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thank fucking god, he knew exactly how to play the news cycle, and those kids are out of their 15 minutes of fame, and nobody gives a shit anymore.

give me a rundown whats happening

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such finesse

Glad to know Don Jr. talked some sense back into daddy Trump.

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I want to believe


These people have had 30 months to read art of the deal.

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He fooled dems for the 16th time. When will they catch on?


That was the plan all along
>come out for assault weapon ban and age limits
>make left go even further left into confiscation territory
>energizes the right to vote midterms


AJAHAHA. That faggot Hogg is so pissed.

>le ebic 5d chess
You annoying faggots never change, do you.

Huh, and here I was thinking I would die an atheist. At least I still have my virginity to hang on to.

How long till they go after Hogg for hanging up on the white house?

that is not a bad plan at all

right-wing whites not coming out to vote is the reason why we have lost the last 19 special elections even in states like Oklahoma and Missouri

Trump may as well make them believe he will take their guns if Democrats win in November

>that was the plan all along
>individual fucking states are following through and outright banning in some cases

Trump is a chabad lubavitcher but he hasn’t really fucked up yet.

How many times do you have to be fucking tricked by the master?

No states are banning weapons.

Oh, no, not the guns.

The NRA isn't some corporate lobby, it's literally the aggregation of millions of members paying their dues

I don't know why people always get their panties in a twist when trump panders to the Dems... he just does it to shut them up... Dems are like stupid dogs... and trump throws a rubber bone when they're hungry... by the time the dems realize that it was trick, it's too fucking late...

I never doubt the man... I know what he's up against, and facing off against them is not like the movies...

Delaware, faggot


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>that gif
He reality is she tripped and fell

faggot Delaware*

you fucking idiot they are a face for the gun makers

what did he say

>realized he was gonna piss off everyone who supported him

My boy

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I don't know what to believe, this whole thing has been a huge mindfuck. This makes a little sense but if this is the case it'll he the first time he's ever been able to 69d backgammon me


this fucking called it from day 1

pic related

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fucking 3d chess again

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He doesn't want a civil war
I don't see why the leftists do because they will all die. Plus all Marxist professors etc. We wouldn't pass up that chance to change people's minds physically.

Hasn’t even been brought to general assembly let alone passed. Carney is a kiked idiot, there’s not even clear language concerning what he intends to possibly try and do, it’s just empty political bloviation

my god that is one based af nip holy shit

Stop getting your political opinions from late-night (corporate-owned) comedians you fucking retard. There are literally millions of dues-paying NRA members.

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Qewt wittle weaf. Did yew make yo own wittle post? Yew taught of dis all by yo wittle self? Qewt wittle weaf playing wit da big bois.


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>ebul NRA is big frunt for gun compnis
Even if that were true, that's still a good thing for gun rights, fuckwit. The biggest market for guns in the US is civilian ownership, meaning that it's in the best interest of the NRA and the manufacturers for the civilian population to have unfettered access. No assault weapon laws = tactical rifle and cowadoody kiddie markets flourish. Shall issue concealed carry = handgun market booms. In this case, corporate interests would very much line up with ours.

do you have any cute japanese girl pictures?

>this faggot talking about Delaware like he knows the players
you dont know fucking shit about this state, dont know shit about what you even talk about. Longhurst, Henry, Bentz, and the majority of the other Reps. vote together. If you bothered to even look at their bill/sponsor history, you would know that, but you talk out of your ass.
Carney is a fag who so desperately wants Delaware to be like New York peppered with California, and has openly joined the Bloomberg faggotry with its multi-million dollars support for governors and mayors that join it. He's given his promise to ban "assault weapons" like the one used in Florida, based off of Bentz' bill which they both are writing together. Wednesday and Thursday are when they vote on bump stocks, cranks, raising the age of rifle ownership, and keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, without a clear definition of what mentally ill would mean.
Pieces of shit like you who spout wrong information and bullshit about things you don't fucking know are just as bad as Jews

>gun makers

You mean gunsmith, right?

For fuck sake, learn english before shilling, else you'll sound retarded.

I'm actually shocked at how good Trump is when it comes to winning. He knows this game so much better than anyone I've seen.

so? fuck you faggot, we like guns and gun companies.



Pic related, its from 1990, over 28 years ago

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uh I live in Delaware and haven't heard anything other than a poor attempt at banning assault weapons but nothing is concrete

Why did they blur Sam Hyde's face?

love ya mr. president

>shit goes down
>media blames Trump, no matter what
>world's eyes on Trump
>trump says what the howling liberal masses crave
>Base gets mad for a minute
>news cycle switches, like clockwork
>Trump goes and does some pretty conservative stuff
>base still watching because they mad
>lefties moved on to next crisis
>base happy, normies happy, lefties mad when they see what happened...again

I just fucking told you what is happening. Its sent via both the NRA-ILA website as well as the website what is coming up on the floor. This is the problem with people in Delaware - no one bothers to fucking research anything, especially when there are resources available already through the fucking gun sites, even the Delaware State Sportsman Association group/site. You can even look up the shit on Carney and's fucking Twitter pages.
Damn man.

"the nra" is millions and millions of gun owning voters...

trump is doing what WE tell him to do

that's not caving you asshole

He's been in the New York real estate market for decades. I'm sure any new York bros can tell us how cutthroat and competitive it is. I mean even wallstreet wants a piece of it.

