Are jews trying to make kids gay using adderall?

I'm not even joking, when I take my Adderall, I feel like taking BBC in my boipucci and sucking BBC.

I'm not gay, I love women, love the smell and taste of pussy, love holding breasts, but Adderall makes me crave BBC.

You guys think it may be having the same effect on little kids?

Is that why we are seeing an uptick in homo-behavior?

Are (((they))) behind this?

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Other urls found in this thread: NY TIMES more-diagnoses-of-ADHD 4-24-13.pdf

No you're just a faggot

Basically what he said...

when I take addy I just play games like im on steroids...

Heroes of the Storm Gawd

>I love the smell and taste of pussy

No you’re definitely a fag even when not on adderall

>pic better than topic
post the video or delete thread

No interest in sucking a dick?
This shit only happens when I take Adderall. Most of the time I'm trying to get with grills.

Do girls with big tits suck their nipples?

Normally this pic is posted with metaphorical intentions, but in this case it's true in the literal sense as well.

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>smell and taste of pussy

lmfao they got the D squad on tonight.

Im straight but traps arent gay.

Adderall is a chemical sterilant. Takes 3 to 5 years of daily use to have an effect. I dumped my findings here in 2016. Got little traction. Start with gossypol and what the Aussies did to kangaroos.

Pic unrelated.

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Adderal makes me hypersexual and want to fuck anything near me. I study for 30 mins clean for 30 mins then jack off or fuck for 7 hours

This, makes my hypersexual but for BBC. Then I cum and feel guilty as fuck. Or if i hook up with a black guy and i cum while he's fucking me, I want to stop and go home.

I am 100% straight, but sometimes I flip my legs over my head and shoot a huge load of fresh cum into my own mouth and swallow it, and watch gay porn.

>male sex chromosomes
It's gay, user. That's the literal definition of gay.

This is probably a troll, if you were on adderal you would keep going.

Why won't people stop posting this ugly kike bitch and her crooked tits?

I'm straight too, except my back to too fucking straight to do this.

No, after i cum i feel like shit about myself. I get horny again in a few min. though.

you're just a faggot user

"Traps aren't gay." If you like chicks with dicks to the exclusion of other chicks, then you don't like chicks, you like dicks.

I am going to take a page from Heinlein: Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity. The company made a gay drug and didn't realize it, because you normally wouldn't test for that side-effect, because you would be too embarrassed to bring it up.

I actually think you might be the fag sir.
or the only pussy you can get is from some nasty ass obese nigger prostitute with rank ass pussy.

adderall is legal meth and the gays love meth

Pretty much this.

You are gay. Adderall just cranks up your sex drive.

I took adderall for 14 years, and all I ever wanted to do was get laid. It makes you fuck like a god too because you have a never-ending hardon for HOURS.

Proof the tits are crooked?

So my sexdrive is a spectrum? When it gets cranked up too much it becomes gay?
Im serious about this, I really like women, I have crushes, have fallen in love, with women. Not at all into men until the Adderall.

Adderal is supposed to do the opposite.

OP Unless you are throwout424, this has happened to someone else.

No you're just a tremendous faggot. Sage.

could very well be.

meth turns you into a faggot after longitudinal use

Dont have a reddit account but I know im not the only one. Ive heard of this before that's why I was wondering if this was intentional. We have a lot of ADHD diagnoses and they are rising. Adderall is prescribed and I'm concerned that it is making these kids gay. I notice because I remember not being on Adderall, but little kids grow up taking it, they wont realize its strange and will just think they are gay and love cock.

I, too, take adderall, and I, too, now crave the BBC

I'm serious about meth

I knew plenty of guys who used to do it. they all migrated into the faggot scene, and are faggots now

Tried this shit once. Sven gave me a pill a night before the exam, saying “dude this shit will get you through on easy mode”. Felt pretty horrible. Something between being high on amphetamine and having a dick in the arse. Didn’t have any gay thoughts though

Maybe they were only faggots to get the meth?
My gayness is temporary, did they become perma-gay?

Sounds like you are a faggot deep down.

>traps aren't gay
Just because you say that doesn't mean sucking dick isn't gay. Might just want to end it because you're gay.

on meth they started hanging out with faggots and one thing led to another, and now pavlovianly, they are fags. this is after a process of years

I take adderall too, that's just you man, you're just gay

>felt like having a dick in the arse.

whoa dude what if maybe you DID have a dick in your arse! you just didn't realize at the time, because you were so high.

>Didn’t have any gay thoughts though

I don't know, having a BBC in your ass sounds pretty gay to me.

anyone who doesnt lust for BBC is ignoreant or in denial.

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speed lowers your T, and I'm sure they put faggotizing drugs in there as well

I guess I had my professors dick in the arse up to my glands but somehow managed to ace that shit. I repeat it was not thanks to adderal but despite of it

Go get yourself one, tinycock

I swalloed a lot of Adderall and im not gay ;)

Dont find him the least bit attractive but when I take adderall, i want to be held down and raped raw by him while his friend fucked my mouth.

you are on meth, basically
it will make you a perv regardless of what you're into

you need to stop taking it immediately and fix your diet / lifestyle

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Yes. Jewish people literally put black cock loving molecules into adderall to make you love black cock. This is a true fact. I am a scientist

can you please refrain from posting, nobody here is interested in you getting fucked in the butt faggot


I am sick and tired of you needle dick, Nazi motherfuckers. Shareblue warriors are taking over each and every thread until atonement, or you start sucking black cock.

