Every time it looks like Syria will gain control, these (((fuckers))) come out with their bullshit,
I wish Trump would get rid of her.
Only sandniggers care about sandnigger problems.
Glass the whole fucking country and machine gun anyone who tries to escape.
I can't stand that bitch. The way she always keeps one hand under the table close to her body, and the other flipping through her witches spell book. Lying fucking slut.
>sand nigger problems
Are you stupid, or Kurdish, or both. What (((they))) do there, they try to do everywhere. Get your head out of the sand you fucking austrich
What? She is standing up to the muslims? She is pretty cool in my book.
theyre the ones doing the bombing of civilians fuckin cunts
Trump dosnt run the show, he makes deals and thats all, you should know that by now.
You shouldn't cover up that cool Israeli flag with that Confederate meme flag. Be proud of who you are, Shmuley.
>Are you Kurdish
Sandnigger confirmed
She reads life and death material like a 1st grade librarian. I’m surprised they don’t use pop ups so she can better understand the material while simultaneously regurgitating it.
>Amerifags ANGORY because rejection of Jerusalem Internationally recignized as Israels capital
2 of your major cities have a white minority
Islamists are your only hope to stop the Jewish Threat but nope
>Hurr Durr sandnigger
Fuck off your country is fucked when B'athism dies and Iran falls
fuck off you jack pine savage. I'll take Syrian Girl over your toothless meth head sister any day.
>vote against interventionism and escalating our foreign wars
>vote against gun control
>both still happen or are attempted
I'm pretty salty, friends.
kikes and roasties, enemies of the world
the arrogance of those fuckers, their fucking bold faced lies. I hate, despise, these fucking murky, web toed demons.
Nikki Haley, born Nimrata Randhawa
>D E S I G N A T E D
I just feel disappointed and hopeless with it. Things are never gonna improve.
Yeah, but she is standing up to the (kinda natsoc) secularist muslims (Syrian government), speaking in support of the fundamentalist (literally a splinter organisation of al-qaida) muslims ("moderate" US/Saudi/Turkey supportet rebels)
And by proxy, the Jews.
Its so disgusting and demoralizing having this trash in my country
well damn, nigger, you seem to be correct. I knew there was something funny about that cunt. And what self respecting Sikh man lets his daughter out of the house. I've half a mind to switch my allegiance to the Paki side.
Even worse that it represents "us" at the UN.
the US is always prepared for military action, i'd be inclined to worry if they weren't.
she's just a used up old bitch, at the end of the day.
There's something about her though that I personally find very irritating, I must confess. I think its a combination of her sheer idiocy and arrogance.
i know what you mean. for me she gives off this air of superiority and it comes off as obnoxious
>fucked up Syrian government
Fuck off, Syria was a perfectly fine country till the globalists, like dick cheney, john Bolton, whitney Houston, and gargoyle Clinton, stuck their ugly fucking faces in the mix. Good luck being a xtian in Syria under those scraggly bearded goatmen. The Armenians have already left and will never come back. Don't talk about righteousness if you are encouraging the destruction of a nation that was naturally diverse and got along with itself well enough. Couldn't have been that bad of a government. The Armenian Christians didn't have to worry about getting dunked in a water tank full of pike, at least.
Get the fuck off my white board dune coon.
You filthy animals deserve nothing but bombs. I hope Trump kills all your fucking cousins and you go to Guantanimo Bay and get waterboarded you inbred fifth column spastic goatfucker.
All you fucking Sandniggers need to stay in your containment general or fuck off to Sup Forums where you normally live.
pic related is actual short term goal. source is watermark
>If we flood our countries with Muslims, we can beat the Jews
My god, what a liberal commie faggot.
soy boy can't stand strong woman
Fuck off, you drunkard, I'm whiter than you'll ever be, you hobb footed paddy.
>Fuck off, Syria was a perfectly fine country
you muslim cunts eat my dick please
Wtf, I thought she was white
Nice LARP achmed. If you were a Christian you'd know that the Son of God used to go to the pub.
I admire the Turkposter, because he's the only one of you filthy animals that speaks his mind.
The rest of you welfare leeching liars speaks constant bullshit.
Every raghead deserves napalm.
Remember Telford. Kill every goatfucker.
This bitch took down the confederate flag from South Carolina’s statehouse. All she does is shill for Israel and bomb Syria. She’s worthless.
Mfw i litterally had to ask someone that
How did that come about?
She will justify a NATO invasion of Syria soon
>I'll use OP's meme
ha, you outed yourself, shlomo. You may fool these other anons, but I'm on to you. You fucked up SA now you want to bring your diversity to Oz. Show your nose nigger, show it NOW!
"Stop blowing up your cities! Only we are allowed to blow up your cities!"
Maybe they can use some of Britain's SERIN gas
>Wtf, I thought she was white
I know everyone assumes this, but she looks about as white as these Syrian refugee children desu.
they try this at least once a year. its not gonna work kikes give it a rest.
Yeah ok play that game fuckwit.
You will always be a sandnigger.
Every statement she makes is exactly what I imagined Hillary's foreign policy would sound like. That's why I supported Trump in the first place, because I hoped that he'd put the brakes on our perpetual war machine.
No violence (or threats threof) allowed
We gotta put an end to it before it puts an end to us. Matthew 26:52. Put your sword back in its sheath, for those who live by the sword die by the sword.