It makes us realize how fucking shit politicians are. Obama even with his Harvard law degree couldn't put more than 3 memorable achievements despite 8 years in the office.

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Man, the Russian trolls are hard at it tonight. You don't know when to quit do ya?

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That meeting still made me mad as Hell though, seeing that rat kike and her face because Trump was being a lefty NY faggot. Scalise survived a leftist assassination attempt and he's not cucking to guns, I don't wanna ever hear shit like that

>thank fucking god,

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Except for the fact that the third biggest state in the union became anti second amendment. Hogg boy won.

>Russian trolls

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Nice. Avoided civil war once again.

>Republican president abandons democratic legislation he didn't want to make

The left is trying so ridiculously hard to destroy their credibility.
The only people that buy into their retarded bullshit already hate Trump, they're just alienating everyone else.
How can they be so retarded?

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This is actually second grade tier psychological manipulation Steve is trying to pull

>wow Trump you must be a pussy if you don't follow through on a stupid plan.

Trump is such a master of chess that not even Sup Forums can predict his actions. His power level is through the charts.

>bawwwwwww drumpfs comin to take da gunz
>bawwwwwww i shud nevva have voted

Suck it down, Shareblue.

Snake steppy man gets it

>tfw never doubted him, even as the rest of Sup Forums and /k/ were sperging the fuck out.

Didn't he recently laugh about loving chaos and misleading the Democrat's on their deal?

>A fighter jet cannot kick down your door at 3AM and search your house for contraband
Now I have a very humorous image in my head. Need an artfag to please make this a reality.

Pfft, he was never gonna ban guns, just like he wasn't going to ban vidya.

>Grab the guns!
Drumpf "We're grabbing the guns."
>Aaargrg Trump wants to take the guns!

The left is anti gun, then trump supports anti gun and throws them into chaos, while not actually passing anti gun legislation. It wasn't even 4d chess, it's a fucking basic bitch reverse psychology.

>Hogg boy won.

a ride to irrelevance. Craft a fantastically overturnable piece of legislation a 1L could argue and it's done. Also, this is for the jews that move down from NYC that basically were the loudest crying beasts of this school shooting. They hate the idea that people are accountable to themselves and able to enact self-determination. It violates their thought that they are superior. They're not. Just delusion sand people still chasing silver pieces.

It's simple reverse psychology. The left wants to grab guns, Trump says he's gonna grab guns, the Trump derangement syndrome erodes leftist support for it, while the right is energized to vote so they don't lose their gun rights, and Trump never actually passes gun control legislation. This is just regular 2d checkers.

He got famous in the 1980s, even that comic was a little late to the party

>people who pay attention to politics instead of watching CNN say Trump is trying to kill the bill by loading it with things congress won't vote for
>shills post "muh 4d chess!" memes, say Trump abandoned you
>turns out Trump was trying to kill the bill
Yes, libshits are this easy to play.

>mfw Trump calls him again
>he answers because he's desperate for any attention
>mfw Trump just laughs at him for 30 seconds straight and hangs up

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He just said the same thing about DACA at his Pittsburgh rally.
>"I made them an offer they couldn't refuse, because I knew they'd refuse it, they don't want a deal."
He literally proposed amnesty for 2 million people and the democrats wouldn't even meet with him.

Some could call it blind faith but after catching on to his 4d chess memes early on I just kept the faith during the crises and he hasn't let me down. I'm proud of president trump. I really don't see how anyone else could do better than him. He has very unique talents.

Yep. How can the media not catch on already.

Its already a thing

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Now you will believe us when we say that Sup Forums is inundated with concern troll shills

>...bowed to the gun lobby fast.

To be fair, I would too. I mean, they DO have a lot of guns.

>Searches your house while also breaking the sound barrier

>the (((gun lobby)))
>Meanwhile 90% of the media and education systems in America are on their side
>They even got the NRA to lose some of their membership privileges this time around.

How dense-headed to you have to be to see this """gun lobby""" for how weak they really are? It is not even close to being the oppressive force that libshits make it out to be.


He's just bending to whatever wind happens to fly by him that day, stop worshiping this wimp.

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?

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I'll say it time and time again: the guy is unstoppable, and knows how to string along the media to further his goals like no other President before him. He needed the media to ease up on the throttle with a couple of other issues that were affecting him, so he concocted this gigantic nothingburger of gun regulation that he knew would be both DOA and forgotten in a week by his own party, leaving him undamaged.

It's his M.O. and he does it again and again. He knows that the media is OBLIGATED to not report on actual hard hitting news (i.e. shit that could really affect him, if real journalists still existed) because the audience demands oddball stupid nonsense sensationalist stories to placate and entertain them. The 24 hour news media is entertainment first, news last, and the general public has zero appetite for anything of substance, and Trump uses that to basically kill any and all leads against him.

For a board that claims to be the ground floor of a religious revival in the west, there is VERY little faith being spread around. It's shocking every time that it comes up, but I imagine that it's your average know-nothing baby boomer rube that is tricked by bot spam and shareblue spammers. Basically the exact people that comprise the 24 news cycle audience.

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It'll be as many times as that poster himself will allow, even if he continuously gets proven wrong time and time again. People may make fun of "4D Chess" but it is a much better predictor of reality than "Drumpf is just a lucky moron!"

If Trump fails we're utterly and completely fucked anyway. Might as well go all in at this point.

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>conceded and bowed to his base
fixed it for you


I have faith user, most of us do.

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