>retards on here still defend Juden Petersteinberg
Retards on here still defend Juden Petersteinberg
I dont see why anyone here likes or hates him, i cant even figure what he has to do with Sup Forums.
> still thinking the race meme is relevant in 2018
only those who craft their strength in individualism hold any societal value
Professors and diversity activists aren't part of any problem other than advancing equality. Its the pissbaby whites who can't tolerate not having everything to their fucking selves and are willing to go as far as becoming neo-nazis because the balance is being redressed that are the problem.
good goy!
Quintessentially Jewish.
Point to any moment in history where there was "balance".
Your aim is tyranny and you will rightfully burn in hell for bringing it about.
Peterson knows we'd win.
>"If you have your children in a school and they talk about equity, DIVERSITY, inclusivity, WHITE PRIVILEGE, SYSTEMIC RACISM - any of that, you take your children out of the class.
>They're not being educated they're being indoctrinated and there's absolutely no excuse for it.
[tucker]: "I agree with that completely, you might run out of schools pretty quickly though, here in this country."
>"That would be just fine! The sooner the better."
Individualism doesn't exist. Its the ideology of the haves: I've got mine fuck everyone else. If you're rich its because you're a hard worker, if you're not, its your own fault. Of course, once they start to become have-nots, this core tenant is abandoned and the people who were just saying capitalism is perfect and f you're not successful its all your fault scapegoat absolutely anyone they can.
This is why libertarianism leads to the alt-right. Libertarians grow up being told to expect the world: history has ended little jimmy, peace reigns. You should be a banker and making millions by the time you're 25, you can have it all! You've only got yourself to blame if you fail!
Of course, that's not true. So when little jimmy ends up a depressed 25 year old working a shitty job with an unfulfilled life, who does he blame? Capitalism, the system that caused his predicament? The people at the top with 50% of the world's wealth and almost all the power, who could sort his predicament out tomorrow if they wanted to? Nah fuck that, its the immigrants fault. Its the jews fault. Its the working classes fault. Its people on benefits fault. It gay people's fault. Its communist's fault. Its social justice warriors fault. fault Its everybody else's except the people who can fucking change anything. And so, an alt-righter is born.
Why do you faggots keep posting this fake tweet? He's said enough dumb stuff for real
can we get one of these threads going for the goys?
>Point to any moment in history where there was "balance"
When people owned their own means of production. When people worked together and shared together. Civilization was the dawn of capital and therefore hierarchy. Since 10,000BC, humanity has been alienated from their labour. But it can change. Fuck the false freedom of the "free market".
Sure Ted.
I'd rather live in a dystopian space empire that furthers my race than your anprim "weed and gay sex" degenerate mudhuts.
it's self
this is what happens when """intellectuals""" are trying to drive an agenda instead of pursuing truth where ever it leads.
how can humanity be alienated from humanism, if humanism and species-being is just an ideology?
there's a major campaign against this faggot
Those nefarious profs. Makes sense actually.
think about those poor jews pol
>calling for censorship
That PJRAllen asswipe constantly misreads and lies about JBP.
Is it just autism? Why are there so many nutjobs on here obsessed with ecelebs?
Fake tweet. Fake flag.
Peterson is a shabbos goy
Then there's nothing else to do than kill you when the time comes.
>how can humanity be alienated from humanism, if humanism and species-being is just an ideology?
They're not ideologies, they're something capitalism has brutally suppressed.
>Jordan Peterson
Every good thing he has ever said came from some previous thinker, like Jung or Nietzsche. If you listen to him at all instead of just reading the source material, you're probably a brainlet
the irony is that youre right, but you dont know why.
but there is no such thing as species-being, i mean ideology in the marxist sense - in terms of a false consciousness - the species-being you're talking about being alienated from was a subjectivity only ever constructed by the economic base + super-structure and situated at a certain time of history. It's why marx is contaminated by bourgeois ideology, and becomes a mirror instead of a true radical
I actually hate his cult followers more
if you need some old boomer to tell you to "sort yourself out" then I'm sorry you had no father
Anyone who is capable of doing great things is capable of doing even more with allies, partners, and colleagues. Magnus Carlsen didn't become grandmaster alone, he was personally trained by Kasparov.
He entered the world of politics when he was swarmed by campus SJWs and he actually stood up to them. Aside from that, he recently released an excellent book on rules to live by, especially pertinent to young men. Even though 99% of the time he criticizes the left, some anons attack him for not "naming the Jew" or whatever, as if defying political correctness while holding onto his university position wasn't enough, no, they want him to "go full 14/88" like an autist and accomplish nothing, instead of helping young men along at least part of the way.
and still, what is the purpose of a marxist system becoming self-contained? all youve done is create a bunch of folks working as one mind. unless youre one those new fangled anprimchristbol'ers.
really makes you wonder how fucked up and lonely Jordan Peterson's life truly has been. No wonder he's on pills, lashing out against society, causing chaos. He's a fucking mess.
It’s fake your fucking morons. Stop posting this shit.
Since the dawn of humanity the thing that has differentiated us from other animals is our agency and ability to choose to work. Tool use is what defines us. So if we own our tools and use them to make things we want to make, we're happy. When someone comes along, takes them off us and makes us make things for them that we can't have, it causes alienation.
