Kikes are a hundred times worse than niggers. Change my mind
Kikes are a hundred times worse than niggers. Change my mind
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Black people aren't even that bad, I feel like shills post the worst of the worst though to perpetuate racial division. Jews, on the other hand, are fucking disgusting vermin.
kikes are the hellsgate, niggers are the demons released from them.
Nigger lover. If you don’t think niggers are that bad then you don’t know many or fail to see the damage they cause in a wider context.
yea too bad jews are white just like niggers are black. Its shallow to like the meaning of life is not deer then skin deep. And yea jews are bloodsuckers.
This Niggers are actually only bad because of Jewish control essentially. There is a chance they can be taught and step out of their niggery. While a jew can never be taught to abandoned his jewery.
I ment this pic.
>Niggers are actually only bad because of Jewish control essentially.
Yup, it's all about the environment and the Jews keep them in shitty urban plantations.
I agree, I'm not going to try changing your mind. even some niggers know Jews are evil.
Blacks use physical strength to subdue you or take control.
Jews use mental strength to subdue you or take control.
No difference. Both species are designed by god to bring the rest of us down like a crate of crabs.
Niggers are stupid, violent, and VERY high test. Physically, they are worse to be around. However, Jews are the reason we even have to live around and among these animals, so they are the root of all evil and worse by default.
False, white American men have around the same level of test as black American men. However considerable higher Estradiol level (which is making them unlogical like women).
Well to bad I know black people and niggers. My family was part of the black lives first movement we sent in darky first in the vietnam war and I am not about to say he is not a American because he earned it. Yea I hate a do nothing worthless monkey lipped ape.
but you're right
take a walk downtown.
no matter how annoyed you are by getting yet another credit card application on the mail I think you will get the point
Why would I try to change your mind when you are right?
My kike friend is constantly neurotic and trying to basically scam everyone. No sense of fairness. I don't have nigger friends though.
Yea they jew dratted us both to fight in their war they are scum.
I'd much rather live in a Jewish neighborhood than a black one
I'm part Jewish and I fucking hate them now
Some black people are pretty chill. Kikes on the other hand are subhuman pieces of filth. I unironically wish Hitler actually eliminated them.
I never met ONE kike in my entire life that wasn't a horrible selfish whiny trash person. Every single kike acts the same fucking way. My roommate one semester was a Zionist pro Israel "liberal" kike and I never met such an insufferable person. His side of the room floor was clothes everywhere. He found out I was talking to this 7/10 chick and he found her on FB and try to talk to her. Fucking dirty
Yeah because Jews take the best care of themselves above all else, so of course kikehoods are going to be fucking pristine. Kikes would choose the genocide of the entire white race over having to live in a mediocre neighborhood
Jesus fuck you must live in a suburb.
What about kikes who are also niggers?