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What if you just don't give them up
those god damn kikes
when will they learn
oh no you have to wait a few more years to get a gun
It's not called the bill of wait a few years
>lost my gun in a fishing accident
That's just what it is tho
18-20 year olds, certain semi automatics. nothings gonna stop you from getting a gun in your prime adult years.
Great. Now if we could only get them off of Sup Forums.
>Hand over your guns goy, it's only temporary
Nice try Shalomsteen
How the fuck do they expect this to survive an equal protection challenge?
>this guy slaps your girlfriends ass
whatchu gonna do?
Shoot that faggot in the face, white men invented weapons so we wouldn't have to resort to animalistic strength contests
>has no boat or fishing equipment
>has no fishing license
Join in.
Why can states change the law to restrict your rights granted by the bill of rights? Can't the federal government stop that?
Do they really think the police are going to comply with that law?
>registering your firearms
That's not what this is about. It's about confiscating firearms from people who have them already. That's setting a dangerous precedent.
(((They))) want to find out what would really happen if they decided to embark on a mass confiscation campaign for real.
Nigger you’re too dumb for self governance.
Don’t you faggots understand that this is how gun confiscation starts. They aren’t going to take our guns all at once. That would cause a civil war 2.0. Instead, they’re goin to take it piece by piece until we’re as cucked as Britain. Honestly, fuck my life
>Implying it isn't
It's like buying alcohol at 21 instead of 18 or however young you yankees buy your guns.
Golly gee I can't wait for all those Chicago gangbangers to turn in their guns, that'll solve everything
Rollins is an idiot. His opinion is poop. And Black Flag sucked.
>How the fuck do they expect this to survive an equal protection challenge?
By that point they will have already sold the guns to mexican drug runners
>> cant dodge or deflect enemy bullets youre a fucking weak ass pussy
What a faggot. We need guns because bad guys and the government has guns
>It’s just like this other retarded useless law
seems too good to be tru 2bh
This. I hate that sloppy, terribly recorded bullshit
Shall not be infringed.
>banned guns in chicago
>it was successful
So all the 18-20 yr old nigs in Chicongo will be handing in their guns?
All true
This guy lies, he said it himself.
bet this faggot cant hunt a moose with his hands and brain.
Damn. Cops get it
Question 15 everyone
Generally the federal government lets your state and county government have some control over access to firearms that the feds don't ban.
Like they can setup capacity limits, restrict private sales, control carry conceal permits, etc...
The real sticky wicket is that the law has to be signed into law, somebody has to break the law, be caught, and case has to go to court and then be decided by IL state supreme court or SCOTUS to be overturned.
No court just steps in and says "you can't pass that law" The law has to be challenged in court based upon a case that is relevant to it.
I bet compliance will be rock bottom. What teenager would give up their guns while older adults don’t have to? It’s so insulting that nobody will comply.
no, but next time you get robbed/house broken in, the kids don't have to be afraid of getting shot anymore!
He is right about guns being tools for the weak. But the weak must be able to protect itself.
PA's constitution says "Shall not be questioned."
Next year it'll be 25 year olds. A few years later, it'll be 30 year olds. You can't just draw arbitrary lines at which an adult can exercise his rights. Why not just make a law banning blacks from owning guns? At least that'd have an effect. And, I mean, you're already throwing the constitution out the window, so why not do it in a useful way?
Bullet is faster than fist therefore it's.ore dangerous
I thought that the Right to Bear Arms was guaranteed by the Constitution and decided by SCOTUS that an 18 year old ADULT can legally own firearms.
What is this shit. Age? That means any State can ban based on age? How would they not eventually keep raising the age until 50% of all gun owners are disarmed?
When does the Federal Government step in?
So in response to this the government should abolish the draft and selective service altogether. If 18 year olds cannot be trusted with guns, then they cannot be part of the militia as defined as all military age males (yes, you are literally in the militia)
Guns are tools of the intelligent - that's why Rollins never would have designed one.
Tell that to Lesnar, mate.
>Chicongo passes more gun laws
>Already the most heavy regulated state for guns
It will fix everything this time! I just know it!!
pol on the internet
>shall not be infringed, my cold dead hands, if they come for my guns ill give them the bullets
pol IRL
>here you go officer! those are all of my guns! would you like some milk and cookies for the road?
Nope. They’re going to the suburbs and the corn fields.
I dont get it
I literally fucked a GF of his. No joke. He's a fucking DICK
>projecting this hard
Niggers are too smart to register their guns.
