Where can I buy them?
I want to slap them on obvious Jewish tricks such as interracial relationships in advertisements.
Where can I buy them?
I want to slap them on obvious Jewish tricks such as interracial relationships in advertisements.
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lol this is actually a beautiful idea, gonna print some and slap em everywhere.
would love to know also
It actually is a really good idea. If Normies see swatika or WN stickers they will freak out. But if they see the Jew Merchant they will laugh and more important they will start asking, "what is a jew?"
stick them on campus SJW and antifa posters
and then sit back and watch the snowflake triggered show
An user printed up a shit ton of them and was selling them cheap, but Sup Forums being Sup Forums everyone called him a honeypot.
this is a good strategy
just make your own
it isn't that hard
hahahahaha printing 100s of these stickers at my local FedEx office. Person working there is like "uhhhh what are you doing?" And then I redpill him and another user is added to /pol
>Be Britbong
>Get arrested for this
There are online sticker companies that you can upload your own images to.
But in Britain I'm honestly not sure if they'd print them or call the police.
Ya'll live in the book 1984. Seriously hahahaha
America is messed up and our government hates us, but damn at least we can print stickers of Jews. AND we can own guns. And smoke weed. It's awesome.
Move to America bro!
Don't forget Tyrone!
$10 for 3 stickers?
You are dreaming m8, the real merchant is you.
Got news for ya kids. Sup Forums is a honeypot. Secrecy only matters when secrecy matters.
Tyrone is cool. We white men like our worker slaves. They are not our enemy. We only have one enemy; the merchant jew.
$100 for 60?
Am I shadowbanned
For real. Way to help the white cause. You should charge only for shipping. 10 bucks for 3 stickers? total jew move
Yup, sorry.
Why would Sup Forums shadowban anyone?
M8, you can get 400 vinyl stickers on ebay for around $10 plus shipping. If you're trying to scam us for money, plz be a little more believable.
Tyrone is chill. He doesn't plan anything he just does what he do. The merchant is just a funny meme
The creator of that is going to make a big money.
Genial idea.
this is not reddit
Set up a website you fag
Things that never happened
>calling me the jew
print your own then faggot, I dropped over 250 bucks on each. These aren't cheap inkjet stickers.
Tyrone is like a pet dog. You can't really get mad at it for acting up. user is right, Tyrone doesn't have any plans and agenda to destroy White man. In fact the opposite. Tyrone loves white people and wishes he was white.
The jew on the other hand...... that little devil is a trouble maker
So can you give me 2 for $5?
>I dropped over 250 bucks on each.
Holy shit I hope you're joking. You can buy high quality, UV protected car wraps in bulk for 1/5 of the price, and just make your own.
He's trying to cover his losses.
So you got jewed for a bunch of stickers and now you want to unload them on us.
2 for 5? More like 10 for 5. wtf is op trying to do?
Sup Forums is a giant honeypot. Hiro put Ukrainian data mining scripts into the site itself. You'd have to be fucking retarded to not know that you're being actively monitored and that blackmail could soon follow.
>I want to slap them on obvious Jewish tricks such as interracial relationships in advertisements.
I think you just stumbled onto pol's next action. This would be great. Go into an electronics store and put a sticker on each tv, put them on posters in college message boards, put them on newspaper machines. . .
the possibilities are endless and the media would run with it.
Best cheap way to do this without buying expensive stickers is to draw merchants on bathroom stall walls
Been doing this for a couple years now, and came back to see others write "SHUT IT DOWN" Or "The goyim know, flush it down!"
Trying to become the merchant.
if u want them, you know what to do
they are both 4.5"
Why do guy's handwriting look like total shit?
Fucking 10/10.
This is the next phase in modern meme warfare. IRL memes.
shit just got real
war never changes kek
you can have 2000 printed for 40 bucks
Because we’re only writing on your postits or gtfo
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.
There are a few antifa stickers around my suburb, I want to stick this on top
Do you ship to straya m8?
This is the best idea ever and I'm gonna start threads about it every few days to remind people to do this
I try to invite blacks to shabbats that I know around the area, tell them its "free food"
Jews don't know how they are getting them and cant say no because that makes it seem racist and eating with somebody makes people grow closer so I hope to see a few Jewprincess/Black bull relationships forming up.
Its popcorn.
i saw flyers all over jamaica ny, and miami, fl inviting blacks to come to synagogues on shabbos, high holy days (passover, sukkot etc) for free meals and drinks
This thread is going places.
ya if nignog would give us a decent price
how about you invite the Apex cru to a local Shabat dinner at the synagogue. chabad has great free food!
holy shit oh my fuckin god that is one of the best idea's ive seen HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA
This. I've been drawing all manner of vile sayings and pictures on stall walls for years. It's fun and you'll never get caught. Not even mostly Sup Forums shit either, my vandalism portfolio is diversified.
Once they get stuck they ain’t ever coming off
How apt
>the media would run with it
The media would run with it
"kek trigger le libtards awesome style!
Praise kek!"
We're not here to "trigger libtardz lul"
We should focus on redpilling NORMIES.
Spotted the greedy merchant.
seriously fucking tempting
>breaking rule #1
>dude weed
You have to go back
>$10 for 3 stickers
Start sticking yourself with stickers, because the real kike is you.
you fucking kike faggot.... \0/
>anyone want some stickers goyim?
> just send (((US))) some money and your ADDRESS and they will be there in 3-5 business days.
6months later....
>you going with us goyim
>you have been a bad goyim..
>making jokes about the most tormented souls of human history, you must repent for the holohoax and suck kike cock and recieve it directly in your assshole without foreplay or lubrication....
and told to enjoy it..... with that kike grin on their face....
make them yourself and be careful
t. kikecianiggerfaggot
OP you're a genius. These stickers are stealthy, hilarious, and make normies associate Jews with greed and trickery.
Gimme some stickers.
Just get a zebra printer at a computer recycling place. They are cheap and you can make thousands easily.
$10 for 3 stickers?
I'm not paying $20 dollars for 2 stickers.
When are you going to give me 15 stickers and $30 goy?
Just print them yourself idiot.
This isn't rocket science
lmmfao.. hey dipshit, you have an American flag on, nothing illegal is going on.
What a larping faggot, as if you were that important, lmao.
We need Judenhut stickers, too
lol, ikr..
last time I took orders for stickers it was 2 stickers for 5 dollars and faggots still comlained, everyone who ordered got 3-4 stickers.. I am usually generous.
This goy gets it.
They are trying to dox us. If you really want to print these stickers, do it yourself and don't rely on outside help like a sucker.
>Give me your address fellow antisemitic goys
Found the shill.
Not a very high-IQ one from the look of his grammar/sentence structure.
Is there a way of ordering these with a stronger glue?
I'm thinking Epoxy Resin
>They are trying to dox us
i couldnt give half a fuck who you are
shut up
have a you, faggot.
Go away schlomo.
>Angry Jude.
>go away
I have been here a hell of a lot longer than you and I'm not going anywhere, bitch. Yeah, of course I am a jew, because I bought kike and nigger stickers, impeccable logic user.
more valuable would be a HOWTO on making these things cheap. Is there a cheap(ish) die-cutting rig that can do this? Avoid commerce and shipping. Teach a man to fish etc...
t. tyrone
Looks like this might be the place to go.
Make your own with a printer... damn wtf