Violence is the ultimate redpill

> Nigger problem? Violence
> Women problem? Violence
> Jewish problem? Violence
> Enforcing religion? Violence
> Securing the future of your race? Violence

Even Christianity imposed itself on europe through violence.
Violence is the only thing that matters.
Anything else is rhetoric.

Prove me wrong.

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Violence is bad optics.

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I actually know that faggot in the cap. And faggot is an understatement. Pic related is a much older picture of him. He is a "trans woman" who openly mocks the white ANZAC soldiers that died in both world wars (specifically only the white ones, he has great respect for what few abo soldiers there were), and as an aside once accused me of rape.

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True. I would better say reject all moral values, they make you a slave is the redpill. After you reject all morals, nothing stops you from violence.

Unironically the truth though.

7/10 you have to be going crazy. kys

Violence can and will be used against your cause because the masses are brainwashed. Without winning their minds your violence is against yourself. Siege niggers get out or get smart.

moarpheus has spoken.

Nah. If you reject morals you become what you intended to do away with by the means of violence.

Free yourself from emotionalism.

It is harder. It's harder to say "I do not hate these people, but they need to die," than it is to say "I hate these demons and they need to die," but it's worth it.

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Well duh.

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OP is right but don't expect the shitskins and the_donald babies on Sup Forums to take him seriously

This is the first good thread I've seen on here in a long time

mods delet

Unironically this. Violence is a ultimate truth of the universe. Even fucking monks are aware of this.

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All they had to do was leave us alone. They brought this on themselves

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What city? Who is this? I wanna deck the cunt.

Christianity won through cultural power, not through violence. So did the "civil rights movement" in the 60s. This is the only way to win against a dominant cultural power. Engaging in violence would destroy us.


In the current (((zeitgeist))),violence will only lead to bad PR,considering you will get (((co-opted))) fast.
Violence is only OK for protected groups like Niggers,spics,Antifas and the like

The main problem of todays (((modern))) world is everyone is a weak little bluepilled faggot living a /comfy/ life
In the old days filled with angery peasants and workers you *could* have a violent overthrow,not today

But if you reject all moral values why would you care about the issues above?

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>reject all morals
Yup, pretty much sums up what OP wants.

Memeflag GITD shills. See pic related.

Sane men who actually stand a chance of winning.

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No one thinks this. Being violent for retarded reasons is bad optics. If Luca Traini can get a round of applause and thank you notes for literally being a fascist that shot nigs, then other people can find their own legitimate reasons.

I'd say if someone asks "why did you do that" and your response is "because these people literally ate someone", you're gonna have some support.

the only way for you to survive is find a bitch and pop out some kids with her one a remote farm/rural area,away from the (((progressive))) cities

in the grimdarkness of the future there will be Muslims/niggers/spics running amok everywhere,the cities turned into police states,and all these factions want to hard kill you with a bullet to the head rather than the current soft-kill version through hollyjude/vidyagaems/nigger-music/soy/water turning the frogs gay etc

current """""""Violent Uprisings"""""" only end up as comedic fails with fat NEETsocs marching,some landwhale dying of a heart attack,and media shills screaming OH MAI MARX,THE GNATZEEES DID IT,PUNCH GNATZEE GOYS!! DRUMPF IS LIDERALLY HITLER!

Racism is the biggest sign of unintelligence this thread is pathetic

We have to outwit them.
Violence is the last resort when all other options are dried up and we are backed into a corner with no way out.

Yeah, most niggers are pretty racist.

you are correct

Functioning civilization is different from morality.

If we reject all morals then what does this all come down to? A grand game of might is right?
I hold my beliefs because they are right and just, not because they're necessarily conducive to an easy victory.

you seriously think liberals care about their optics? that's why they're winning