do you all have any tactics other than repeating the same words like "shill" or "jew" or "great", like hOOOOLY shit it's so boring how do you not get tired of the same boring debate style. seeing policy discussed with depth and viewpoint is cool but buzzwords like previously mentioned just make you look like such a weak speaker lmaooo
Do you all have any tactics other than repeating the same words like "shill" or "jew" or "great"...
sounds good you kike shill faggot
Improve your grammar.
what did i expect by posting this to a crowd of rampant16 year olds
LmAo such losers, amirite? Btw did you know that JAMIE is breaking up with DAVID! Like, I know, right!
im drunk dude this is fucking wild. had no idea.
Sup Forums is full of baby boomers and christfaggots. go to>>/his/ if you have any hope for a semi decent debate
fucking bless for the recommendation
>but buzzwords like previously mentioned just make you look like such a weak speaker lmaooo
He says referring to the "muh boomer" boogeyman. I remember when it was only pathetic liberals blaming their parents for their problems.
>t. boomer
>encouraging this mouthbreathing retard to post another board
Why would you do this?
i thinks you are the problem op if you have seen the pattern dont comne here other underage will take your place ,you have seen all pol has to offer now is your time to show how you deal with you have learn
boomers did some sick shit like pretesting vietnam retardation (even though it didn't do much), not like a ton of young people don't have values that i disagree with. pleeeenty of boomers are agreeable in their political/moral stances
>Sup Forums is one person
Those buzzwords have great meaning behind them. Lurk moar faggot.
I'm more on the side of reading and observing arguments when i'm not batshit wasted for the record
okay cool i'm all ears care to explain
>Everyone who disagrees with me was born in the 50's
>On an anime image board
lul, I stand corrected, liberals have more common sense than this.
>hOOOOLY shit it's so boring
leave then?
okay have fun with your echo chamber
youre a jewish shill with a great big hook nose
Obviously a shill Jew Amerifat with burger education
yeah we also say faggit
>User ID: Y4G00f4Z
Ya goof
shut your bitch mouth, cuck, and go check on your wife's kid and make sure to clean the smegma from Jamal's cock, you pathetic fucking excuse of a weakling.
>words hurt
God, you are a living cancer cell and your weakness of spirit, mind and body is contagious and metastasizing.
you'd probably get genuinely pissed if i called you, like, small dick closet queer basement dweller freak or something. lol.
If you weren't a shill you would have said kike or nigger.
Fuck off, faggot. Sage this cancer.
okay uh. so why do you people say kike or nigger instead providing ideas of depth. i mean i know the answer, just want to see why there is a lack of this from your perspective.
Have you?
yeah and it doesn't bring up much other than scare tactics and "woah man what if they take your power" type ideas. (also shouts out to the dude who got me banned for a whopping 7 minutes for being underaged, i'm just a bored 21 year old university student messing with 17 year olds lol)
Hoooly shilling jew get off Sup Forums sage!!!!!!
how did you guess my first name haha, i'm actually a pretty girl named sage :)
because liberals don't come here to debate, they come here to argue in bad faith and get people to waste their time writing elaborate arguments
Jew shill
Lmao what the fuck is that dog supposed to be? You could have at least made a Down syndrome pepe or something, how does a dog represent us in any way?
Oh that's right I forgot
>the left can't meme