Former Leftist/moderate here, how has the red pill changed you personally?
>always hiding my power level >let something out from time to time, get terrified/fluoride stares >realized a lot of Leftists don’t believe their own bullshit and just want to feel good/smart >get a chuckle whenever my phone hits 56% >can’t stand living in Canada anymore, constantly think about emigration >think about going innawoods >can’t stand being around large groups of wamen >just laugh when bad things happen in the media >shudder whenever I read movie credits >notice (((they))) are always pushing white guilt/multiculturalism, even just ones I know personally >why is it always a white woman with a black guy in adverts? >can’t look at blacks the same way
The blackpill freed me. Once I realized that nothing Sup Forums stood for would be accomplished I decided to used the information to benefit myself, my family, and my community. Not overtly at all.
Angel Phillips
All I had was liberal friends and family. I felt that spreading false information was the greatest sin you could commit , I lost everyone to the globalist propaganda because I couldn't stomach telling people falsehoods. I die alone , with my ideals now
Good to hear user, I imagine it’s easier to live with these sorts of views in the States vs Leafland.
Hunter Hernandez
I can't know for sure. It's an awful crime what's been done to Canada, but we'll probably just have to watch it play out. My close friends generally know my views, but luckily I'm not autistic so they can handle it. For me the big distinction is this: Sup Forums has excellent descriptive analysis, but poor prescriptive plans.
Colton Sanders
Yeah I’m the same way, one of my best buds has a Nazi flag, gun collection, based af.
My power level reveals
Certain friends and Sup Forums: 10/10 Most friends: 7/10 Family: 6/10 Strangers/coworkers: 4/10
Brody Collins
Cucks like you don't have a "power level" you fucking traitor
Brandon Johnson
How am I a traitor user?
Parker Gomez
That math seems about right to me. Pro-tip you can say anything you want if you say it the right way.
He's obviously a butthurt lefty, mad at how much of a dumpster fire that the left has become.
Levi Perry
I’ve noticed that, I don’t sperg out about DA JOOS or anything like that. It’s odd how normies are reeeeally influenced by wording instead of facts.
> African Americans commit a disproportionate amount of crimes > Nigs gonna nog
Same thing
Michael Collins
>>always hiding my power level
Don't. You just have to learn how to bring people up to your power level. That's the challenge of being red-pilled. you have to develop the wisdom to get other people to your level
This is untermensch shit. But yeah, otherwise, welcome to being alive for our own genocide.
Nathaniel Flores
I was mostly using the term metaphorically, don’t reeeeally believe the whole fluoride conspiracy
Grayson Murphy
>majority nonwhite/Jewish friends I blend in just fine, but the internal struggle remains.
Samuel Sanchez
It’s interesting how a lot of non-whites are a lot more comfortable with race realism than non-whites
Mason Russell
Another good one there is to approach the same issue from different sides. Show the close correlation between reported crimes and convictions despite the different relevance of each.
Evan Morgan
Yeah I try to do that sometimes. I feel there is a major shift going on at the moment. People are less afraid to speak their minds. Granted, I don’t think there’s much hope left in Canada. I’m only in my mid-20’s and I’m always astonished by how much has changed.
Jordan Barnes
Not in the slightest at all because im not a dummy whos persuaded into certain idea just because thats what the crowd are buying into. Be your selves man not this whole left/right thing define you
Sebastian Gutierrez
I try not to, it’s tough living in canada though.
Zachary Young
but you are not alone in being alone the truth must no longer be compromised for comfort or political correctness.
no. lost me, as in after i read that i could no longer take you seriously.
Xavier Peterson
>I don’t sperg out about DA JOOS
So you dont discuss the root of the problem? That'll help.
Sebastian Carter
>Fluoride Stare I know what you mean, its the look you get from people when you talk about politics/geo-politics ideology ect.
You can tell its blank and unknowing, slightly scared.
In my experience i have noticed that i get this stare mostly from "soy boys" guys who are into tech and vidya, think they are smart , yet know nothing about demographics or history. Its fucking scary, they are man children, they are only just now realizing history is still a work in progress and history as they know it didnt end after the fall of the soviet union.
They universally ,believe that history is over, and that nothing matters, they think social athiest "utopia" is inevitable, this is why they went nuts when Trump was elected. They are too weak as soy boys and dykes and fags to really do anything expect yell in favor of socialism and unmitigated migration, they are insane enough to actually believe un fettered migration will pay their social security, they think these people will assimilate and stop having children, my god how it will blow up in the faggots faces.
Kevin Morgan
>how has the red pill changed you personally? It's made me significantly less paranoid and sorta set some questions I had about the 3rd Reich straight You wouldn't believe the kind of conspiracies you can get into without knowledge of the Jews. I legit spent almost 10k on a bug out room cause I was that sure the fema camps were just around the corner My wife really hates that I did it and I sorta regret it but it did come in handy last year with the tornadoes
They haven't been beaten to death with the whole nazee narrative that when whites don't hate themselves suddenly they want to slay the whole world. Besides other races fight tooth and nail with each other to this day in white countries while whites are oblivious living in their own white neighborhoods or whatever. Even Kanye says its a white mans world while whites don't even think of it that way.
Robert Wright
checked. You will be saved on the day of the rake my leaf friend.
dude just today i explained my sister about the eternal jew meme, told her it was satirical in nature not to raise any eyebrows and appear a tinfoil hat faggot explaining to her about the 1% and the holohoax (which i need to lurk more, so far its a meme to me but the more I learn the more i convince myself ita a jew lie). My mom clearly noticed my recent obsession with geopolitics and crude black humor.
Jeremiah Martin
hahahahahahahahha. I thought i was the only one. also smile when battery hits 88%