This kills the housing market
This kills the housing market
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Can it withstand a weaker tornado? We get those in Texas.
>this kills the spic
those are dumb fucking meme houses.
t. Architectural engineer who graduated from Texas
Here in Australia the young folk are building shed corrugated iron 'kit homes' in droves.
3br starts at about 30k AUD
Despite the sad factor I'm bloody happy they can afford home with this new fad.
Its actually still quicker and cheaper to frame a house. After the printing is done theres still a ton of work to do, including carpentry ironically, as well
At least there will be something affordable around CO again
Obviously we pass new building regulations.
wtf i love cuck sheds now
You'll be able to home many more Refugees now,
Well done America, what state will you build them?
remember how automation was supposed to kill burger flipping first instead of blue collar work? heh
is this like those american cardboard homes that gets rekt by wind ?
i just want a small property that i can grow food and raise some chickens and be as self sufficent as i can with a small comfy home
>That hollow corner in the roof
Enjoy rats in your roof I guess, cause they sure will enjoy the place
Automation is slowly killing the front of fast food places, the kitchen will be the last to go.
It would be an honor to live in a house made out of the same looking material as wasps build their nests out of
This is one of the shed/kit home suppliers. I think some of them are fine for a first home. Americans would laugh at this borderline 3rd world housing, but they have no idea how bad the martket is here.
At least we have the option to build homes this cheap because of the climate. I don't think leafs do.
3d printed houses are a neat idea, but also ridiculous. I doubt that anything that can be 3d printed will survive the sun very well, or have anything remotely passing as insulation. God help you if a tornado finds your plastic house too.
>Building your house over and over again in tornado prone areas.
Now even this guy can afford a house?
I mean you could probably pay 5x the base price, eg 50k, for a fortified mansion and it would still be cheap as shit compared to today's prices
Nobody's going to want the houses of the past once they work this out
>'Architecutral engineer'
>Cites zero flaws in the builds.
Opinion discarded
Housing costs aren't in the base structure. With that 10k I could buy three cargo containers and have 900sf to work with. This isn't going to change anything, and in fact is likely going to be a more expensive means of making houses of that size.
That shit probably couldn't withstand a 20mph gust of wind. Also if Austin's Municipality isn't half retarded, they would condemn every single one of them for not being code compliant.
Shed kit homes are a real solution to young white couples buying HOMES and BREEDING.
I shill them for free becuase many young folk here are desperate.
>3d print house
>nigger punches through wall
>fucks wife while you're at work
Russia did this first, used concrete turned out okay
I don't understand, do you have really awful building codes or something? That's really all that's stopping most able bodied people from grouping together and making passable housing out of raw materials.
In the states it's nearly impossible to get permits unless you're bribing noseberg at cityhall. Even with bribes, they usually won't give you one, unless you're a professional builder. you can only become a professional builder by paying /other/ bribes.
I was looking at kits and land a while back but local regulations make it impractical to use a kit
Good luck getting planning approval to live in fucking cargo containers.
Why not stack them?
So, an obscenely overpriced mud hut?
shouldn’t you be scooping my taco meat
me, too, liberty bro. me, too.
need at least 2-4 acres for defensibility though.
>He doesn't live in a stolen railroad container village
Let down, I expected more from the worlds greatest shitposters
Housing is only expensive because its inflated.
Materials costs + labour isnt nearly half as much if you do it yourself.
yes but what if you had 7 of them like a small village on your land
Wtf are you doing abu hajar
Plastic cuck sheds? What about global warming, liberal nigger? Oh, I heated my house and it melted on me. Awesome bro.
I paid 50k for s fortress of a house on 12 acres 30 moms outside of a major city. I’m good.
Why can't they a cargo container skeleton, put wooden framing around it, and then pour concrete over it? How is that any different from a straight concrete house? If some faggot wants it to be pretty, you could slap tacky vinyl siding on it, just like most homes.
That's not a home.
It's a room, a shed.
My garage is bigger.
30 moms? Are you taking care of 30 chads worth of sluts?
Saw an article about some homeless living above a train station. It was basically a sturdy opening on top of the roof.
Doesn't matter. Take one of these meme printers out to california and you will make bank.
Because that’s not trendy or quirky like (((3d printing)))
Does it include plumbing, electrical, drywall, heating/air, ect.
So why is this a bad thing? It’ll take away some jobs but not all of them. Technology destroyes jobs to create new advantages nothing new here
>Cuck shed
You'd be amazed what people can do with cargo containers
pic related, was made with 3 containers
You could get sheds instead.
If it wasn't for winters, I'd unironically live in a shipping container.