I really wish her pussy lips wrapped around my dick, if you know what I mean.
That's how they started the war in Syria. Except not as fiery. They through some beer cans around a mosque, spray painted some blasphemies on the wall, blamed it on Assad forces, and stirred the pot till it boiled over.
ICU Schlomo. Smile your famous.
you fuckers shine both sides of the coin, because you know one day your gonna flip it in the air, and it don't matter what side it lands on to you lot.
As for me, I am both an Antisemite and a Zionist. Greater Israel would be a good thing as Muslims and Jews deserve each other and would be each other's foils. (((They )))must treat their Muslim charges humanely to the level where they can not credibly claim refugee status in white lands though, or we can just choose to be willfully blind and take their claims to that effect as gospel truth, which shouldn't be too hard since Jews run all the media. That way they can be turned back to live under like rule.
More dead bodies are going to get gassed again very shortly, hell, they might even find it's the same nerve agent used on the spies.....Latter faggots!
Remember when (((whomstever))) is responsible for /ptg/ tried to meme her popularity on Sup Forums? I remember.
the right can't meme...
Trump doesn't make any decisions. He just follows what the last person he talks to, tells him what to do.
and what do you stand for? Nothing! Your content with leaning up against a pole, trying to maintain cool. Your neither hot or cold, you're useless.
Assadcucks are going to have to put up with their rump in Latakia while they cry about their "Greater Syria" bullshit.
Why do kikes like using deus vult memeflag so much?
Trump's worse choice
Nothing but a filthy Jew puppet whore
When will Sup Forums stop being retarded? The "Jews" in hollywood that molest kids have renounced their Jewish heritage. Real jews are conservative and Israel is based.
I'd like to see a nigger freeze his shit in a yellow dildo overnight and then fuck that poo to death with it
>let the cancer grow, it doesn't affect me yet
Fucking retard. It will be too late by the time you decide to pay attention to it.
the united states is stuck in the endless war. its not even about war its about a government with no explicit budget and a debt ceiling that isnt at a fixed point. slush funds politicians and generals dip into have to be filled. sometimes some one gets greedy.people that arent even in the government any more steal from tax payers and its not even conjecture it was proven years ago when a government slush fund had hundreds of millions taken out of it by some one who wasnt suppose to have the account number or security number. some one who wasnt in the government any more
a little sad when you catch a thief and their only defense is "i will tell every one what i know you faggots did" . yea try again. try harder. you can just be found in a ditch and nobody will go to jail
Didn't this bitch criticise Trump endlessly during the campaign. Why did he give her a job.
A reflection of the goyim
Nothing more
Are there any pics of Nimrata where she shows off her legs or feet?
Fucking horny Indians
Because we are the true Sons of the Lord, leafy.
Trump is happier with her than any other person he picked except pence
Assad is not a good leader. He has never been a wise leader. There was a reason he was his dads last choice. He made his bed with Iran and now he can sleep in it.
What did Pence do?
Oh so all those people should just die? All those innocents deserved it? All the women and children raped and sold off or turned into soldiers for the Mossad? The most evil fucking place on the planet, Israel, should have been nuke fucking 100 times by now, and by God they will on my very soul I swear it.
I hope you fucking jew get your Greater Israel, let the world see who you are. Then when you're all cosy and finally together as Satan's chosen ones, we'll unleash a fucking barrage like you've never seen. I'd rather honestly watch every one of you die, but then again we can't all get what we want.
Oy vey!
Syrian sandnigger confirmed
It was you mong.
I got one. fap away, Pravinder.
I honestly don't know why Trump chose this back stabbing cunt. Bitch cheats on her husband too. Fucking whore
that webm is great
Count how many times he says Israel.
Tolkien is that you?
The fact that you think is this about Israel shows how blind you are. They are tiny piece of a much larger power struggle. I’m sorry Syria become home of a proxy war and so many innocents died. Assad’s poor choices early in his reign set this path. He did this. also if I’m rooting for anyone to have a greater anything is a Kurdistan that spans its true breadth.
He was his dad's last choice because he was less radical than his brothers.
Neat never saw this one before.
>Creatura understanding of politics
No wonder you are the jew mothership ship
The only thing that will stop them is to murder them, one by one, in their own homes, preferably in front of family members. The vast majority of people are prevented from doing this because of moral programming/fear however, but it is the only effective way to stop it.
Pic related even though Im not American.
>also if I’m rooting for anyone to have a greater anything is a Kurdistan
Yeah, everyone on Sup Forums is rooting for a bunch of Marxist muslims
>we are the world, we are diversity
>ethnic/religious states for everyone, everywhere, but the West
Just once, just fucking once, would you people pick just one.
the thing is kike sandniggers are all over western government/media and keep dragging us into their shit
Okay fair enough I'm about 40 seconds in and I think we just hit the 10 Israel mark
Every week I think I've seen the dumbest post on Sup Forums, and then one like this pops up. Holy fuck how is this not Israel trying to expand? These fucks have their kike shekel coloured eyes set far into the future, which they think they will rule. YOU did this you fucking kike. Your fucking tribe of anti-christ cock suckers have destabilized the middle east so much I bet you could connect the dots and make the star of david appear.
Go eat a dick, make sure it's circumcised you kosher fuck
>watch how quickly he recoils