What do you think Sup Forums, is colonizer a good name for White People?
What do you think Sup Forums, is colonizer a good name for White People?
only if we can start calling all shitskins abbos.
Yes, 'slavemaster' or simply 'massa' will also do however.
You can't come up with the equivalent of nigger for white people. It's just too hard to insult a race that knows it is superior.
Cuck is a good insult for white people. White guilt is the only thing that whites have bad over other races. No other race has the kind of self-hatred that whites do.
Literally any word they attach to us ends up being positive.
>Is "Nigger" the best word for problematic Black people ever?
>making places better is bad
>leftists worship the devil
pick one
Its really fucking stupid on their part. Every time they say it, the undertone is "my ancestors were so pathetic and docile that your ancestors strolled into their countries most of the time with zero resistance." Not that i would expect this level of analysis.
To play devil's advocate:
Calling White People 'colonizer' implies that those who were 'colonized' were living in a backwards society - no running water or electricity, rampant disease, famines and starvation.
So, isn't being 'colonized' a good thing?
Or put another way, where do you think some of the 'colonized' countries or societies would be today (in terms of public infrastructure and economic progress) if it weren't for 'colonizers'?
North America is Solutrean First Nations land.
Just because some siberians also colonized it does not mean Indians are native and they never "owned" North America.
Honestly colonizer sounds like a compliment.
Sounds like a compliment to me, desu
We are colonizers. And the entire world should thank us for it. And to top it off, we're the only race with a shot at colonizing space. The primary function of any species is to fucking colonize, expand, and to be a step ahead of the competition. Everyone else is a sore loser, trying to take advantage of our overdeveloped sense of empathy - the tendency which allowed us to develop a society capable of changing the world.
They owe us. And if we ever get far into space, no doubt they'll still be chained to our ankles, complaining about how we're oppressing them, even though we've built a post-scarcity society for them to fuck around in.
We'll take it, we did colonize all the brown betas
>reminding the white man of a time where his superiority was unquestioned by the majority of the planet
The only thing insulting about it is the current state of the western world, that our kindness has been exploited by those we released from beneath our boot heels and generously allowed to partake in our free societies, ironically allowing ourselves to be colonized in the process. Honestly I don't even want to go back to that time: clearly some parts of the world simply weren't meant to be civilized. I just want our societies to be left the fuck alone.
Civiliser is better
>Cuck is a good insult for white people
That's not really a racial insult and it's already been taken by the alt-right. Niggers would look stupid using it.
Isn't that a Britney Spears song?
hahahaha good joke canady-bro
Sure. They might meme shitholes back under direct control
Just call black people cannibals
It's pretty weird that the only African countries that are remotely successful nowadays are the ones that were heavily colonized. Sounds like a compliment.
I mean white people absolutely get fucking scared when you call them racist. Here you all are cool with it but in person every white person who's been called that looked like the 'shut it down' pic
i am going to COLONIZE every last nigress with my pure white 100% Bavarian phenotype seed
>thinking colonizer is only to white people
Wakandans call all outsiders colonizers. Stop using it wrongly
lol that pic is savage af
Well said
>What do you think Sup Forums, is colonizer a good name for White People?
I suppose it's truthful. Same as calling a black person "slave" if they vote democrat, since they can survive only through what their master provides them.
They get off on being the victim, what do you expect. They're the only people that could see success and try to frame it as an insult
Its colonist, we already made a word for it.
>Being able to successfully colonise an area because the native population is retarded is an insult
Next thing you know, they'll call us "Master" because they think it's insulting. Only soys will be offended by that