Slavs, explain this meme

can some slav please explain the cкaжи чeчня кpyтo meme to me? i know its a chechen bullying a russian kid on a train and he makes him say чeчня кpyтo (chechnya is cool) but why do russian kids love this meme so much?

as a westerner its hard for me to understand but i suspect SJW cuckery - like russian kids think chechens are cool the way american kids think niggers are cool or something

is it a thing for russian kids to pretend to be chechens and other types of churkas? also, i heard the bully in this video is a fighter from the donbass. did he fight for the DPR side or kiev?

thanks for anything you can tell me

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bump for teachings of slavs

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It's to piss off "vada" (russian natonalists)

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It's the russian equivalent of cuckposting.

>your pic

is that cutie antifa?
is she pornstar?

Well. We have a gangstershit meme king ruling this Chechnya. Read about Ramzan Kadirov. If you say something bad against him or Checnya he WILL make you regret itand ask a forgiveness before him as he already did with some russian journalists and politics.

all of Russia will have to work together to complete Putin's promise to Kadyrov which Kadyrov will explain to people once Putin is dead

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I didn't even know about that meme. I guess that it depends on a context. After appropriate and inappropriate multiple use of the phrase, the original meaning becomes ridiculed and people put the phrase everywhere just for fun.

>I didn't even know about that meme
famous last words

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Russian propaganda claims that Russia is stronk. This meme shows complete opposite. This is funny.

are you implying kadyrov will inherit putins reich?

can you imagine it?
a memetic warlord islamic chechen in chanrge of a nuclear power

would be best timeline

What the fuck is that lmao

Dude, the world, our race and every living being deserves to be nuked 1,000 times if that happens.

Seeing Russia be cucked is so saddening.

It's a schoolkids' meme, they don't read into this any deep political meaning. They saw a video with bullying and started to put the phrase hither and thither.

Hy cмыcл тo вcё-тaки в тoм, чтoбы выcмeять toxic russian masculinity, или кaк этo eщё нaзвaть.

Why hasn't Moscow just nuked Chechnya yet?

chechnya is cool, mate

I know, it's hard to believe but chechnya is cool

My answer to this controversial problem is that chechnya is cool

First that crossed my mind is noting but chechnya is cool


>He doesn't know

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how can you not be in the know about

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> chechen bullying a russian kid
The funny thing is that this is a Ukrainian kid not a Russian

Why do you poison your spies, ahmed?

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I bet that the good part or Russia is dreaming of it. It would be considered as genocide by the rest of the world and Russian libshits.

This chechnya is cool meme is growing on me


For example imagine a large part of the country populated by the animals who terrorize everyone and nobody cares about it

OP here. thanks for all the feedback guys. i find the russian internet so interesting. the most fascinating thing about it is the way some russian memes with simple meanings catch on in the wider internet (YOBA, vatnik, proofsters, strana shari, etc) but other memes with slightly more complex meanings (like this one for example, or ты yпopoтый штo ли cyкa) arent able to penetrate into the western sphere of influence. again, thanks

t. CIA advanced memetic research directorate

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How do you know that? Also are chechens so violent all the time? they behave like the tipical nigger or sandnigger in this video...

your chechens sound like american nigger but maybe think about how proud Chukcha feels when Russian dogs put a kike like Abramovich as Governor of Chukotka maybe if Putin stopped appointing Jews and Greeks Governors people would like him more and forgive MH17

>ты yпopoтый штo ли cyкa

I don’t think so... I think nowadays only быдлo eбaнoe supports Putin’s company

It is, in fact. They grow up in mountains with goats. Usually they become criminals since they can't do anything else. Add to it their Muslim culture and their aggressive traditions.

Also don’t forget about Dagestan


Why was the russian kid not riposting? FFs these sandniggers deserve death, why was nobody on the train heling him?

same thing

I hope you guys never face them

What in the hell haaha

> but why do russian kids love this meme so much
>but i suspect SJW cuckery

Not that, but more of the edge. Russian kids, teens and students are the worst when it comes to being edgy. Faggots in the worst sense of the word.

Chechens are much more dangerous than niggers. They go to sambo(fighting) since their childhood. And they always go in groups. And if you beat up one chechen he will call 10 more to beat you up. Thank god there are nearly no chechens or other muslims in my region

Don't be retarded its shopped..

