
How do we get this motherfucker to stop fucking around with western countries like the US and UK?

Attached: Vladimir_Putin_(2017-07-08).jpg (903x1155, 593K)

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How can he fuck up the UK anymore than they're fucking up themselves?
It's like insulting a man trying to hang himself.

He married his daughter off to a Jew

Expand the Magnistky Act to other countries (UK should join for a start).
Then the rest of the oligarchs will force a change of administration.

Build time machine and help Poland conquer USSR in 1920?

Attached: Bij_Bolszewika.jpg (500x671, 80K)

He literally had people murdered on British soil. Treating them like they don't even have sovereignty over their own land. And all May can do is cry about it.

Isn't that a smart move?

>implying that does anything

>How do we get this motherfucker to stop fucking around with western countries like the US and UK?

you mean how do you get him to stop winning all the time?
You don't. The globalists give power to the corrupt, not the capable. This is why they can't compete against leaders like Putin or Trump who got where they are by being capable.

Get used to nationalism winning and jews getting BTFO because that trend won't stop any time soon.

>He literally had people murdered on British soil

These jews really are banking hard on the truth through repetition tactic. They just can't get it through their heads that it isn't working.

Putin is still very much an imperialist fag, though, with globalism under a different, more self-righteous brand. This is the reason why he keeps harrassing Eastern Europe and why Crimea is Russian now.

You mad Jewboy?

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just relax and know this is all part of the plot for the next rising antichrist. if you havent
realised it yet, our reality is an entertainment program for extra-dimensional god-like beings
then youre pretty much already behind on everything and wont see the fine lines connecting.

i would like to watch him fuck the muslim shithole that is the UK first inshallah


He dindu'nuffin recently faggot, go cry to the DNC.

Same time we stop fucking with them and let them take over eastern europe. They will probably stop fucking with us.
>we fuck with Russia
>they fuck with us

Crimea was always Russian, Komrad.

This will unironically be a popular position for poltards in a few weeks. Just wait.

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Yep, and we just keep counter-repeating. Been this way for over 10 years now. All they do is continuously expose themselves do the average normie.

>They will probably stop fucking with us

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satanist. Standard satanist religious belief that our world is a computer simulation. their kike master tell them this in order to get around their conscience and get them to do evil things.

trips don't lie. Remember ukraine's "orange revolution"? It was one of Soros color revolutions, like his "purple revolution here". The globalists are trying to btfo putin by using eastern europe as a proxy, and it isn't working.

Yep, I remember those Jews well.

Attached: ukraine-jews.jpg (507x563, 63K)

Well....we could stop letting the NeoCons/NeoLibs organize coups in countries neighboring Russia for starters.

>( 3:18 - 29:05 )

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Follow your leader.

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Russia will pay when he is gone. When the collapse happens it will make African countries seem nice.

break his knee caps over nukes

It's too late. Americans are Putin's bitch boys at this point.

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Not before Saudi Arabia is glassed, you fucking rat. Where you at right now?

What will you do about it, Turkish faggot?

>doesn't even deny being a bitch
>the absolute state of Putin's America

go suck Putin's cock, mutt

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Keep crying Turkboy.

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>muh Jews

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absolutely pathetic

>muh Russia

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Get out kike.

dude, like said Putin: we will bomb everyone and u too if someone tryed to fight against us.
we dont need World without Russia

Stay mad.

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UK is islamic


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Where are you at? let's meet up.

Why can't the left meme?

24 Sussex Drive motherfucker. Come at me bro.

"like the US and UK"
Is it just me, or didn't a former MI6 agent try to interfere in our elections?

he will not stop
you need to become a man and stop crying about other men being men

>24 Sussex Drive
Confirming you're a wannabe middle eastern sand rat. I suppose you're sitting in some Islamic community center in Toronto, or at home with your fat arab wife who's welfare check helps pay the $750 apartment rent.

Tell me where you're at.