Blame Jews/Israel for all your problems? Then youre a nigger. Oh yes you are. Oh yes you are.
>inb4 maplenigger posters
Blame Jews/Israel for all your problems? Then youre a nigger. Oh yes you are. Oh yes you are.
>inb4 maplenigger posters
Other urls found in this thread:
What if I'm an anti-Israel american Jew? Does that mean I'm also a nigger?
That makes you /ourjew/
jew is a culture not a race
people born in jewish families still have a choice, too bad about the brain damage if the bris was only days after birth though
but my skin is like very light colored , i couldnt possibly be one .
I've seen you post this stupid shit before, who even gets it? do you think you're funny, I even refuse to read it cause it's so long and has a kids fucking cartoon cgi guy
That makes you Noam Chomsky.
Not my problems, but the problems they reek upon the world. Those cannot be denied.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>trusting memri tv
By the grace of Allah you will taste my shoe.
Jews are responsible for a great many bad things that have happened to the western world. It does not matter if you are a nigger or not. There is just no getting around how pernicious they are.
Do you feel good about yourself now? I mean you keep all those pictures on your computer just waiting to post em all over again and again and doing NOTHING, if Jews really rule everything people like you deserve it.
what a loser lmao
first they mock you...
>kiwis trying to outshitpost straya
Blame Zionists for all your problems? Then you're incredibly intelligent. Oh yes you are. Oh yes you are.
white societies would be great without jews, even better. cant say the same about nigger civilization
>inb4 maplenigger posters
What does this have to do with anything, Samoan?
>implying Jews/Israel don't blame everyone else for things that didn't even happen
>implying Jews/Israel don't blame everyone else for things that happened due to their own faults
Premium quality bait here. Sage in all fields
Then youre the typical leftist cuck.
Hello IDF. And fuck off.
You are the cancer of the world.
The real leftist cucks are the ones who were guilt tripped into supporting the creation of the illegitimate state of Israel ontop of Palestine.
you know that Jews are god's useful idiots
God even argues that he could of chosen a better race, people, since the Jews were so shit
The issue is that "some jews" hide behind the shield of "the jews" and the fate of their ancestors to deflect any criticism.
>implying Israel is an illegitimate state built on pAlEStInIaN SoIl.
>calling others leftist cucks.
Did you forget to include your point Moshe? Israel is illegitimate.
What point?
Youre just implying Israel is an illegitimate state built on "Palestine" without any proof or explanation..
The abrahamic priesthood is illegitimate. Strive for the priesthood of Melchizidek, which is divinely ordained by God.
No proof or explanation needed, it is an indisputable fact.
Fuck off mutt.
You have a quite nice debate skills,idiot...
Are you ready?
The world is awakening, what are you going to do when the world is awake to your trickery and sadistic tactics?
I've already received my PhD in making kikes like you btfo, I don't need to do anything further.
Off course you are the root of all the problems, stupid kike. You're a plague
Jews are so tiresome. Its like having roaches in your house. Yapping little dogs latched on your leg. Just pathetic.
But never to be taken lightly.
Commies hang.
You're the Jew kiwi who always posts memes about dead Palestinians aren't you
what if i am anti Israeli-americans who participate in nepotistic schemes with satanic intentions???
what do you call that
1. Why do Jews absolutely have to live in countries built by Europeans?
2. Why do Jews behave in a destructive way towards the host nation and country?
3. Why do Jews at the same time hate Europeans and want to replace them with non-Europeans?
Looks like a parasite, sounds like a parasite and behaves like a parasite.
are their any Israelis in this thread? how is greater Israel planned? is their specific meaning to these boarders?
1 Post by this ID..
You got BTFO already
Nice strawman, faggot.
That means youre the worst kind of nigger.
Fucking beta "muh palestinians" cuck.
stay in America we dont want you here.
>the most intelligent and accomplished race of people in the world have the most power
>how could this possibly be????
but I'm not a jew, stop posting kid pictures you retard.
how many times have you seen a thread-of-defense on any other minority. how many times have you seen a thread like yours, only saying the same things about ethiopians or dentists or women or anybody else like this. is it shit? youll post it
>why do you hate leprechauns
>why are you blaming daffodils for anything?
>make endless fake threads about 'fixing women'
>make endless fake threads about being a neet.
>make endless fake threads about MGTOW.
>make endless bait posts about being incredibly successful just so people can shit on how fake you are and reinforce the idea that everyone who posts on Sup Forums is a loser
>make endless troll replies belittling user and conjecturing that he has no job/gets no pussy/whatever.
see goyim! Sup Forums is full of losers! They have so many problems lol!
So tired of this tactic.
>lets assume all threads about topics i hate are jooz!!
Fuck off to your 2d animu wifu degenerate.
Lol bunch of edgy losers.
Its all about envy while youre all getting enriched with muslim cum europeans.
Can't wait till your Jew overlords enslave you while you sit idly.
all i want is for iran to just nuke us, i got cancer from our candidate for the eurovision, a fat girl like that shit gonna get us to win.
plz iran nuke us before my cancer kills me
I can handle pathetic baseless threats and hate online mutt.
Can you handle your fucking street niggers ? Mail bombs ? School shootings ? Lol ... stay woke faggit.
Eventually you have to go outside and face the real world. In the real world we own you and your kids gonna be black.
Say thank you that youre allies and not getting raped by a muslim invasion like cucked europeans that will cease to exist in our lifetime lol.
Raped and replaced but they are all keyboard warriors.
Please respond
Can you handle being a virgin so you don't get falsely accused of rape?
Can you handle walking down the street and being randomly shanked by a little kid?
Can you handle hearing rocket explosions at night?
I don't hate israelies but you, as a particular individual, are kind of retard.
I smell anudda shoah on da horizon
Romania welcomes Israeli immigrants. Whenever you get tired of living in the desert surrounded by sand peoples, hop on a plane and come over.
makes sense, romania is known as a shithole full of gypsies and jews
Anime is great. Don't bully Japan.
thx but i feel safer here
who's this semen demon?
Some bigger ovens need to be built. Last ones were to small and most of them got away.
too many kikes on Sup Forums, board's gone to shit
>gypsies out
>jews in
What's not to like?
> loses a war to niggers and signs embarrassing peace treaty
> has to defend filthy jews because his protestant cult exists to serve Christ killers
OK Tasmanian Canada
they want to turn the world against itself, acquire all resources and leave, if you don't blame these types of people for whats wrong in the world you're basically allowing it to happen
>jews in
I know you're romanian but jesus fucking christ, have some fucking self-respect
Did TYT get redpilled?
I wonder what the 'Murrican meant by that.
>tfw you know op is talking about you
no we are a victim of jewish conspiracy...but that will change
0.6000000 shekels have been deposited on your account.
All stopped since we built the wall.
So what your country has no crime ? Lol
Our crime rates are nothing compared to almost everywhere else, practically greenland levels of crime here.
Occasionally some muslim spergs out ... what can you do.
Your reply is exactly what im talking about.
All that you said is false and can easily be proven false via simple googling.
While everything i said is true and is your future.
Stay woke faggot.
isn't 25% of your tech industry you types blabber on about fraud and scams?
Well said Aussiebro