Post your Wojaks, Third Referendum memes, etc.
Qubec Meme Thread
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Spelled Quebec wrong in title :(
Anyone got a Quebec Wojak?
how many people on this board are really going to be able to read this?
Ciboire c'est 2018 le monde sont mieux de parler plus qu'une langue
it's meant to be convoluted
that's what Canadian French is for,
most of them speak English, but they use mongrel for code
In a paragraph a frenchman can say what an Anglo could say in a phrase
>not being smart enough to recognize commonly used nomenclature in both germanic and latin languages
calls itself a based province
freaks out when a manager of a store speaks in english
calls itself based province
freaks out when one in 100,000 job ad is advertised in english
Quebec is like antifa. Triggered by everything.
not based at all.
thats not true john, go to bed. your dad was a racist and taught you a bunch of dumb shit
We protect our heritage l'anglocuck
oui, c'est important, mais le francais aux quebecoise est preque inutille pour converser avec le autre francophones en le monde
and you could protect it more becoming a republic.
Quebec is the only place where the whole province watched a tv show about a 16 year old who runs away to fuck niggers.
For PC sake the pimp is white.
>In a paragraph a frenchman can say what an Anglo could say in a phrase
Sounds more like East-Asian languages compared to English.
Canadian French is as comparable to French as Rednecks are comparable to English Nobles.
Africa is full of french speaking africans thanks to France
They all dream of going to Quebec, and they are slowly going to outbreed the white quebecers....
France double fucked Quebec
True, I hate the frogs as much as the anglos.
Africans dont want to go to France anymore as the french dont want them anymore
France loves its muslim arabs though
Thank you.
Arent you a frog in a way ?
>most of them speak English
maybe in the tourist parts, but in my experience rural quebec has a serious language barrier.
I speak french fairly fluently, and while i started in canadian elementary with a french canadian teacher most I learned in france from actual frogs. The languages have become so different its actually fucked. My girlfriend is pure laine quebecois, I can't understand her french one fucking bit.
jokes on you jean guy pic related is a jew run company. aint no bizness like shmata bizness.
Estee tabernak
Montreal is the capital of brown people in Quebec
the purest of laine eh buddy
Mais de quoi tu parle callice? Y'a pas de probleme a parler avec le monde, c'est pas comme si on etait pas conscient de notre accent, pas comme les anglos qui font la galere le moment que tu blague a propos de la maniere qu'il prononce orignaux ou des conneries du genre. Y'a pas grand Quebecois qui vont parler en joual en voyage sauf si c'est avec d'autre Quebecois.
Qui te soigneras ?
Qui te gueriras ?
Les juifs ont contamine ton pays, ils t’ont vole ton integrite......
The anglo speaks the truth.
Fucking kill me.
Oh my god.
You fucking cucks. I never watched that shit
I got out a few weeks ago and said
Why do women in quebec love faggots so much
Some faggots came outside
I rose my fists and said go, they didnt come until i pushed the wamen who was trying to push me, one grabbed me by the side, I threw him down, one grabbed me from behind and pulled me and kicked my make it short from there I got 2 to the floor before being separated 5 v 1 and none of the faggots with me helped.
You fuckers are fucked beyond belief.
No regrats I kept on calling them faggots afterward.
Montreal is an aids factory
You got blacks and homos
Would you believe there was once a time where you couldn't get a job in Montreal if you spoke french? Well the well earning ones, of course they kept the labor for us, the dirty frogs. Couldn't even get seat at the government either, but it all changed when the government was forced to admit it ran like total shite.
>Americas the fence like Mo' Money Ghaddafi
count your fucking blessings leaf, without us youd be swamped with Guatemalans
Yeah I know and it didnt even happen in montreal it was in Quebec and at some point I said loudly "neg" while relating a story and two of the fags with me got offended and said dont say that out loud
For fuck sake
Quebec is probably the most emasculated province and a total matriachy. Women are total roasties who will fuck the whole rainbow. Goverment programs/courts are is totally set up for single moms.
our daily JIDL thread bashing Quebec. Still upset the french protect their culture?
i don't follow politics in this country at all anymore, too blackpilled
is there an actual chance for a 3rd referendum? i'd love for the french to be able to get out of this shithole
Montreal could be nuked tomorrow and no one would bat an eye. Also include Laval because they are one and the same at this point.
french french baugette you fucking crossant niggers
Dunno bro... montreal is becoming majority brown, homos and girl power... no offense.
