convince Americans that their guns won't really help them if the government becomes tyrannical?
well for one thing, government has an army, and a sizable portion of the population will always be loyal to a government, and these loyalists will form militia units.
The 'freedom fighters' will run out of ammo and be defeated by any government.
Lol lefties would win in a war, they have the techlonlgy they could whip you out with drones. If the right and left went to war you don’t think the left can buy arms, give them 2 weeks of good training and theyll be better than most gun owners. Most gun owners might shoot on the weekends. It’s not like every right gun owner is a navy seal
>the goyim will continue to work and pay taxes while cities are subject to random drone strikes
Are you retarded or just retarded?
Why would we give up the guns, regardless of outcome? You sound like one of the jews that willingly got into the cattle car.
Don't encourage him, Leaf. He's obviously an exceptional individual.
Nice rebuttals there.
Never going to happen, don't waste your energy on a bunch of low IQ inbred hillbillies. Don't get me wrong, there are some genuinely wonderful Americans, but the "muh second amendment" bunch aren't worth saving.
this, also if the US began using modern warfare against its own civilians, then both russia and china have justification to invade, and the rest of NATO wouldn't help. The US government knows this, so any anti-civilian action must be done by the national guard, not the armed forces
Why bother, when what you're saying is obviously fallacious bait?
opinion binned
>they have the "techlonlgy"
First thing you brain dead faggot learn to spell. Second Conservatives run the equipment moron, and They make up 90% of the military. Your fucking delusional.
You’re all fucking retarded. Most people in the military wouldnt support a tyrannical government, let alone fight for it. A good half of the military would desert and fight the pro-gov forces if a tyrant took power
A rifle behind every blade of grass
Oklahoma City bomber receiving a death sentence
These weakest link in a law or forceful words is the threat of violence if you do not comply. Force is the bedrock of flowery ideals. Do you think we achieved nationhood by reasoning with the royals?We keep guns in the event that the government tries to pass laws or circumvent existing laws in an effort to weaken the people. This is our contract and why the 2nd amendment exists. Ultimately, we have to consent to disarmament and that's what you're seeing with the global anti-gun hysteria and 24/7 fear porn news cycles. The goal is an armed state and a disarmed populace, but it'll be done slowly, over decades, as little by little, rights are whittled away.
You need to read a history book mate, it's true a lot of them won't fight for the current tyrannical government. They will fight for their own version of tyrannical government.
You think a dumbfuck with zero education is going to fight for you? When was the last time american troops fought for americans?
10:1 isn't enough for the feds to win here either.
show them this picture
Because it isn't fallacious bait, you just don't have an argument for it. Every time these threads come up, it's the same shit every time, the same arguments every time, no one ever stops and examines them and thinks "Well, if these insurgencies were so successful, why don't they control the countries in which they operate? And certainly Vietnam is a stupid example because things would have been different had we not reached a political agreement and withdrawn. And by the way, why hasn't anyone brought up all the times these things have actually happened in our country when armed civilians took on the government?"
No, that's not how these threads go, someone makes the point that, if the government REALLY wanted, they could ass-rape any armed revolt against it and then people respond with some screencap of that one time some guy said that we would win because we could shoot the people who have to fill the tanks and fighter jets with fuel.
Colon hugs?
Who ever is making these threads, i hope a nigger kills your kids.
this, but OP sounds like a euro
Guns protect the citizens from an outright police state. If the government wanted to take over, they would have done so already. But why in the fuck would they want land that's been bombed to hell and back? Who the fuck would do the work if everyone was imprisoned or dead?
fucking right brother and a sniper in every window
haha i love this gif
>the loyalists in this scenario are the ones content with only the police/military having guns, and thus have had no incentive to acquire/train with guns
Go ahead and drone strike all your local schools and suburbs. Continue to do this. There definitely won't be any military defectors. No sir, that would never happen. All military men are obedient lap dogs.
Sure hope no one assaults the compound with the drone operators. You know, the one likely to be in a local base. Bet there isn't any improvised way of dealing with such things either.
Man, military convoys sure can go through IED embedded roads, cross blown out bridges. Gosh.
You are a fucking idiot.
>if the government becomes tyrannical
normies get off my board REEEEEEEEEE
I spent two years of my life fighting a war as a member of the most powerful army on the planet against a bunch of sheep fucking yokels with piece of shit AK-47s and fertilizer. Guess what, we didn't win.
You're goddamned insane if you don't think the American people could stand up to the government. Get bent you fucking retard.
There was a ferocious insurgency in Iraq, we still defeated their military, executed Saddam, and installed a new government, the fact that the insurgency was planting IEDs and taking pot shots at us didn't seem to change any of that.
>the loyalists in this scenario are the ones content with only the police/military having guns, and thus have had no incentive to acquire/train with guns
you live in a fantasy world
Britain, 1775: "How do we convince the Americans that their guns won't really help them if their government becomes tyrannical?"
You didn't fight total war, idiot. You fought a distraction war.