Let's stop Amerimutt posting

The "le 56%" is stupid and reflects poorly on the quality of the board.

> 1. It's simply not true

Whites make up arounf 77% percent of the American population. Even removing Hispanic-Whites, that still leaves 64% of the population as white.

> 3. It's low effort

These memes are often mass-produced. They lack the individual polish of original content that we are accustomed to on this board.

> 3. It's simply not true.

Many areas of the U.S. are 95% white or more, particularly in the Atlantic North-East, where America actually matters.

> 5. It emboldens our political enemies.

All you are doing is giving our enemies even more reason to laugh at Sup Forums. The can sense how divided we are.

> 6. They deteriorate American resolve.

We are in a current state of National turmoil. Now is not the time to stoke the flames of division.

> 7. They are Anti-White

By artificially inflating the definition of white-ness, we are alienating even white-non-Americans.

> 8. It's factually untrue.

Even by less conservative estimates, America is 70% white. Removing white Hispanics still places this over 60%.

> 9. It hurts America.

America is the face of whiteness in the world. Belittling America, gives power to America's enemies and also yours.

> 10. They go against the Spirit of Sup Forums

Sup Forums is an American website.

> 11. They break several board and Global Rules.

> 12. They are not even that funny.

Look. Anyone can go into Google Translate and translate various words for monsters into Spanish. Once again. It's LOW EFFORT shitposting.

> 13. They reak of Reddit

Most of us visit Sup Forums to get away from Reddit. Bringing their memes here does nobody any good.

So there we have it. More than a dozen well-articulated points against Amerimutt posting, laid out niceless in a digestible format.

Don't bother responding to this thread. If anything it would be nice for a Mod to lock this post and sticky it to the front page.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>mutt education
>learning how to count to 10
Ay caramba

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We are just a reflection of our great heritage user, OWN IT.

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the amerimutt meme is the funniest one pol has produced though in a loooong time. Can't handle the banter?

America is the beautiful butterfly that was birthed from the dyingncocoon-husk that is England.

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I actually think it is really stupid, but what can you really expect from this place?
>poo poo pee pee nazi frog

I can't handle the bantz!

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>The "le 56%" is stupid and reflects poorly on the quality of the board.

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Do not stop Amerimutt posting until America stops being a nation of mutts.

BUT ALSO keep Canuckmutt and Britmutt posting since they seem intent on following us into the shitter.

>The "le 56%" is stupid and reflects poorly on the quality of the board.
>shitting in an ocean of piss makes it worse
Do you know where you are nigger?

The 56% memes don't really bother me, I'm just surprised that people are shocked that the first country born of multiculturalism and people from all different countries from around the world is somehow not 100% white.

Yeah, that's kind of our thing. I'm not saying it's even a *good* thing, I'm just saying that we've always been a melting pot. It's what we're known for. We have a giant statue declaring it outside of one of our main ports.

It's almost as point-blank retarded as someone saying "Americans have no culture". We have every single culture in the entire world.

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I sincerely find it funny.
There has always been banter, Id rather have this then the age old Ameri-lard

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the meme is too funny

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Why isn't Amerimutt posting considered Hate Speach in the EU and UK?

>95% of American whites have no African or Amerindian ancestry and the 5% who do seem to have very little

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Your country literally made Black Panther most domestically profitable movie ever made. You're either a mutt or a nigger lover either way USA denounced its whiteness.

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Amerimutt posting is a Talmudic conspiracy imo.

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>t. nigger

We've done this sort of derogatory shitposting for a bunch of countries over the years, what makes you so special?

>t. zionist racemixer

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you're in the wrong country, famalam

This is you right now you filthy Mutt

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>reddit spacing

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>America is the face of whiteness in the world. Belittling America, gives power to America's enemies and also yours.

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Jesus Christ man, it's just a meme, just laugh at it and move on. The more attention you give to it, the more they know they can troll you with it. We all know it's not true, it's just funny.

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>Whites make up arounf 77% percent of the American population. Even removing Hispanic-Whites, that still leaves 64% of the population as white

Stop moving the goalpost, mutt.

This thread has a very uplifting and inspiring message. Thank you, OP.

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>1, 3 (second) and 8 being the same thing
Only a mutt could be so dumb.

See, this is what I am talking about.

How is that video intended to uplift the spirit of the inner-white man?

America should be the shiny beacon on the hill. By attacking America we are moving further away from the light.

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>Pure Bavrian phenotype. I'm White you guyzzzzz. Sharts himself

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Not going to lie, this meme is beginning to take a toll on my psyche.
Even though I am 100% European (green eyes pale as fuck not a single nonwhite in family tree) but because I have black hair I am beginning to imagine myself as a creatura.
I can't even really post on this board anymore with my real flag up, since I get mocked. More and more I hide behind the meme flag. I don't want to be called a mutt Sup Forums. But I know that begging only makes them attack harder. Please, I'm white, o-oh god, my skin -- oh god---el abomnacion --help im turning

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>reddit spacing

You need lurk moar until you stop getting assblasted at other posters and then you need to go back anyways

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Nobody except shareblue and fucking leafs posts that shit

>America should be the shiny beacon on the hill
You mean the stinky bacon in the sty?

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What Burger demographic is Amerimutt supposed to piss off?

