Any other white anons here exclusively attracted to darker girls or black girls? White girls with their blue eyes and blonde hair are so overrated, surely I can’t be the only one who thinks this??
Black girls exclusively??
no, i’m not into fucking animals
i like somali/east african women because they're easy to bleach and don't have nergroid features
they also have normal hair and not patchy nigger hair
I'd rather become a muslim and fuck a goat, than fuck the "pretiest" black girl.
Had a black gf, nice fuck but ended up cheating anyway
yeah it's safe to say if I was forced into race mixing then I'd go with an East African, at least my grandkids will be white
>Any other white anons here exclusively attracted to darker girls or black girls?
no thanks, happy w/out the stds
enjoy taking your chances with that 50% rate of herpes infection
im not racist per se but because the negro culture is so bankrupt right now i find them all unattractive. once i hear a pretty nice black girl speak with that negro affect i'm just out.
and most are not remotely attractive. something about the dark skin. ever notice how their feet are two toned? black on top and yellow on the bottom. it's just gross
This is the thing. Bleaching the negroid away is just as important
White girls are the prettiest on average, but when a black girl is cute, she's REALLY cute.
>exclusively attracted to darker girls or black girls?
I wouldn't say exclusivity though I do find black girls highly attractive, it's something about around the eyes I see as very soft and gentle. Also they tend to bodies that are the bomb.
I don't exclusively date black girls but I am currently dating one and she's great. The only way it works is if you meet one that has had a conservative upvringing, but honestly I feel like that's the case with any woman nowadays.
I am attracted to black girls and I'll fuck one if I think she's hot, but i would rather to have my kids with a white girl. Maybe if I'm still unmarried by 32 I might get a black girl, but I doubt that will happen.
Also unironically this.
Yeah i like them. Dated latino a few times but want to try some east African pussy.
Not physically possible, shill. The numbers are skewed way in Tyrone's favor.
I got bad news for ya bud
East Africans aren't nergroids they're caucasoid with native american tier genes they'll get bleached WAY easier than african blacks and other africans who are bantu
>pic related is Jonis Bascir he's half italian half somali, his wife is fully italian and their children look italian. Something like this is impossible with other blacks
look retard, genetics don't lie
what's the bad news?
Italians are the negros of Europe
I only like 2d girls. So, yeah get a black 2d waifu dakimakura.
Fpbp, good job leaf
I can't finish with white girls
Both are pretty gross IRL. But in the 2d world, brown is definitely better as it is more unique.
Probably other low value people such as yourself, OP.
No. And i dont care if they are hoy. No attraction
I just don't understand why if we white men don't want anything to do with black women...
Why the fuck do white women always want to fuck black men.
Like what the fuck.
unironically looks like my gf
When a black girl has nice looking western hair it was likely taken from a horse or russian woman and all but surgically attached to her head. This causes them to go bald in their 20's and most don't wash it, in some cases exotic fungi can sprout back there
Me. It sucks,
I dated a few black girls and my mom already told me she doesn't want black grandchildren
It's not surgically attached. Its called a weave, and it is semi-permanent, but yes, it has the same balding effects.
>italians are the niggers of Europe
>the irish are the niggers of Europe
>poles are the niggers of Europe
you prob have blood from these 3 you fucking spastic, stop calling them niggers they're better and hard working than you'll ever be
i've slowly transitioned into finding darker features more attractive. white women are boring and disloyal
>all but surgically attached
They literally use a needle and sew it on there.
White women don't you retard, it's pushed in the media. How many white male black female relationships do you see in media? Close to none.
You're not white.
You clearly don't know the difference between east Africans caucasoid sand negroid bantus, East Africans grow naturally straight and curly hair.
I go nuts for black girls with dainty faces and natural frizzy hair.
I'm half black/white and I legit only like half black/white girls
Idk if that's wrong or not but I just do for some reason.
I've seen plenty of black women I thought were beautiful, in the same way that I think a brilliant work of art or a sunset over the ocean is beautiful. I've never seen one that got my dick hard though.
White women use it as a bargaining chip against us. Having black men around gives them a bunch of desparate horny men they can manipulate, and we wont retaliate by fucking 3dpd niggers because humans are filthy animals compared to 2d black waifus.