I know we will never face them. The nature of the muslim is that of a coward. We will never do any meaningful war with their kind, and they do not deserve it. The only solution is camps and extermination, not war

Also in one lada you can put 100 chechens

>Thank god there are nearly no chechens or other muslims in my region

Ramzan Kadirov is a faggot cocksucker who likes cocks in his mouth and ass

damn it feels good to be merican

They wont go in a cold shithole named Komi Republic. They even tried to build a mosque in Vorkuta. But locals were furious about that

we have guns here so queermo "sambo" or whatever faggy oil wrestling you got over there doesn't mean much. here we'll just shoot your dumbass

Russians are low DHT cucks who pretty much get bullied by alpha mentality Caucasians on a daily basis. It's pretty hilarious if you ask my ass.

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Lucky you

Sambo teaches how to unarm guns, knives and etc. They will just break your arm before you shoot chechen

>disarming tactics
you karate kids never fucking learn.

btw shooting and hunting since childhood > fist fighting since childhood. You couldn't even fucking get close enough to me before I put two bullets center mass

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If you are interested you could watch ramzan kadyrov’s son fight at the arena

In close combat man with gun will lose

Stfu you fucking retard. You've never shot a nigger and probably never will so stop larp'ing.

You really believe that don't you. I feel real sorry when you get into an altercation and they have proper fire arms training. You are going to die.

You’re right but if you’re already showed your gun...there’s no way back

I forgive your ignorance. I understand russians are not allowed the freedom of firearms or self defense.

Your salads are great though, but not worth the trade

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For being anti-faggotry, muslims sure are fucking gay

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Were those Russians beating up chechens?

That just means their Fight IQ is high enough they figured out that fighting in groups increases their chances of winning a fight... unlike dumb ass Russian retards who constantly keep losing and wondering "uhhh me no understand why me get beat up, me brain not smart enough to understand that I should have friends for a back up durrr....."

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Also government easily could put you in jail for self defense

kek they flattened grozny 2 times

>popped out from behind and tried to kiss my head
I read this before knowing you are a woman and it was weird as shit

All muslims in Russia are the same. Chechens=dagestan=azerbaijan=osetia. But chechens are more violent

Got anymore videos of Russians beating them up?

>ywn hang out with some cool Chechen bros talking shit about jews, drinking vodka, and telling stories

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Hy нихyя, y нac дaги хyжe

It's a self mockery to how weak and pathetic beta-males slav men are, so it's more of a wake up call, rather than chechnya worship. Nobody think they are cool.

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I had an old school-mate that was from Dagestan, is Rustam a Russian name or Dagestani?


To further elaborate on this, this phrase mostly used while arguing with russian patriots with illusions of grandeur, who claims "russia stronk" and "we will fuck nato" in the context that they aren't even in control in their own country and can be fucked over and get bullied by a chechen anytime without any repercussions for the latter. Needless to say, the Russian politicians apologizing for criticism of Kadyrov only made this meme stronger.

hey one more thing i wondered about if you guys are still here. if dvach is where the liberashkas hang out, is there a chan for based pro-putin russians?

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>based pro-putin russians
no such thing.
>pro-putin russians
You can find them in /po/ in novorossya threads. Don't know how many of them are real people though.

why are slavs so entertaining to watch

First time was a complete disaster for them however


Because we are poor, ugly and we don’t want to change our lives

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>Russian propaganda claims that Russia is stronk. This meme shows complete opposite. This is funny.

You Tee people should be quite. I mean, the brown half of your country ist Raping the other white half.

Not that it is better here. But you should not have a big mouth if your nations is british-level fucked.

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Chechen are subhumans. A good proof that light skintone does not make you white.

British people dont have the "hard" stereotype that slavic russians have though

>a russian kid on a train
He's actually a conductor.
>why do russian kids love this meme so much?
It's kinda humaliating for Russians and those who use this meme are ususally anti-russian and pro-western.
>ike russian kids think chechens are cool the way american kids think niggers are cool or something
Not at all.
>did he fight for the DPR side

His band.

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>can some slav please explain the cкaжи чeчня кpyтo meme to me
It means Putin is the savior of yt race

that really sounds like niggers

You can shoot nigger, but you can’t shoot chechen

>deep political meaning
You don't need to scroll and translate whole article. Just wait for pictures to be loaded

>Paki spouting the noble virtues of fighting like a coward

That meme is made to remind wannabe nationalists (which are tame compared to Barkashovians) and some patriots that they are paying massive reparations to churkas.

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That'll teach that fucking cat to steal my pipe

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Because muslims

You're missing out

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There are so many guns in Russia your ears would fall off.

typical mudshit thinking. No wonder the whole world believes youre retarded.

>There are so many guns in Russia
And none of them belongs to ordinarily citizens


they do love opium and hash tho.