Great Britain

Landed in Stanstead airport London, sat at Costa Cafe to spend the night for my morning train and decided to surf Sup Forums from the public airport wifi. Officer arrived telling me this device has been using a forbidden IP address.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s-Mac-Address-in-Windows

Use a proxy next time

Airport security is on it's way. You have been warned.

Did you tell him to jog on?

Next time I'll finish reading OP. Yeah that sound about right. You're on a list now faggot.

tell him to stop stalking you

Go on a muslim website about making bombs next time and see if they approach you

Free proxies are great ways to get spyware

They would approach him and invite him to welcoming party.

White people that live in the UK, just fucking emigrate already.

There is nothing left for you there, only a surveillance-state and slow destruction.

Dont be suprised if the UK gets sharia before France.

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Brilliant idea when CP could be posted at any time.

>the absolute state of bongistan
careful, you might be arrested for wrongthink soon

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But it’s my country. THEY should leave


I've browsed Sup Forums at the airport loads of times and not a fucking word. Bait as usual

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from what kind of device?

Well said sven

Then make them.

Unfortunately lad, our dad's and mum's have given away our countries in exchange for feel goods.

Shoulda called him a cunt and told him to fuck off

Stop being so easily baited you dumb fucks.

I've been questioned by Her Majesties Customs about my browsing habits at the airport. I always travel with a burner phone and fresh SSD. They took my phone and then returned it.
GCHQ is everywhere.

dis nigga raycissssss

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>pol so retarded they think airport security would track the exact location of someone browsing pol on their laptop just to tell them to stop

proof, faggot

>Locating one physical wifi device among hundreds
I call bullshit. This is not what they do anyhow.
I use a lot of different public wifi. It's rare but some have 4chins blocked. Reason given (if any) is because Porn.

Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums in public? Do you have any social awareness?

what are you downloading

>forbidden IP address
NO SUCH THING you fag lol

It's hard finding one that 4chin doesn't block.

ITT: Things that didnt happen.
For example, OP is not a fucking faggot

can't hear you over an entire generation of your children is getting raped.

we're pretty mainstream now. I Sup Forums with my mom everynight

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holy fuck i hate the uk

i encrypted all my files when i took my computer through a european airport

Brit bongs are fucking slaves.

imagine a truck of peace plowing through these

I keep browsing 4chin through my phone now, no laptop. What would have happened if they took my laptop and went through my obnoxious Sup Forums meme folder?

install bitlocker so in the future they cannot get into it

Someone is spending time in the nick

Does UK even have a chance of saving itself?

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quality post

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Peets coffee has Sup Forums blocked

vpn it nigger

Proxylist bruh

The entire history of white people is saying "Well fuck you, I'm gonna start my own country without your bullshit and it's gonna be 1000x fucking better than here"
Let it collapse, utterly die, then return after 20 years and overtake it if you must.

How tolerant from the UK, now you're one step further to become an authoritarian state. Im pretty surprised that you haven't got arrested for visiting Sup Forums nor being called a nazi and a fascist by the tourists/surrounding population.

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The real question is how long until the last white General in the Royal Navy gives away England's nukes so that the 'new diverse' government doesn't misuse them?

Gosh, i totally forgot that UK had nuke. Thankfully here in France most general are White. Seems like niggers and goatfuckers don't like the idea of contributing to France's interest.

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This is the right attitude. Cheers mate

You were being racist whilst bong. Would you adam an eve it.

>mostly female police officers

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planet fitness blocks Sup Forums

do they send the collected knives to ISIS?

Of course Sup Forums is illegal didn't you know? Can't have a board of completely free discussion in this day and age.

Based Trump should nuke the bongs

This, there is nothing of value left in the UK except the ruins of better days. Start building towards a new, stellar UK instead.

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Tell him to prove it. There's no way he can prove it was your specific computer unless you give him your MAC address.

He can be pretty sure but never 100%. Also you should look into spoofing your MAC address when using public Wifi, make your laptop look like a completely different device like a phone or something.


Or just change it often. Not hard to do on unix.
It's like these faggots never infosec'd before.

why spoof it when you can just change it?

Lifetime in prison due to awesome content


Private internet access. Pay with bitcoin or gift cards. That's what I use.

Sure he did.

I'm old enough to remember when myspace and facebook hit the scene for the first time. I remember thinking that it was always the place for the most annoying person you know to be annoying in your face all the time. Then it turned into virtue signaling, no longer was chad showing everyone him and stacy at the beach good enough, or the scene kids at the latest emo show good enough it becuae you had to let everyone know how righteous you were by taking a pic of themselves in a not my president shirt during the bush years. Then it turned into a global pandemic of virtue signaling.

I just pray that at some point people will start realizing how insane the left is and it will be mainstream to call them out as such.

Would probably tell you your new council flat and pre-groomed schoolgirl are waiting your arrival

It's "MAC" address
He just needs to spoof it then they wouldn't be able to find his device.

i regularly browse and shitpost on Sup Forums for hours at the airport while waiting for a flight.
never had TSA approach me or anything, but i have also never been to britainistan.

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just change the MAC. it takes seconds

Forbidden IP wtf. You’ll only be assigned a temporary internal network IP for the WiFi. The external IP will be for the whole network. Try harder next time faggot.

It's raging how they always outdo us.

Just setup a openvpn server at home. It's what I use for all public WiFi, unless I would rather not have my connection to home know for some reason.

I doubt that because I use Sup Forums whenever I go to airports.

go away you're making australia look bad

Fucking based. I didn't know who he was before, but I do now. And he's right, the UK has turned on its people hard and fast, no difference between Tories and Labour. The whole island is fucked.

This is bullshit. Heathrow and Gatwick both block Sup Forums.

Unless they have special triangulation setup they wouldn't be able to find who is browsing what on a public wifi.

That seems unlikely, SOP when running a network is to content block anything you don't want people getting to, not sit there and wait for them to access it so you can go tell them off.

it does faggot.
open terminal and paste this

ifconfig en0 | grep ether

that will show your MAC. now paste this

openssl rand -hex 6 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//' | xargs sudo ifconfig en0 ether

then go back and do the other one again
then kys faggot

Using public wifi, why? Use your phone's network instead or app like Chan Burauza

Windows or UNIX? I see "sudo"

how the fuck are you in San Andreas with an australian flag

Jesus you make your ancestors look bad
for shame, FOR SHAME!
so much for the land that developed common law and all these modern fucking laws and justice system

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linux. not sure if it works on winblows cos i havent used that since vista.

>Browsing Sup Forums in public
>Browsing Sup Forums at all in public

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Fuck I hate this country.

It won't work on windows because none of those programs (ifconfig, openssl, sed) exist on the platform. At least, not by default.

Anyways, depending on your network adapter it might be a pretty EZ config change (does require a reboot), or maybe a registry hack.'s-Mac-Address-in-Windows

He's just trying to have a vacation, not get an apartment...

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>Thankfully here in France most general are White
For now

it depends on your network card, with some you can with others you cant

ty user, tho it will be a cold day in hell when i return to winblows

It's easier to just delete system32 and restart to reconfigure

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Where do we go?
Also based Aristotle


oh cool. ill do that now

>I didn't know who he was before

He's the thoughtful Hitchens. A bit melancholic, but ultimately he's probably not wrong. Young Brits would be better off just coming down here these days, at least we actually want you to turn up.