How do I get a conversation with this guy? I know it's e-drama but it's relevant to the current political landscape and the culture war. If lauren souther threads are allowed this more than qualifies. I wanna talk to this dude. I don't think he knows how to do anything but tell liberal faggots to fuck off. I bet I could make him look stupid. How do I get a chat with him?
Other urls found in this thread:
go home sargon
So many have come that think like you. They all have been shamed. Some have literally cried and converted to Islam. You wouldn't stand a chance.
Pester him on twitter. He has invited many a retard on to his channel just because the dude said stupid shit on twitter and he found it would be funny to talk to the guy. So go on his twitter and sperg out
Bull shit, where is a link of him talking to a real life practicing white nationalist?
I don't twitter, I can tell that faggot hangs out here though so maybe I can get his attention. I'll make a Twitter if I have to, i just want him to know his "chaos centrist" approach is not impermeable
well then you're sol you dumb twat
damn that'd be awesome
harass him Andy Dufresne style
regular tweets, comments, emails even, whatever. just keep asking him to have you on.
Challenge him to Kumite
This guy is a fucking joke. He stopped being even remotely entertaining after he finished the TGWTG series.
He should just fucking pack it in and go away. Nobody in their right mind cares about a bunch of spergs circle jerking in a stream for hours on end.
Sargoy doesn't want to fuck with Jim.
He's scared to debate Enoch and Jim is far better at this then even Enoch is.
>If lauren souther threads are allowed
Who is regularly arrested, detained, and targeted despite being a pretty nice girl shedding light on Anti Fa strawman-backed violence, two-faced reporting of the news, and left wing corruption and radicalism? Oh, and talk about Muslim crime, because somebody's got to. You damn right threads about her are allowed, you're lucky we're not spoonfeeding you them here. I think you should take your stupid opinions and demeanor over to your echo chamber of "approved" forum boards where you can just block anybody who disagrees with you, you may not like how impenetrable some of our arguments are.
Does he have bowel cancer?
Don't be a faggot
I think if I could let him know a "real nazi" wanted to chat I could get in a conversation with him.
Is that part of the internet cringe sports? If so I'm throwing my hat down right here on Sup Forums, his favorite people to appease but he will never speak to the real issues. All he does is critique and criticise , but never offers a position himself.
Oh lawdy I wanna see a sperg get BTFO. Go ahead and make the challenge. we can then laugh on here as you get fucced in real time, do it you big dummy
hop on Kumite, newfriend
Fuck off Finland, I see you behind that meme flag.
I don't agree, he is really good at shitting on people, that's important in the culture war, but he doesn't hold a position of his own that he has to defend other than "I'm funny! I'm just a jokester!" This nigger is Jon Stuart for Sup Forumsyards. He's Milo for anti-degenerates. I bet he crumbles after ten minutes of backpedaling when he is asked to put his money where his mouth is.
I'm making a discord for smart people ONLY and I need somebody to people to help me set it up.
>important in the culture war
You realize you are exactly the type of person he hates and makes fun of?
He either needs to go back to summarizing and showcasing internet retards, or he needs to shut the fuck up.
He's not a God, if you cut him he bleeds.
he's already getting rekt by girlwriteswhat.
Why don't you post in the general instead?
K. If he thinks the culture war is unimportant he can say it to my face. If you think the culture war is unimportant you can also bring your shit to the table. I don't want to get into it but long story short you're as good as a nigger.
Another one.
Thank God. Hopefully, now the horrible female supremacist cult that rules the world won't be able to hurt me anymore.
Shut the fuck up, girlwriteswhat, you havent put forth an opinion either. Bloodsport spent mean fair, but it's not entertaining without balance. He never makes himself veunerable so it's always a blood bath. I'm willing to bet he is too much of a pussy to defended a single position beyond appealing to the Reddit convert Sup Forums users. Bring it Jimbo.
It's somewhere in this video. I'm not exactly sure where but he basically says that anybody who thinks they can "change the world" from the internet, is autistic. I actually agree with that idea, but the problem is he doesn't really come off as sincere about it, as much as he just likes putting other people down. He takes himself WAY TOO fucking seriously to actually believe that.
Lol who the fuck are you?
Why should anyone care about your thoughts etc?
Say it to YOUR face lol...
>I'm making a discord for smart people ONLY
>I need somebody to people to help me set it up
>somebody to people
so your not smart but you want to be surrounded by smart people?
Fuck off, Spain. I don't need to hear shit from an Arab rape baby. If I want a thread I'll make it. Sorry for burying a blacked thread, I know you like those.
No I have a very high IQ and the discord doesn't allow people without over a certain IQ to join.
That's what I mean by its a discord for smart people
Kinda my point, his ego is a mess but he is soulless. He defends nothing beyond his own ego. I could shred him and since he punches down I think a conversation with him is realistic.
I'm no one. I'm anonymous. It's kinda the point. He is no one. He should realize it. Sorry if I hurt your boyfriends feelings.
You sound autistic
Internet tough guy bluster is never not amusing
He's stopped being funny or amusing and without that, he's just some annoying retard on the internet.
I like Jim's videos, but he will be the death of internet bloodsports. It's supposed to be "fights" between passionate people who truly care about the subject, instead people like Jim turn it into nihilistic shit talking with no purpose other than "lol btfo".
Kick Jim.