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Lol, of course they made the cartoons little blue pills.
this is actually old
just ddos their site or something nobody cares and no one can do anything about it without killing someone
they aren't even trying anymore
Fuck... Lets overthrow our governments!
i agree
Blacked is everywhere
Saying "Fuck niggers" does not encourage someone to go kill a nigger. That person would already want to kill that nigger before I said that word. These justifications are merely excuses to repossess freedom of thought from people.
"Africville paid their taxes but they didn't get basic services"
the government fucked over black people, and we shouldn't get our services from tax money
Shithole country.
So if stereotypes don't exist, how come we can name all those... egg things, whatever they are, by their dress?
There's essentially nothing stopping us from rising against them aside from our complacency. If I lived in the UK or Canada, you can bet your ass I'd be on the streets protesting their laws against free speech.
Get rid of that pathetic website somehow
Forced association is a breach of freedom of association. In other words, forcing me to live among minorities is a violation of my rights, as outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
I'm fucking floored. The is coming to America. Its in Canada and ALL of Europe.
freedom of speech is the FIRST amendment. The very super most important one even before gunz. REEEEEEEEEEEE
Don't despair this is more like a last-ditched effort than anything else. Nothing can stop the rise of white nationalism at this point.
Canada doesn't have that. It's actually fucking unheard of for a country to have, this is what made America special.
I'd participate in a revolution, I'd just need someone to start it first so that I'm not the only one.
>Nothing can stop the rise of white nationalism at this point.
Maybe it's because I live in New York City but I don't see it rising. At all. Anywhere outside of Italy at least. We BARELY got Trump in and he's very centrist, Le pen lost in a landslide, gert lost, Merkel is reelected AGAIN, Sweden is pretty much already lost...
I don't see it. Please let me know if it's just because of where I am but I go into the subway and the walls are covered with Antifa graphitti, the streets are full of anti trump protests, the universities, the signs on shops, they want whites gone.
All that stuff is how you tick people off and if you don't let them tell you they're mad they'll tell you with a gun later.
this. eat lead, commies. thinking of calling into their 24/7 kids line in CA and calling them niggers
This country is dead
He sounds like such a fag, is he Canadian?
>Maybe it's because I live in New York City
There it is. You can not put the genie back in the bottle. Now its just a matter of how long it takes. Think back 12 months ago. What was being posted on this board? Even 3 months ago? Its gone from memes to posters to honest talk of a hot rebellion in one year. They are done. It is over. Now its just trying to get the job done without millions dead.
The time has come for you to read pic related.