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Leave the royal house's percent alone Meagan

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All you have to do is stop reacting to it but nope we're making threads basically letting them know to keep posting it because it works. Good job cunt

>t. Amerimutt

Mainly Kekistani CivNat-trash

In order of triggering
1) "White" Hispanics (it breaks their delusions
2) Half-whites or other mixed mutts (similar)
3) "based" beaners

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Oh forgot to add (very important) meds of any sort. Meds are eternally butthurt by this meme, especially southern italian-americans

>Let's stop Amerimutt posting

Seeing americans butthurt about this meme is 99% of what keeps me coming to this place.

Why don't you see this is the obvious consequence of you mocking everyone? Shart in mart was just a step towards this.

Fuck off

Look at all those white males

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The 56%

bump for solidarity but also to raise awareness about the fact that some Americans are very fat and predatory drug companies have produced pills such as Orlistat to take advantage of them.
What these drugs do is they prevent fat from being digested at a normal rate. Now if a person takes these pills and they don't eat much fat, that's not a problem, but if they could do that, they wouldn't need these pills, so of course they don't. This rush of undigested fat is then shat out uncontrollably.
This is a major problem in American grocery marts, because this is the main public place frequented by a person who would use these pills.
This is the history behind the phrase "shart in mart", and it's not just an internet meme, it's a real world tragedy brought about by pharmaceutical companies who pay for access to the people that write the laws that allow them to use couched language when marketing their horrible products to the consumers that they intentionally miss-inform.

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>14. mad mutt

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>stop reacting to it
No, you have to embrace it. Like a parent who wants their kid to stop thinking something is cool.

I legit am sexually aroused to the amerimutt. I kind of want rule 34 of it

don't worry, you will be okay

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>also, trying to influence the internet - just like a braindead kike would

What does a Greek person have to do with America?

I want to know what reddit spacing is...

>hurr durr this guy is a summer

America is the natural evolution of the Hellenic ideal.

Greece to Rome to America, with the rest of European nation states acting as steps throughout this transition.

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>Let's stop Amerimutt posting
Post picture of Amerimutt
Reddit spacing

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t. mutt

La Creatura

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Stop getting triggered faggot
Shit is funny

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Holy fuck my sides

I find the Amerimutt meme to be hysterical and to win best meme of 2018. Of course the Leafmutt meme is great too.

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Best meme will easily be grug. The only fags that laugh at the amerimutt meme are BRs and Slavs.

no the mutt memes are hilarious but I will agree with you that the Grug memes are better

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you literally cannot offend Americans. I love the damn mutt. Has any Ameribro on here ever been offended in their entire lives?

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El Sanguine Extinguido La Luz Atrocidad de las Americas...

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Just when arguing about waifus.

PS. Ichiho best 2018 waifu

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la luz extinguido...

I can't even get offended by that because I know Ritsu is the best girl and actually also my wife

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guys plz

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>his girl can't pilot a mech

at least she can kick a beat

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How's weather in Olgino today? Snowing, the wind's been quiet?

give it up, Ivan. I could look exactly like that and still prefer being American. We are unable to lose

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This, actually. Weenie overreactions to the meme is what ruins Sup Forums

You're wasting your time. Lefties are using it among other memes to attack the board.
Jewish tricks 101, turn everyone against each other

Don't you understand the joy of muttposting? FYI i'm paid by Soros

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Dont be mad,look at the bright side atleast you're not full nigger my mutt friend

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I didn't whine like a girl when they started with the tigers and shit.

You telling me to stop trolling on a forum whose users are all either dedicated trolls or engage in heavy-weight trolling to some degree or another?

How about this: You amerimutts stop being butthurt and maybe we will get bored and stop shit-posting. The only reason I do this is because I find it incredible that there are so many of you who actually let it get under your skin. I was half convinced that the meme had already run its course by now, yet here you are, drawing attention and keeping it popular

It's an ancient internet wisdom called "Don't feed the trolls". If you don't get that, you don't belong on the internet, fair and simple.

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>i could look exactly like that
>could look eactly like that
>could look


you see? nothing! What does being offended actually feel like?

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The poland sodomising russia meme is fucking brutal but yeah, I don't see a lot of russians getting butthurt over it.

OP complains about le 56% not being factually true, I routinely get called Achmed and my country is 90% white. If the argument then goes to "well, you'll be completely islamic in x number of years, so calling you Achmed now is completely justified", I'd just like to give a reminder that the USA is being spicced up, so le 56% is also true in that transcendent future sense, if they really want to play that game.

Pre-1965's (((immigration act))) America was 90% white. This pseudo-melting pot idea is a fairly recent (((invention)))

Shut up achmed

I agree with most of your premises OP, especially that white maericans are actually 100% white... But your fucking population is actually le 58%

You have an abundance of non whites in your country and they need to leave

Stfu mutt

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It's a fucking meme you mutt

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>am i white
>was my name always muhammed

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that would depend on what you consider white, since this board and the general consensus is that Irish and Italians are not "white" you're incredibly mistaken considering enormous numbers from just those two countries alone immigrated here starting in the 1700s

if you include irish and italians as whites all of a sudden for this particular argument (even though irish were called niggers when they got here) then sure, it was 90% white

holy KeK

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