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>Shareblue warriors

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traps ARE gay but its not gay to want to fuck trap

>speed lowers your T

thats not what i read

maybe if you do enough to completely destroy your health sure, but i read having high dopamine causes higher testosterone

Sure, blame the pill not your suppressed desires, faggot.

Americans are already gay. Any more, and they'll sing in yiddish.

Probably not fake but definitely gay.

You are a faggot off topic poster, OP, just because you made a thread inquiring on your jewish doctor shilling dopamine into you rat brain doesn't make your conquest to suck off niggers political related.

if you're european you can't say this


fuck off kike

I want to gently suck on her boobies while she pets my head.
Wake me up

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see: serious shit, if it does it to me, it can do it to little kids.

not going to sleep alone lowers your T, never mind the drugs

this when im not on Adderall, not even playing.

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you wanna suck nigger dicks and you can't even upload pics with decent quality

Not gay here with boyfriend. I want to tell him I’m straight. He sucks mean dick, but I don’t love him

Hear hear. I second the notion.

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Mah nigga.

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your gayness isn't temporary its just suppressed.

It makes it infinitely better though...

Doing it I mean

Any sexual abuse when you were young? It's not the adderall dude, but maybe degeneracy is made harder to control by it. You should probably immediately stop acting on it if this is not just bait.


no sexual abuse

>You should probably immediately stop acting on it

i try but it's over whelming...feel like shit for days but then i find myself looking for it again when im on adderall.

But we've gotten off topic, this is less about me and more about ADHD diagnoses and treatment with drugs that make you have gay cravings. NY TIMES more-diagnoses-of-ADHD 4-24-13.pdf


I'm straight but sometimes I go to the red light district and find the ugliest tranny with the biggest dick and pay her to fuck me silly. It's not gay though because our balls usually don't touch.

The only time I've ever done adderall was the longest I've ever fapped.
Literally 12 hours straight, all night. Edged the whole time.

Was pretty great

>religion whose star means dick pussy
>a word invented by a jew 100 years ago
hitler used adderall. fuck

Mate you really can not believe anything these people tell you. They will conjure correlations out of thin air, and you should probably reevaluate your own ADHD "diagnosis" too. It's a psych diagnosis you know, not an observable brain defect. Outside extreme autism and mania, most people fall on the "spectrum" yet get put on the same drugs. Have you ever read anything written against modern DSM-V 'diagnoses' ? Are you extremely ADHD or is it possible that you might not need the adderall? Either way you fantasize about getting raped by BBC. This does not come from a pill nor from horniness, so.

You dodged a bullet mate. That's the fastest way to get a heart attack.

What is Adderall anyway?



>Are you extremely ADHD


Thing is, because you build up a tolerance QUICK, i have to take breaks on the Adderall. Stops working and i have to go off of it for a few weeks at a time. I get really behind on those weeks, but at least im not looking for a BBC gangbang.

Interested in these findings if you're still around user, or anyone else on negative prolong use of adderall.

I have researched a bit myself and found that the comedown of stimulants makes the body produce Cortisol which is one of a few "stress hormones", it can be found in the plasma during the comedown and throughout use.

The drug turned my life around, read more books in 6 months than the entire rest of my life combined and learned to play violin and read music; though the side effects were pretty hard to bare at times.

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it is 4 different types of Amphetamines, people don't know this, it is Amphetamine Salts, which means a mix of different amphetamines. WHen you smoke meth, it turns into amphetamine before it reaches your brain

It's drugs, its the same as saying "your son doesn't like school, maybe if he shoots up heroin first he will enjoy it" but adderall makes them perform better because it is an upper

Hmm unironically the same desu but i dont get gay about it..i just like watching niggers fuck non niggers the adderal makes me fap for hours on end to this shit then i contemplate blowing my brains out after

I'm still convinced that something else is causing those BBC cravings. The adderall makes you extremely focused and can act as an aphrodisiac, that much is known, but BBC rape is a fantasy. If you keep acting on it you will turn yourself gay and degenerate, and you really don't want to go down that path. Self-control on adderall is very difficult but maybe you can look into planning your time so you won't be able to fly all over the place with your fancies? Seriously though don't blame the pill and stop 'surrendering' to your urges. The whole point of adderall is to get someone to do what he wants to do.

If true maybe one of the effects of Adderall is to pervert the parts of the brain that register disgust in a way similar to how toxoplasmosis perverts a rat's instinct for self preservation to the extent it no longer fears the smell of cat urine. What part of the brain does Adderall supposedly work on?

I should also add that while excess cortisol lingers in the blood stream it makes your stomach produce a higher amount of stomach acid and can damage the digestive system extensively.

Had an Asian doc stick her fingers up my ass and tell me I needed a colonoscopy, connected the dots and got off the stuff for a few weeks and healed up fine without anything else up my ass.

It can cause a ton of other issues I imagine, and shouldn't be taken lightly. I was taking the newest drug "mydayis" in case this helps anyone, lasted so long it didn't leave my system before I took the next so it was stacking.

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no your a faggot and you should probably stop taking adderal

>The whole point of adderall is to get someone to do what he wants to do.
More like the point of adderall is to get children to do what society wants them to do.

I take adderall, never felt like taking a dick. As a matter of fact it never crossed my mind...
Maybe you just like the peen?

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Actually its a sympathomimetic, pretty much makes you focus the same way the fight or flight response makes you focus.

Men gross me out, love women. But when im on Adderall i want to get fucked and suck BBC.

It's a sympathomimetic