Jew gains control of National Geographic magazine, delcares it racist and promotes race mixing:
"National Geographic did little to push its readers beyond the stereotypes ingrained in white American culture," Goldberg says, noting that she is the first woman and first Jewish person to helm the magazine
Also, how do fraternal twins tell us anything about race? Independent assortment during meiosis means 2 mixed race parents could have one fraternal twin with 100 percent white dna and the other twin with 100 percent black dna. Nothing special to report here. Nat geo is apparently aimed at liberal autistic faggots/niggers/gommunists
Sorry nat geo, but youre not smarter than Sup Forums. We come from the internet. Dont fug wid uz.
There's no such thing as redheads either, that's made up, there is no basis for it in DNA
Adrian Allen
I 50% agree with what they're saying but I don't want to live in such a boring and frustrating reality devoid of magic and charm. I want to believe that the world is a colourful and exciting place. The Jews pushing this non unrelenting focus on (((social issues))) can go get fucked
Samuel Morales
we are hitting kikery levels that shouldnt even be possible
Also it is technically possible and has been documented that fraternal twins can have different fathers if the mother is a big enough slut
Liam Green
Brandon Wright
>"National Geographic did little to push its readers beyond the stereotypes ingrained in white American culture," Goldberg says, noting that she is the first woman and first Jewish person to helm the magazine
Dude the odds on that are fucking INSANE. Gang bang is wayyyy more likely. That would require 4 separate 0 or close to 0 recombination and then for them all to get selected via chance...
Xavier Collins
I used to watch the national geographic channel until they started showing a bunch of advertisements directed at niggers every ten minutes. God I just want to watch nature not some political bullshit