What's up Mario?
fuck you anglo scum
read my other replies in this thread and say that again
Sure thing pal.
>t. oil driller
>The Irish are the niggers of Europe, lads
> And Dubliners are the niggers of Ireland. The culchies have fucking everything
> And the northside Dubliners are the niggers of Dublin
> Say it loud, I'm black an' I'm proud
Of course you have, bong, that's all that's been on your menu since before you were born.
This is very true. You Eurofags like to claim how awful American women are, and yes it is true American women are awful, but at least they aren't nearly as traitorous as European women are. Also American women are very stupid which makes them much less dangerous than European women.
Not exclusively, but no man is perfect
>white women
Who hurt you OP... was it the white women? Did every single white women hurt you Specifically? Or do you get off to race mixing?
I support real life interracial relationships, I do not support internet porn meme media propaganda.
I hope you find a dark qt you can marry, user.
alright pal.
oha mya godda thisa guya righta heya
This. Somalians and Ethiopians dont look like negroids desu
every girl in that photo has a weave. Notice the non-existent hairline
Hey Tony, how do you type with all that grease on your keyboard? Gabagool?
we built your streets and buildings because you were too weak and unskilled to build them LOL
Why do oil drillers always post the %0.001. I went to a nigger school and your average nigress doesn't look like that. Now that I'm in college, I can clearly see that the average white girl > girl from any race/species.
>nigger women have more STDs than any race
>more obesity than any race
>4 times more likely to kill their children or get them killed, than other races
It's your retarded, 80 IQ, half nigger child's funeral.
you must be autistic or something literally google East African hair and phenotype and you'll see that I'm right
I’ve never been attracted to a black girl in my life. They are all ugly as hell atleast the ones here in the UK are
Don't somalis have ridiculously low iq? As in below aborigines?
Mulattos raised in white families are honestly the best women.
>Implying they’re nit the same women.
Jokes on you, humans are animals.
No, but I have seen some very fine black girls in my time, and lusted for them. But exclusively? You must be joking.
you must be a spastic or something these are not nergroids, they're East Africans and are caucasoid by definition. They share no admixture with bantus and have thing lips, straight/curly hair, and have caucasian skulls. They look nothing like the average nergroid you'll see in America who is like 90% west african bantu and 10% ""European""
If all there was in the worls was Nigger women i would choose to jerk off till the day i died.
Nigger women are the ugliest of any race.
Most kikes think like you Chaim.
We whites support you voluntarily destroying your own race.
its now that low I think it's around 70ish but some have higher IQs. I think it's due to their intense centuries of inbreeding and clannism. That + Islam probably had a dramatic effect on their IQ. They have an empire along with ethopia and had some signs of developments 3-4,000 years ago. I don't think they're as dumb as your average bantu though but that's just a guess.
>spaghetti are east african confirmed
>We whites
with your logic then all germanic people are slavs
They don’t, this is just a meme that’s constantly pushed. Walk around and count the number of even remotely attractive white girls with black men. Rarely any.
Big same
nah I dont like fucking ugly niggers, their pussies look gross as fuck. like someone smeared coal all over it
we're white!!
Ew, no. You're the only one faggot. Enjoy your herpes.
Hey blackies why is it the more white a sheboon look(I used improper syntax to make you feel more comfortable, YW!) the hotter she is considered even w/i your own jungle community?
>Be the only White Kid in your entire city
You'll get used to it bud
Can't stand niggers, but gooks and latinas make my peepee hard.
>Any other white anons here exclusively attracted to darker girls or black girls?
The absolute, superlative, and patrician choice. Also, the final redpill. Wh*te women cannot even compete, to be honest anons.
Fuck that, we need to take care of our girls. Only go for bleaching if you're a beta with a truly legit shit selection of white girls in your pool.
Most whites fucking suck anyways their either a shitty or basic person or built like a cactus or a twig
>implying all white girls aren't shit
Yeah well non-whites ALL OF THEM are either fat or not fat!!!
You're a disgusting human.
>Implying non whites exist
>Implying race is something that exists beyond a unscientific fictitious surface level categorization of those different than you.
my fav thread