If Greece and Turkey go to war, what does the United States and Russia do next?

If Greece and Turkey go to war, what does the United States and Russia do next?

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Russians help the Greeks, Americans come in after and try to setup no fly zones and the Americans start attacking governments of Greece and Turkey and then try to setup new leadership that’s pro American, who want to end the war, and who will dislike Russia.

Only because the US has interests in Turkey for military bases and because they wouldn’t accept fighting with Russia against Turks.

Nope. The US would destroy all of Greece if it means going against the Russians.

whoever loses , we win

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They either pull out entirely or use Greece and Turkey as proxies to finally go to war with each other

what the fuck does that even mean?

How many Russian jets has Turkey shot down?

"Stay back pousti, we can remove kebab all by ourselves."

Will the Ottoman Empire rise again?

The Turkish Airforce won’t last long as Greece has a very solid air defence system in place.

Once Turkish air power has diminished the Russians will enter the war against Turkey from the east, the Syrians will help the Russians with air bases.

The Greeks won’t be able to call on the US for help because the US will not want to fight the Turks. The Greeks will ask Russia for some assistance, it will come in the form of Russian AirPower located in Syria, the Syrians won’t object because of what Turkey has done to Syria right now, the SAA will actually get involved against the Turks aswell to retake Syrian clay that the Turks will 100% hold onto after the current war is over.

There is no way the US will help Greece at all militarily against Turkey when Russians and Syrians are striking Turkey from the East.

It’s just common sense. Greeks can not rely on the US in a war against Turkey because of the geopolitical issues in the region.


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we just will use peacekeepers in cyprus, make some military bases there.

>US will let Russia control Bosphorus and have access to Mediterranean
>Russia will let US control Bosphorus and deny Russia access to Mediterranean

None of them would let the other have Istanbul.

In fact US wouldn't want to let Russia have one inch of Turkey. The only thing keeping Russia in bay is their bad economy and the reason they have bad economy is almost all their ports are frozen half of every year.

>The Turkish Airforce won’t last long as Greece has a very solid air defence system in place.
lol right

lmao. Greece can't even go to work, let alone war.

Hopefully we just stay the fuck out of it. I don't know why people always want to try, and suck us into this kind of shit.

I love how no one even mentions EU. So fucking irrelevant union.

Greece will not do well against Turkey. Turkey has been using and upgrading its military for decades. It really knows how to use it

>The Greeks won’t be able to call on the US for help because the US will not want to fight the Turks.
but this is the biggest flaw in your plan, Turkey is no friend of the US
The US is indeed looking for an opportunity to neuter Turkey. Obama isn't in charge anymore, the DoD is more important to Trump than the CIA. You just have to read stuff like Military to Military by Seymour Hersh and watch this video:

You are completely fucking retarded. A solid air defense system doesn't win you a war. Do you really think Turkey is just going to keep sending in jets to be shot down until they give up?

There is also still a strong US presence in Turkey. On top of that, Syria does not have control over a big chunk of it's Eastern side. Then, Turkey still has a massive advantage against any kind of invasion from Syria - mountains to the south within their borders. Oh, don't forget they've been stacked as fuck with military force since Arab Spring in 2011

Please, don't try to wargame anymore

whoever attacks first will get bombed the fuck out of nato

support greece of course, they still have denbts to pay and turky has oil right?

If Greece starts it, everyone laughts and sells both sides guns. Months to Years later a status quo peace is signed.

If Turkey starts it, then the US will just drop mountains of guns into Turkish, Kurdish territory, and sends in military advisers to train "Syrian" Kurds. Meanwhile, the Nato alliance is called in and nations will position themselves to defend Greece, as they more likely than not cannot do it without a fascist revolution. After a few years of fighting, and a few minor genocides Turkey collapses and loses land on all fronts.

What about Russia? Its a win win for them, as Syria is a better ally for them, and it would allow their ally in the Caucasus's Armenia to gain some revenge and land. Russia would tacitly support Turkey, but only with the aim of prolonging the war, without committing themselves. The downside for them is that it would cost Syria Kurdistan permanently, but that may be already lost to a large degree.

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Russia would somehow sabotage the current Greek government allowing golden dawn to take over or just straight of support only golden dawn forcing them into power. The US under trump probably would only just try to make peace talks and not get involved.

I don't care what Russia does but hopefully we stay the fuck out of it.

>do something
>soldiers die
>everyone hates us


>do nothing
>no soldiers die
>everyone hates us