I find quebecers douchebags. one's grandfathers' pain doesn't give him the right to be a douch, high--ego individual.
so what, my grandparents didn't suffer?
My grandmother worked as a toilet cleaner in germany for 40 years. Should I hold grudge against germans?
quebecers are just french speaking north americans. they shouldnm'tthink of themselves so differently than alabamans
Montreal is filled with jews who get special privilege....
I doubt the roastie part outside of montreal, I've been to anglo places and it can get pretty degenerate
Also from my tinder tests in the states I get way more likes.
I got the research done, same pictures more bitches liking
I think a big chunk of Quebecers can't have fun without weed, alcohol or any other kind of addictive stuff..
Almost half of the province is in montreal
Its filled with arabs..
They are like jews
But i dont blame them...
But they have severe inferiority complexes.. not all but a lot
Its quebecer vs quebecer
Oh the neighbour got a new f150?
I never met an immigrant in montreal who likes here
On the contrary, you should see their faces. Immigrants hate the native settlers. So much hate that if some ISIS guy nukes a government building, those immigrants wouldn't give a fuck. :)
Daily reminder Quebec is Canada and that it will never leave. Sorry frogs your in this mess with us
At least across the world english stays fairly consistent in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure, yeah each accent and culture has its own slang and ways of saying things... but fuck the quebexicans take it to the next level. The accent has one using all these really old french words, in weird ways, with weird grammar, and crazy pronunciations. Basically impossible to follow or understand if you weren't raised with a quebecois tongue.
I feel like this post was intended to make Anglo Canadians mad based on the gay smiley face, but your English is so poor I can barely make out what you are trying to say
Who would give a fuck in the whole place lol
They love montreal
They got their mosque and their morrocan and algerian friends
Also they got the blacks
Which are like their cousins
And montreal is filled with antifa/communists
You can get a gang beating for speaking your nationalist views at a bar, to someone who asked you about them.
So many québécois only speak French, complain whenever they see something written in english, always praise their culture/traditions while simultaneously supporting/voting for globalist policies and politicians that ultimately leads to the death of their language/traditions/culture (see Montréal), and opposing/hating any politician worldwide showing signs of nationalism/patriotism because the press tells them not to like it.
They really are dumb. Like they are racist themselves but complain about Trump being racist (because the press says so) etc. They have absolutely no self-awareness or opinions on their own. They vote for more blacks then complain that they live among blacks
Never say never.
Oh boy, this picture is a clear exemple of the Canadian Anglos absurdly narcissism and self-warranted importance.
See itself as a poor caring mother of children who coudln't possibly survive whitout her, see her direct neighbor and protector as some shitstain (holy fuck are Canadian Anglo high on their horse, all the fucking time) and see Quebec as a barking dog when its obvious who would pick up the fights if the niggers in the picture were to break into the yard.
Can't wait to separate from this horrid mess of a country, the entire history can be summed in a sentence : Frogs was minding his business, Brits came in gun roaring expecting war and riches to loot but got wood and pelt instead.
>count your fucking blessings leaf, without us youd be swamped with Guatemalans
Your fucking PQ party is a mess and your province is the only reason Cuckdeau was elected.
When's the referendum bro
Quebec is like the Canadian Wales except it's filled with complete faggots.
It creates a lot of adversity and thats good
in reality its the *nglo devil that imports quintillions of niggers
I like Quebec in all honesty, but they have such a chip on their shoulders about being French. It’s almost a terrible flanderization of their national character.
It’s still 100x times better than anything Trudeau puts forth though.
Pic related is how the world views French Canada
you never get a chance to vote on immigration and neither do we. Whats wrong with speaking one language?
Can't tell if you're retarded or just idiot, because there sure is more difference between the countless version of english than between Quebec French and lie-de-france french (inb4 you're so fucking daft you actually believe the stereotypical accent of french is actually the accent of the entirety of France proper). From the way you're posting, I can tell you're a cunt and whoever spoke to you probably pulled your leg speaking in blatant joual because uptight fucko like you are the worst. We can easily speak in clear french when needed.
It's also how I view Quebec.
no shit. quebecers know anglos hate them and have a huge inferiority complex. To compensate they lash out on immigrants.
Heil Quebec, you fuckers turn out some of the best metal bands. \m/
There you go
Im not the only one who believes quebecers ha e an inferiority complex.....
Soon what?
Kind of reminds you of literally every Western countries nowadays eh.