Remember kids: registration always leads to confiscation.
gas all gunfags
camps set up
tfw liberals pass every law against guns they can and everyone still has their guns
No, I’m ready to die.
Weak < strong
Intelligent > stupid
you can be physcially strong and still require a firearm.
Muscle does not stop bullets, create chivalry, ethics, nor honor.
does the gov have to sign it? also, fucking try to take them from the niggers first. im sure there are plenty of preteen niggers with a taurus
Don’t you jut love the police and military owo/
>black gangs just start shooting whites and cops
By the way, Henry Rollins BEST friend was shot in Venice, CA, when they were roommates. You should research the story. They were followed home after grocery shopping and some Nigger broke into their house and shot his friend dead.
I guess Rollins thought he didn't need a gun then.
Why not just hide them for 2 years? Also nice gun remarketing lmao.
Rollins abandoned his friend when they got a gun pulled on them by a nigger
Everyone in Illinois needs to flood the police and register their firearms as stolen or lost. This means that you won’t be required to hand them in.
> t. Lawyer
They literally lived on Brooks Ave. in Venice. A Nigger gangster or crack head literally shot Rollins' BEST FRIEND dead and got away.
None of them had a gun. Changed Henry's life.
He's a fucking FAGGOT.
How will they take them if not given freely?
>but seriously answer this instead of responding to the shills
Obvious bait is obvious.
thats all that matters user.
What they should really do is not only confiscate their guns, but ban them from ever buying guns while putting these people in jail for an entire month JUST for owning guns at that age. That'll teach em. Oh and make them pay a fine too. Put them on a watch list as well. After all that, make a law that forces bullet prices to cost about 5 times the price to civilians along with having a minimum price point so stores are forced to bleed people dry if they want to shoot their guns. You can't shoot a gun without bullets, and most gun owners are too stupid to know how to make bullets. Hand crafted bullets are shitty as hell and will be significantly less lethal, they might even break people's guns, so if anyone gets desperate they get fucked. Then make it so civilians can only buy shitty ammunition, but it's marketed in a way so that nobody will know they're paying an outrageous price for bullets that are far less effective than usual. Host a series of large yet fake gun shows offering competitions and prizes, with heavily armed swat teams to step in and force everyone to surrender their guns. Basically what you gotta do is fuck gun owners over in every way imaginable. Make a gun too much trouble to keep, make people want to avoid guns like the plague until one day there's so much control over guns that people resort to fighting each other with swords and shit.
Louis CK does stock photos?
seems to me like we need to send the the army to illinois and remove a whole lot of democrat politicians
>t. American intellectual
Gas yourself goblino
they know that if they went door to door to confiscate guns in illnois, most of the confiscation teams would disappear to never be heard from again.
yeah. this should get struck down by a judge, if it even becomes law.
note, it was only passed by the Illinois house so far
still is a reminder of how (((they))) do shit
This faggot gets it.
can't you get an injunction or restraining order before being arrested after it becomes law
Go learn what "Incremental" means. Meanwhile, shut your cock holster.
>first they came for fullauto but i didnt care because i didnt own full auto
>then they disarmed felons but i didnt care because i wasnt a felon
>then they disarmed drug users and domestic abusers but i didnt care because ive never smoked pot or yelled at my wife
>then they disarmed young adults but i didnt care because i'm over 21
>then they disarmed...
do you faggots see where this is going?
Great, let's disarm the law-abiding citizens while Chicago stays a murder capital.
what the fuck.
Maybe not quite that bad. But imagine how the confiscation teams would hold up after they lose 1 or 2 people every single time they go to bust in somebody's house.
>You can keep them, you just have to keep them hidden like a Jew in the attic
Yeah fuck that commie state.
>implying they won't arrest you on sight if you're suspected of having guns
>implying someone won't snitch on you if they see you with a gun or hear gunshots in their area
>implying gun owners are a match for a swat team
highly trained soldiers with flashbangs, riot shields, tear gas, armor, heavy caliber weaponry and more, a single swat is like a raid boss to your average civilian
>then they disarm Sup Forums users after doxing them because the FBI can easily monitor this site full of criminals, mentally ill people and gun owners to get them to take a seat while /k/ gets shut down
honestly surprised the retards at the FBI haven't systematically arrested tons of people on this site yet, nobody takes the FBI seriously these days because it takes a LOT just for the FBI to arrest you from the internet, let alone notice you
Post a photo of a white American. A drawing doesn't mean anything. Dare you.
All they have to do is sue. And they'll win.
>left my rifle at the range
She really is a fucking ogre of the Americas. And such a shit genetic ugly woman to. Gross.
i sold mine to a black guy