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Cordial non-leaf bump



the fuck are you talking about BITCH

Does he enjoy illicit intoxicants like his family members?

The possible chance to have something unusually charitable to say about leafland.

leaf thesrd

>implying alot of the "fucking leaf" posting isnt just leafs with a proxy
Nobody can ever hate Canadians more than another Canadian

Sounds like he is getting rid of the degenerate sex ed I was apparently required to send my soon-to-be-school-age son to. Love it.

How bad was it? They were just starting to phase in sex ed when I was a kid and it was definitely kind of overplayed, but at least they stuck mainly to basic things like anatomy, not catching diseases, not getting a girl knocked up, etc. We weren't deep throating bananas and nobody would have ever guessed that there are 51 more options beyond boys having a penis and girls having a vagina.

Fuck yea Ford Revenge, Return of the crack

These are some hilldawg level of memes

That's more the wife's responsibility to be honest (kid stuff), but she fucking didn't like it all. According to her (and I've verified this one) they teach garbage like gender fluidity as fact. Multiple genders, and possibly that it is fluid over time (as in, you can change, which is garbage). Beyond that, wife told me it gets into shit at a really young age. Anal sex is discussed very young (grade 6 or something like that). It's not just anatomy, periods, penis and vaginas, it gets into fake progressive liberalism, and relatively graphic sexuality at a young age.

I don't really care about the anal stuff (If he's my son, he's going to be trying to get laid by like 14 anyway, if I can help it), but wifey doesn't like that. I personally don't like the gay-ass gender fluidity shit though.

>gook nukem

Yeah, that ain't right. I get that not everybody gets "the talk" at home (I didn't) and there's some basis for thinking the school might fill in some gaps, but gender fluidity and all that is obviously child abuse. Children that age don't really know what's going on. That's like holy shit there's an early bloomer who has armpit hair! And I heard stacy's wearing a training bra already!

Right, well the gender fluidity shit has to go. That's number one. But I also find it a bit odd we are teaching sex ed EVERY YEAR. Am I the only one who finds that's a bit much? This is degeneracy, kids don't need to talk about even dicks and vags until grade 6 at least. This one gets started at like grade 2 or something, and goes every year.

Plus, there were these weird "practice notes" or "teacher prompts" or whatever, they were just fucking disgrace. About masterbation (for like 8 year olds) and, I can't remember all kinds of shit. Anyways, wife was happier today.

These are fucking great. It's nice to finally have a Leaf politician to meme in a NOT embarrassing way like Trudeau.

If you live in Ontario and you don't homeschool your kids you don't love them.
Even Jordan 'Kosher' Peterson is against that shit. It needs to be called out for what it is.
Child grooming.

I honestly don't care. I'm going to assume he'll be watching porn by 12 or 13 anyway. I just don't want to come home to find in a fuckin' dress because he learned he's gender fluid at age 12.

They started us up in like 4th or 5th grade. That was way early. The whole class would run down the halls screaming because we got to say naughty words like "penis" in class :DDDD. I've heard there are studies that show starting this early has some sort of statistically significant impact on that fraction of kids who start messing around really early, but it just never sat right with me even at the time.

And the every year thing was strange to me as well. I guess from some standpoint you want to take a week out of gym class or whatever once a year in case you have new students who don't know what a penis and a vagina is or whatever, but there's really not a whole lot more to learn once it's been established that like pulling out isn't reliable and you shouldn't get drunk and rape girls that aren't in to it.

Yeah, I'm with you. I don't like how dedicated they make sex ed in public education. Honestly, dicks and vags, periods, hair and boobs, babies. Followed by STDs and condoms and safe sex. Followed by don't rape people. Throw drugs and alcohol in there and I'm good.

I don't want subsequent sessions on how to masterbate or lube up an asshole. You learn that on your own god damn it.

Seems like it would take the magic out of it, really. Sex is supposed to be this wild unknown of mutual exploration, just as long as nobody's getting hurt or getting pregos or whatever.

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It's the tax though that makes Dougie my man. I don't give a shit if sits in his office and smokes hash all day as long as it cuts the shit out of the public service (the gravy train they used to call it), lower taxes, and do SOMETHING to get that deficit under control. I pay out of my ass in tax. For what I can tell, shitty services, bad infrastructure and tranny surgeries.

Even the mere popular political expression of replacing queen lesbobot with like a regular guy who talks some sense and rights the ship slightly during a Trudeau administration is neat proposition.

Obviously I'm not a Canadian, but the political climate throughout the western world is ripe for bringing back toward some kind of sensibility and stability for everybody's net benefit.