J'aimerais juste que le Québec ce réveille et décide d'être Nationaliste-identitaire
la CAQ propose de require nos 50 000 immigrants a 40 000. on est foutu
Le quebec est une supremacie feminine
Et adore ses noirs, juifs et arabes
So Wales then.
I don’t hate Quebec. Sure they can be a fucking drag sometimes, but they are undoubtedly better than american blacks or chinks
>in reality it is the JEWS that import quintillions of niggers
Fixed that for you, although London is the Anglo home base. But fuck London, once the queen dies it’s going to get worse
I dont though
I can go out at minus 50 with fucking joggings for a bike ride, not sure how I still have my balls
I can take many blows to the head and never get koed. I am the master race of these lands.
It's just that other quebeckers cant compare because they got too much of potato nigger blood.
Thank you Free-Brother. In exchange I hope we will have your support in the coming Referendum to get rid of all the Canadian/Brits/Cuck
He's memeing you. Quebec will never get another referendum. They're going down with the rest of us
it's true man. I was walking down mcgill street last sunday, and my friend looked at the quebec flag on a gov. building, and said "I want to burn that shit".
But CBC tells you that immigrants love Quebec.
Ne t’inquiète pas, il fait comme Trump a fait. Il commence par le réduisant par un petit pourcentage (20% en commençant versus 25% pour Trump) et puis ensuite il le baisse encore et encore...
Wales has no homosexuals. This is a fact verified by science.
Why can't Quebec have independence?
Sure... you’re narcissism is just compensation for your inferiority complex I believe...
>Why can't Quebec have independence?
The globalists that run this country will never allow it
I like Wales.
Like I like Ireland.
Soon, honestly thinking of making a new political party from the ground up and making it solely about sovereignty and how to make the transfer as smooth as possible. No in between, no concession, from the get go we start to write theoretical laws bills for the new country and make sure they are safe and sound. Make studies of our trade to know how to manage it properly and know how to compensate the possible lack of whatever we may need by our own means rather than being indebted to Schlomo and co. Create a new currency which DO NOT base itself upon credit or loans, but more something akin to how Germany did prior to WW2 to get itself out of debt. fuck each day I think about actually doing it, strive for effectiveness and productivity, use the constant childish quarrels of the political scene against them and make our party gain credibility. Of course the MSM would shit itself and go in overdrive but it doesn't matter, they don't have that much of a hold upon us and many peoples are woke about their gratuitous bashing.
The globalists can just run Quebec.
boys ya-tu une organisation québécoise qui est /nosgars/
Or (((european style socialists)))
Quick Rundown:
President Macron forms new French Empire 2020, includes mandatory Sovereignty of Quebec, potentially WAR with Canada. Macron literally punches Justin Trudeau in the face, and then invades England and Canada, also drops French Rods from God on London , its OGRE
La CAQ c'est pas la solution. Le PQ est l'alternative pragmatique à prendre si on veut faire un pays. Une fois qu'on a ça, on fait notre république et on les sacre dehors.
Salut l'colonisé, sa va bien ? Le reste du Canada, l'USA et la G-B est aussi cuck que nous je cherche ton point.
>I can tell you're a cunt and whoever spoke to you probably pulled your leg speaking in blatant joual.
I have no doubt that you guys have a lot of fun with people like me. I will be the first to admit that french is not my native tongue (incase you hadn't already figured that out), but just because you get to watch me squirm trying to figure out what the fuck you just said, doesn't make me wrong. I have had many native frogs tell me when they've come to canada that they can barely figure out what the quebecers are on about. I don't blame them. In written form quebec french isn't that bad, but when you guys speak? fuck man, how can you be surprised when I say no one can understand you
Easier to control Canada when it's a 'unified' whole. They won't allow Quebec to separate
I have a 7.5 inch dick which is fair, a eagle like shape of hair on my upper chest
I grew up in frozen lands and was used to feel needles in my legs from the cold, as a result I have the legs of yeti.
I'm perfect dude
J'irai a l'universitie du Quebec à chicoutmi dans l'été pour étudier le français. Est-ce que Chicoutimi une bonne ville? Est-ce que les gens là sera fache que mon français est mal?
We were to stupid to accept the framing that a referendum was necessary to achieve independence, and now immigration is making it impossible for the short-term at least, if we stay within the framework of needing a referendum
The best thing to do is to do what the CAQ proposes, to strengthen Quebec within Canada so that whether or not Canada collapses we'll be in a position to assume independence