GET THE FUCK IN HERE Sup Forums !!!!!!!!!
GET THE FUCK IN HERE Sup Forums !!!!!!!!!
women were a mistake
if i ever see this women im going to give her all of my money just to spite her
if women were in charge we'd still be in the caves
>get paid to make sandwiches
>fucking complain
>Work in customer service, customers are assholes, what do you do?
>1. Quit job, do something else
>2. Call for widespread overhaul of centuries-old industry that no one else had a problem with
The entitlement is insane. at least i know this video will be seen by no one
entitlement is the cancer of the 2010's
That clown in the hat is very upset friends
Do feminists die on DOTR
The attractive ones are placed in breeding farms. The fat and ugly ones gotta go, which means like a 93% death penalty rate. And yes, they'll be given 'fair' trials. All they have to do is prove that the income gap is real and they'll be let go.
tipping is fucking retarded. why are you americans so fucking retarded. I know some girls who work in restaurants here they get paid $30 an hour on weekends and every now and again some americans come in and tip them as well fucking $50 , waitresses making $80 an hour fucking retarded
The best part is, every last one of these women is a warthog.
In the states, waitresses only make roughly $2-$5 an hour, using the tips as income. True capitalism smells pretty good.
> nose
How drunk does a guy have to be to "sexually harass" these goblins
I'm guessing this is a complaint that tipping hurts women because it only rewards attractive women.
Took the words right out of my mouth lmao
Appeasement? Do you appease a tapeworm that takes up residence in your intestines? Or do you kill that motherfucker and shit it out like a champ?
>The attractive ones are placed in breeding farms
What if their insanity is genetic? Sure it's not proven, but is it worth the risk, especially given that it's only 7% of the feminist population?
No, it would be far better to wipe them out entirely. Either that or we just forcefully deport them to the middle east. Let them destroy Israel AND Islam.
Basically. Did you dislike yet?
(I'm OP btw, on another browser)
>waitresses making $80 an hour fucking retarded
you jelly bruh?
Maybe they should have been mothers and housewives, then they wouldn't have to protect themselves from degenerates out in the wild. But I'm sure they thought that kind of life was beneath them, so they got what they chose I guess.
Women still make more in tips than men.
These women are fucking hideous, I guarantee none of the stories here are true.
At worst, completely made up. At best, very exaggerated.
>Cow Tipping Hurts Women
I'm ok with this. From now on I'm just leaving a url of this video whenever some dumb broad is my server. Thanks NYT, I'm only tipping men from now on.
Not just drunk, but spics/niggers
I would tip these goblins to wear a paper bag
Make sure you leave a note saying that these brave strong womyn taught you that tipping was sexist, and that you do not want to hurt/offend any womyn by tipping them.
Looks like a Yenta. Disgusting evil kike face.
Of course they do, tips are stupid for that reason and because it rewards front of house more than back of house. At the end of the day, I don't care if my server is a dick as long as I get the correct food in a timely manner. The servers part of that is taking my order to the chef correctly, something that could be done by a robot.
While I think a computer could eventually cook food and it would taste amazing, we aren't there yet.
Bitch looks like a clown kek
whoops. my bad
i dont see anything wrong with this vid. They get harassed by your typical Sup Forums user and they dont tip them, why is wrong for this ladies to expose the shitty treatment they get from betas while they are just working?
>you don't wanna look too sexy but you don't wanna look sexless
They get treated like shit because they treat everyone else like shit and demand federally adjusted wages for jobs that would be eliminated if done so. GTFO mexi-nigger, you couldn't understand economics if it hit you in the dick
Unwanted attention is only unwanted when it's unwanted, and I get that women don't want to be hit on by men they find unattractive. That's just too bad. Not sorry.
thanks, i'll stop tipping female waitresses.
im dead serious and im going to tell them that i read an article about how tipping hurts women and that i dont want to hurt them.
im seriously going to do this.
By the way, I'll be my left middle nut that negress has never gotten a tip from a nigger in her entire life.
Dont tip your waitress from now on. Leave her a link to this article
>Very physical very raw
kek that pic
>I don't like being a waitress but i needs money
Tough shit. Get another job or shut the fuck up.
saved. thnk u for the quality frog
There better be a dick between those legs.
this image is too accurate and makes me suspicious
So, an article against tipping...
I never tip.. Don't see why i should tip for a trip to the chef and back.. If something i would tip the chef if the food is good.
i cant believe burgers are so fucking stupid its got me agreeing with sjw's
Do I want to watch this?
creepily accurate
They are called mimes. you should see her pretend to climb a tree.
She can be appeased when I stab her in the throat repeatedly and I listen to the blood drain out of her veins.
Only drunk on melanin, user.
boo fucking hoo no one likes their job. Suck it up cunts and show my some titties.
Clickbait headline, but it has a point. Would you want your daughter to earn money this way? Dressing all sexy just to get tips from horny strangers? Of course not.
What a progressive watching this doesn't understand is the solution. You can't both be "sex-positive" and all that jazz and have women work these kinds of jobs and expect this not to happen. There's no way to enforce an "anti-flirting" rule or other such nonsense. What you can do is promote traditional gender roles, and modest dressing, et cetera.
Ok, half way through
fucking entitled bitches think taking something from a to b is hard labor.
>Their wages change based on volume and how busy the restaurant is -- the people actually responsible for preparing the fucking thing that everybody is coming to the establishment for gets the same wage, the whole time
fucking entitled cunts think they are being harrassed
>does anyone notice a pattern with their looks, fuck -- most of the time, guys don't even mess with even trying to flirt with the ugly ones
making wage + tips
>these servers in commiefornia are so fucking entitled they bitch about tips and make 10.50 an hour, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Chef here who owns a restaurant here in fuckville
'I shouldn't have to take home less to my child because some guy wasn't in to me that day'
>Oh my fucking fuck these people... first, YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCKING WORK AS A SERVER, second, THEY ARE TIPS... ABOVE AND FUCKING BEYOND.
good fucking god these servers can be quite stupid. I've worked this industry all my life and most of the servers I've worked with don't act like this. Some do, but this is an (((agenda)))
>no respect women
press R to respect women
the stretch marks are a nice touch
la goblina...
they're self-harm cuts nibba
Pic related.
amerimutt spotted
>eating so much your body scars itself isn't self-harm.