How to make Ontario kick ass.
Tax cuts for married parents with children.
Burn down the social justice tribunals
Defund public education, force post-secondary education to justify itself to the free-market
Support homeschooling initiatives.
Build Nuclear plants.

disgusting fat Christ killer in a kike mafia

Well, Doug isn't exactly a "regular guy", but close enough. I met him and Rob before. They were both pretty normal guys in the sense they could talk to everyone at least. Sociable people, if not kinda odd. Doug is gonna get flame-baited due to Rob's antics and an alleged past of hash dealing, but fuck it. He's actually sensible, and frankly that's what Canada needs right now - some basic sensibility and basic common sense. It is encouraging. Alberta is almost certainly going back conservative in the near future too, Quebec are spend-thrifts but reasonably socially conservative. If Ford wins, we are doing a LOT better than now.

Mass overhaul of public service is number one for me. He can't SAY it yet, lest he pull a Hudak, but the public sector unions have been calling the tune in ON for far too long, and Wynne has been blowing them with ridiculous collective bargaining agreements. Its just nuts.

I unironically think things are bad enough that the PC's should just implement UBI to justify firing over 3 quarters of the public service in a move like this.

Posting memes on Sup Forums won't get him elected. At least create a facebook group so normies see this shit

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Sup Forums is a meme factory and internet pumping station. My girlfriend texts me month old, right wing internet memes after I've already seen them rehashed a thousand times on Sup Forums. You start here, get the ball rolling, then watch it spin out of control.
>Pic related

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It never ceases to amaze me when somebody at work is so out of touch with reality as to printout and put up on the wall some kind of redditized version of a 1 or 2 year old Sup Forums meme. What are they actually thinking?

Nicknames for Doug during the election?

Home school. Don’t put your kid through all those years of brainwashing


300 billion defecit and no carbon tax,,, Titanics gonna sink either way. sorry the east is screwed

Fucking this

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He's so fucking Canadian. Like Trailer Park Boys in the big city.

Honestly I’m not sure he really could fix much. Wynne has seriously fucked our economy and stuck us with an impossible debt. With how much money we need to raise every year just to pay the fucking interest I don’t see how Ford could do much when it comes to lowering taxes. Hate to say it but over a decade of liberal destruction just can’t be fixed in our lifetimes

I want him to destroy all the Marxist academics. Shut down OISE and all that shit.

He could save millions cutting back all the fucking "social services" we have.

I didn't think about it but you're right
Nuclear power plants are needed for Ontario.
Other than that it's just cutting government spending. The Rob Ford video is exactly the kind of style video he needs to make. Naming names, even if it's 100k here or there any name taken off the sunshine list when it comes to government spending is good.


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I had a high school-aged girl tell me approximately 6 years ago that they taught her in school that the only way a male can call himself a non virgin is if he gets fucked in the ass, because it's the same sensation a woman feels when she loses her virginity. It has been going on for a long time now except nobody seemed to nice.

The sad thing is, these fucking schools refuse to teach proper condom use and STD statistics and other useful facts, such as the risk of incontinence that comes with repeated anal sex and other health issues. They just pass around printed out pictures of late stages of STDs and that's it.

*notice, not nice

>the only way a male can call himself a non virgin is if he gets fucked in the ass, because it's the same sensation a woman feels when she loses her virginity
What in the absolute fuck? How many steps away is that from villagers showing up with pitchforks and torches?

In Canada? None. It's the kind of thing kids are too embarrassed to talk to their parents about, yet since it comes from a (((teacher))), a person in a position of authority, the same position they've been taught to unconditionally obey, it will just get burned into their minds as truth.

And then one day a boy will feel that he is too much of a virgin for having sex with women and......

>sells hash
I guess it's better than smoking crack

Sure but millions doesn’t cut it when 15% if our budget is just interest payments

Fucking hell. The modern internet is bad enough when it comes to getting ideas to do things you might not have thought of on your own. Parents had better start talking to each other or something.

It doesn't bother me any that, as an adult, all of a sudden now I've looked at 1000 dicks and now I have a realistic idea of how I measure up, but stuff like that doesn't belong in school at all. Honestly what's scary to me is I don't think a lot of parents know just how bad it is these days with like chaturbate and everything like that. It's crazy even from my perspective.

The problem for me is. I don't care about that stuff. I'm not a cultural conservative. Maybe it's a problem if it's taught in a public school, but I'm guessing it won't be taught in a Catholic school and those are still an option in Canada. Pretty much everywhere

I would guess not, but the Catholic Church is getting weirder and weirder these days. Still a popular option here as well, as the quality of education is often just plain better, and they don't stuff muh jebus down your throat all day or anything like that.

That's what my brother wound up doing with his kids. He's anything but conservative, but he's not the kind of nutjob progressive who thinks it's appropriate to tell boys they have to take it up the ass to find out which one of the 53 genders they want to be.

I don't know where you live, but a lot of black kids get put into catholic schools because their moms think they need a strict environment. French immersion, too. You'd have to move way out into the sticks to go to a normal catholic school, and even then it's worse since those kids are so pressed by the Catholic system that they act out in way worse ways than what they might teach you at school.