No wonder he never got a subpeona.
Trumpkins on fucking suicide watch.
>Dems still can't accept no collusion
>Being this eternally btfo
>Muh Russia
Fucking kek
SAGE Remember kids, sage in all fields.
Bye! Bye bye! Bye!
not reading, saging.
Fake and gay
noty sage also
>“First thing I plan to do when Trump leaves office, whether it's next week, in 2020 or four years later, is march right into his office and say, ‘Let's build Trump Moscow.’
I read the whole thing, I doubt a guy like this would fuck over Trump.
>next week
>in 2020
>or four years later one of the few actually plausible links between Trump and the Kremlin is a fucking FBI plant?
lol do you really believe this bullshit? do you conside suicide frequently?
>no collusion found
Yes, libshits are this delusional.
So I notice a new trend of the desperate left is calling every top Trump advisor possible spies and turncoats. Their only hope left is that somebody high up and close to Trump will suddenly betray him.
no thanks I don't suck cock
>> buzzfeed
The article shows and says nothing about vindicates Trump...Just like Page they can’t hear what they don’t want to
>Trumpkins on fucking suicide watch.
Remember kids, the left knows only projection
>FISA warrants in Trump Tower
>FBI snitch eating taco salads with Dumbfuck and Dumbfuck Jr.
Keep crying snowflakes.
>not an argument
drumpfcucks BTFO
>ooga booga no sense in the shit I say
>ooga looga bix nudz
>something something ooga drumpf
>keep crying snowflake
Do yo honestly think your faggotry works here?
Kill yourself fucking kike
>no argument
awww...u mad?
>A whole year of investigation
>Not a signle shred of evidence has been found of so called 'collusion'
Do tell me what arguments I need.
We have given you over a year to find whatever shit you needed to push this bullshit story.
You have presented none.
Tell your fat lip cotton picking nigger Oliver Willis that fat faggot I hope he gets lung cancer you fucking shill