
In 1980, someone working in the financial sector made as much as someone working outside of the financial sector. 30 years later, they make the person working in finance makes twice as much.

What caused this to happen?

Attached: finance_compensation_chart.png (700x575, 61K)

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Could these two charts be related in some way?

Attached: EPI_productivity_compensation.png (1946x1592, 375K)

Financial deregulation and securitization.
Two things that inflated potential profits and promoted financial gambling.

Actually the best correlation I can find for that chart is when women entered the workforce in large number. Doubling the workforce and serving as a major suppressor on wage growth due to supply outweighing demand for jobs.


>Actually the best correlation I can find for that chart is when women entered the workforce in large number.

So why didn't that happen to the banking sector?

The government taxes workers too much. Financial people often have compensation that is more intelligently paid out to avoid taxation.

Social security is the reason

Attached: social_security_scam.png (2202x3520, 1.04M)

Attached: social_taxes.gif (851x417, 45K)

Taxes on wages were far higher in the 1950s than in the 1980s.

Then why did the two finance/non finance salaries correlate so well from 1940-1980? Did they suddenly forget how to use all of the tax looppholes in 1940 and relearn them in 1980?


Attached: billionaires laughing.jpg (400x300, 22K)

It's almost like people who study and work with money for a living are better at earning and managing money.

like in the movie "They Live", this is the jew engineered economy where they thrive and everybody else suffers

Let me repeat again: Why weren't they better at doing this from 1940-1980?

It seems they are only good at doing this when a country is in a state of decline... if you notice they made more during the great depression of the 1930s.

(((Harvard))) Business school is to blame. It began pumping out the "greed is good" brand of capitalism that lead to shit like merger and acquisition scandals and others beginning in the 80s. They stopped teaching a a school of thought where business was meant to be a functioning organ in a society and set loose the Gordon (((Geckos))) of the world.

the global tribal cabal of nepotistic mafia clans of the privileged ashkenazi oligarchy aka

I think it might be because the positions in banking which give high salaries require a high level of numeracy

Something that women don't often have since they don't study numerate degrees at University etc

I also see finance as a type of career where you can more easily prove your worth since your job is typically to make or save as much money as possible for your employer

>Be MBA student
>not a lecture goes by that doesn't reference nonsense from Harvard
>each reading assignment full of buzzwords from the same 1-2 alums from there

i don't know. and it may not be relevant at all. the economy is more global now. maybe that is the reason.
I want taxes to be as low as possible for everyone.

in a nutshell: you can't cheat an honest man (-WC Fields). as American society degenerated, it became more dishonest, and the con men became rich.

in more concrete terms: after the depression, banking and finance was tightly regulated, and by the early 80s people were young / stupid enough again to vote for people who'd let the conmen run amok

Banks consolidated and built upon the incestuous relationship between them and the government. Most of that pay raise is American taxpayer money going into bankers' pockets

what do we do? do we riot? do we cull the elite/globalists? do we burn rotting frankstein this down?