New Ben cartoon, thoughts?

New Ben cartoon, thoughts?

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Got the original?

I think Gov. Brown should be arrested for felony violation of 8 U.S. Code § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii), and be given the capital punishment provide under (B)(iv) of the same code.
Serious. he committed a capital crime.


Hmm, what's JB stand for, Jewish Bamboozle?

Jerry Brown AKA Governor Moonbeam.

I love how he always labels everything in case someone doesnt get it

I honestly can't tell if he's memeing or serious when he does that.

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needs moar labels

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>no merchant
nice fake garrison

What is that even supposed to criticize? That liberals are proud they can now buy porn of black women?


But the molten metal doesn't represent industry in that picture, if anything the letters on the mold and/or the squirrel represent industry, depending on who you are.
The molten metal represents exactly what it is, the tax imposed on the squirrel.

> US tariffs
> molten metal
> Trump
> America first
> Canada
I don't get it sorry

you mean like how every political cartoonist ever... yeah....

He should label his labels

i think he's trying to restore the original.

but i think that squirrel was originally a merchant

trump's tariffs are gonna kill canada? idk

He should label labels of his labels.

God amerimutts enrage me

Notice he gives Brown brownish eyes and Sessions blueish eyes.

Beaver, leaf, squirrel, it's all the same really.

While I agree with the core message/values of the cartoon, it also is a pretty shit way of conveying the message and I think most Ben shit is good. This one just doesn’t really make sense


he only has a flower as a gun kek
but where is the merchant?

Thanks Ben. Checked.

too much text, Ben is a little bit retarded to do cartoons, maybe he should stop drawing and write fucking essays to say what he wanted to say.
A good cartoonist would get rid of that fucking text and the message would remain.
Also, i guess Ben is an intelligent man, redpilled, but suck at this.

What the hell kind of newspapers are you reading? Here is one that I really liked at the time from 2014, when there was a scandal that the americans were spying on Merkel and she just basically told them how rude they were, but did fuck all else.

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That's a pretty good edit.

Kelly is satire of political cartoons. It's good shit

Oooh, see there legit are cartoonists this bad, so I didn't even register it as satire.

In the saloon with their pets.

the "NO ICE" sign and the angry spics in the building are a nice touch

Wtf does that have to do with anything?


These stupid niggers think that it's the liberals making up all of Garrison's names and edits.

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>piss on the wall
>si hablo espanol
i think i got it now

It hurts to look how hard fallen my state has become, I remember growing up hearing people actually liking it hear, and all about the "Golden State of America." Shit like this really hits home for me especially growing up in the small agriculture cities around Cali. Thinking about it makes me want to just fucking give up, but I know one day all this shit will vanish not with a flick of a wrist, but with the echoing of a shell hitting the concrete.

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He didn't label the needles and feces.

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newfags dont remember that it was Sup Forums who gave Garrison most of the names.
>Garrison is a libertarian political cartoon artist known for creating illustrations about United States political corruption and various conspiracy theories, who has been the subject of a troll campaign by users of Sup Forums’s Sup Forums (politics) board who have attempted to frame him as a Nazi sympathizer.

I also like the piss everywhere. very accurate.

Based leftypol unleashing the funnies.


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No one who lives in California calls it Cali. Nice try, concern troll

It's not that controversial. Even soon-to-be San Francisco expats cite the "sanctuary city" status as one of their prime motivators for their leaving.

Eh, homes, you ain't down with Cali?

Is this the same Jerry Brown the Dead Kennedy’s savaged back in the 80’s??? If it is, the bastard would be like 120 years old.

I legit would've had no idea that that man was Jeff Sessions, and he was the Attorney General without the labels. Same with California Governor Jerry Brown

It's a water squirrel.

>hurr durr I a jenius who nose what garrison is thinking when he don't evn label it

Neither of you have spent time in the Bay area at Pismo or Morrowbay, the fucking surfers there get to your head. "Sup brah just chillin so you wanna catch some tide brah." "Hey man I don't like how this whole Cali situation is bro can't we just like settle our differences?" My Bay area friends are fun to hang out with, but by God if their voice stereotypes aren't true.

shaka brah



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Moonbeam is same league as Jim Jones

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Anybody have the unedited version?

The cartoon forgot to mention that Sessions was there to take their weed away. Also, California is filled with heavily armed niggers and spics who would ass-rape those fat White Supremacists from Georgia, Alabama and other diabetes opioid states.

>we overcame
He means he has jungle fever

When are going to get a fixed version?

ben garrison labels every fucking thing

I think he saw that James Woods post about human shit

you fucking brainlet.
reading is fundamental


The absolute state of modern political cartoons.

Theres no tomatoes on a big mack nigger. Let a burger school you.


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