Why don't any of the Black Nationalists actually move to Africa ?
Why don't any of the Black Nationalists actually move to Africa ?
Because black nationalists have never advocated moving back to Africa, they advocate maintaining a distinctive black cultural identity as opposed to integrating into mainstream white American culture.
Because it's Africa
Because they want all the benefits of what white society created whilst in turn chastising the hand that feeds them. It’s a Pavlovian attitude. They and everyone knows blacks are ineffective at creating and maintaining a rigid civilization
Too many niggers
Because I was born and raised in america. Why would I move to some shithole I know nothing about?
They're retarded
>Why don't they move?
Because they want all the benefits that white civilization provides while still being able to get all the privileges that victim status affords them. They lose all of that on the darky continent. Niggers are dumb, but they're not that dumb.
Or better yet why dont white nationalist move back to europe?
Because they know it fucking sucks
Why? So niggers will follow us there too?
They need to follow us around like puppy dogs who bark at us 24/7 hoping that we drop some gibsmedat dog bizcuts. They need their master.
>Identity based on skin color
Literally an idea for idiots. You know why their is no white unity? Because we're smart enough to not trust each other based on skin color
Because you don't understand what "nationalist" means. A "nation" is a group of people united by a common ethnicity, language, and culture. Black nationalists want to maintain a distinct cultural black identity, they don't want to go back to Africa, a white nationalist wants to maintain a distinct white identity, they don't want to go back to Europe.
In more extreme forms, nationalists might advocate for the political independence of their nation, but even so, nationalism has nothing to do with any particular country, but rather with the rights and identity of a group of people, no matter where they live.
Because building something yourself is hard. They'd rather guilt YT into giving what he built to the KANGS instead while continuing to enjoy it for free.
this but also
they need gibs from superior white people. fucking even africa needs gibs from white countries, if every western nation cut off (((foreign aid))) their populations would die off but of course we just can't do that for whatever reason
Because you are a shillnigger posting a slide thread so choke on your dads cock and die.
sage and reported
Sane reasons celebrities threatened to move to Canada and not Mexico.
no really, why do they want to take dixie from white people instead of going to an already black nation?
This has been explained. They don't give a fuck about going back to Africa, they've never advocated going back to Africa, they advocate maintaining a unique black identity, separate from the white American identity.
but they want to continue living whites so that they can easily jump ship when Liberia happens. Yet tons of white nationalists are bargaining with them to achieve this.
The black american nation is Liberia.
>Why don't they want to do something they never said they wanted to do?
Gee, I don't know.
I’m assuming it has to do with the fact that emigrating is a very difficult thing to do, and it’s much easier to try to fight for change in ones own country than to emigrate.
Imagine if Africa was full of naked white women and lush lands...
Whites would all leave their Commie-Jew shithole nations
apely females
Redneck culture isn't African Culture
So we can get away from white people.
Because there isn't any nations in Africa it's all black ghetto and Boer nations