This thing isn't taking any jobs anytime soon lul
Yes its the same as the states but worse. Permits, bribes, council aproval, inspections, the need for everything to be installed by a 'professional' that costs $100ph.
At least with these kit homes you can aford the inspection permits, bribes and the 'professional' can complete his work in a few days.
Rural Australia is more leniant with kit homes. You can't put these things down in Sydney or Melbourne.
Why wait for summer? Insulation isn't that hard or expensive.
The one I seen two years ago used concrete, its just 3d printed in that a machine is setup on land and it builds the structure around it, dont think its plastic like the ones people use in their garages, I could be wrong, doubt it though
At one point these small homes were the new fad.
Pretty much. This faggot shows you how to build one for free.
This sounds so bad, I picture it blowing away on a slightly breezy day
Nice, you can design the next generation of cardbox cornflakes houses
>squirts with acetone
I can only seeing them be useful as trailers.
Where the fuck do I learn about making sweet ass shipping container homes and freeing myself from the housing jew?
>Also if Austin's Municipality isn't half retarded
That's a need idea for a lake. Would make elevating them easy in case of a flood.
I can't breath.
>The housing jew
>plumbing, electrical,
Not needed, since the mud dauber material does this
> heating/air,
the internet is a good place to srart
WOW! they can print 2X6's, roofing shingles and concrete slabs! so neat! 12-24 hours! the concrete doesnt even need to set.
the absolute state of journalism.
Wouldn't that be great? 3D printed housing takes off in cuckifornia, and their sub-human pets figure out that they can just spray a solvent on the side of the 'house' to break in and steal shit.
This is impossible in Australia. 100% impossible.
Here 50k US will get you land in a 40 person town with zero jobs 150km from a population centre.
>Honey!, I spilled my nail polish remover and melted the house again!
so basically its a 10,000 dollar shed... no thanks
Boomer here looking to invest. I can flip this for double the value. Or I can rent it to you for $2800 a month.
The fad is over? I know everyone's doing the "open concept" kitchen/dinning room/living room, but didn't realize small homes was over
They're also pretty economic, some people do complicated shit that makes them expensive, but I've seen people make 2000 sf home that cost less then 200k and look pretty nice because they where smart about how they went about making it. Only downside is that unless you're willing to pay quite a bit you won't get a basement, but really who cares at that point?
>The winds over 20 again sweety hold on tight
The old one still require a person to stand there and insert shit as it printed over it, they werent using rebar(not sure what it was the guy had to put in as it went) this new one in ops picture I have no idea about
Can any American house? You don't really use stone or bricks and mortar.
This, you don't want a 25 year olds being able to afford a home and start a family. I understand Austin is full of retarded hipsters but imagine this tech in the hands of good red-blooded americans and what it could produce. How could you not want the price drops that have happened with technology over the last few decades to get passed on to housing? Imagine being lower-middle class and being able to buy a house and start popping out children at 25 again.
yeah we have had these in australia for ages, they are made with corrugated iron and weather proof paint.
I agree. But you know the council Jews and their racket. How would they make money if every Tom Dick and Harry was just trucking in a few containers to live in and setting them up in a few days?
you print it hollow so you can run the tubes wiring and shit and you can spray insulation in there afterward.
>Company is going to start up a 3d house printing business and go through the trouble of funding the building of one, make tons of promises, created in a state prone to both flooding and tornadoes, and it's not going to be able to withstand natural disasters or decent force
Texans really are stupid
Good thing there’s no basements in most of Texas
Muricans....Use bricks
also they have almost no resale value
What happens if you just have a lot, and a house appears on the lot over the span of a few weeks? Just find a lot near some people that are not raging faggots who will report you to the housing jews for unpaid bribes.
Long as you don't make it look like shit, you can probably just raise hell in the news after the fact.
>This kills the housing market
does it have radiant packed earth heating? if no it sux
>Using sheds
Tiny houses cost about the goddamn same and are far less like something a homeless person would put together
Are there zoning laws n such stopping them from it or are they just being fucking lazy?
>Implying I fall for the real estate jew
These houses are probably of mediocre build but if enough people want it the build quality will go up so. Right now i bet a category 0.56 fog storm would knock it over.
Build your plastic shits down here in south east texas and either the smell of burning plastic will kill you or you will die from the shame of living in a lego hovel.
This is why Australia is a little luckier.
Ultra cheap kit homes might just get a few hundred thousand white babies born if they get taken up on mass as a solution to the housing crisis.
You do realize that building the house is the cheapest part of the building the house part right?
What if you had like, 300?
Got be careful about violating the NAP
How about an earthquake or a flood?