Wow, seriously? Isn't this guy supposed to be a professor?
Marx's goal: humans can achieve their unique and varied abilities in this life, but capitalism does not allow for this, but the inner contradictions within capitalism will make it give birth to a new epoch.
That is a direct paraphrase when he wrote about 'communism' (the few times he actually mentioned it). I can tell there is a zero percent chance you've read more than one page of Marx's writing, so you shouldn't talk about it.
Where in the absolute fuck do you get the idea of 'one mind' ? That is almost closer to capitalist one mind "compete, work, profit"
You first commie. Forget helicopters, were gonna orbital drop shock trooper your ass butt naked.
>Individualism doesn't exist
Stopped reading there because everything else you will say will be based on that false premise.
You really do have to wonder how someone could be incapable of thinking of a single person who would make a good partner, even if for just one activity.
>he seriously thinks he's going to be a card carrying fascist dining with the best of them and not a pleb working in the factories 18 hours/day for whatever fuhrer arises
You can't even get to the top of the pile today, how the fuck are you going to get to the top of an ultra-elitist society founded on brutal hierarchy?
Sure that is one of Marx's premises of all history, and his definition of species-being, which he builds something unique and important upon.
I find it hard to believe that working to survive was a choice, we'd just starve out otherwise, it doesn't feel like a choice to me.
But can't you see that he is just a mirror of production and using bourgeois ethics here? What I mean is: capitalism we lose what we create so we are not happy, but the capitalist is happy, so we must keep what we create so we can be happy instead of the capitalist.
lol fake
Yes because before we had hierarchy, we definitely had space ships and androids. Your concept of "balance" is to say fuck it and throw out every institution that humanity has developed in order to get itself to where it is. An organized people is a productive people. If you don't mind living in mud huts and hunting for food everyday, be my guest.
Working to survive wasn't a choice, but they had a lot more free time than you do. They sure had enough time to decorate their possessions and build rituals and culture. You're always going to have to work to survive, but that time should have decreased with technological advancement, and by today, we shouldn't really have to do much at all. It hasn't, its going up and up, despite our ability to produce being better than ever.
kinda this
this things is user, tending to your garden is one thing but when someone comes in and asks you about a specific species of flower and you can't tell them about it then you're a shit gardener
ya dig?
>Radical individualism.
Nat Socialists and Fascists get the helicopter too.
I know, I'm just being a difficult antihumanist post-marxist. marxism is the only non-cucked problematic imo
Do you say this exact line in every thread because I swear whenever I see that meme flag in any thread the first thing they say is exactly what you just said. Although it's usually accompanied by a picture of Marx and Hitler being gassed by the ancap meme ball. Do you actually have any argument that stems beyond 'National SOCIALISM xddddd' or 'le helicopters' or is this it?
durr, why u blaming immigrants when its da rich!
fucking idiot that can only think as far as his nose. Immigrants are the rich's greatest most naive allies, they make a united working class impossible.
No, do you want him to lose his job at the University of Toronto and never get an other interview with the mainstream media, so that he can be sufficiently "pure"?
i'm just quoting some other user.
They only make it impossible because you refuse to work with them. Also, don't blame powerless people forced into the same bullshit competition as you for your woes, blame the people who engineer the situation.
You misunderstand Peterstein. He believes that we are all rootless individuals with no collective grouping. Talking of white privilege and systemic racism is bad because it is targeting a group of people, in this case whites, and acknowledging that they are a group and not just a random scattering of individuals.
Peterstein does not want whites to be discriminated against, or anyone for that matter. But because he is a cowardly individualist fedoralord he doesn't want whites to band together to defeat those who are discriminating against them.
You raise a good point, commie flag.
15,000 years ago, every society that existed was an ancomm society.
Then hierarchy was invented and anarchism was as technologically obsolete as bringing a stick to a gunfight. Every anarchic system was destroyed by any hierarchic system.
>do you want him to lose his job at the University of Toronto
no more than I did when he risked it standing up to SJW protestors
grow a pair dude
But the system didn't have to be hierarchic. There's no reason Babylon or Sumeria needed a priestly class while making the farmers do all the work, its was just greed.
no, THEY refuse to believe something that they've never experienced. You act like immigrants are not naive suckers that are brainwashed by all the capitalist propaganda, they are the most vulnerable to it. You can't work with someone that doesn't believe you.
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
Mate, if I was to hate all capitalists, immigrant or not, I would hate basically everyone I know. I don't see why I should hate immigrants for this predicament anymore than anyone I compete against in the workforce.
Someone didn't do the reading on Japanese supremacism lol
How many Nanjings gotta happen before Japanese get categorised alongside whites?
Also, aren't the Chinese actively trying to ethnically cleanse Uighurs and Tibetans through massive Han population replacement? Han race pride is OK?
Poor ole Peterson, he's good sometimes but others he's really off the mark.
>West experiences decades of communist dysgenics
>SEE GOYIM! Because you can't measure up therefore healthy societies can't exist!
Most average people do better under fascism than communism.
Of course it's we socially you fucking mongoloid. I will be too busy being a productive member of society ,we have professionals who will see you to the Escape pod.
God you're stupid and simple minded, political alliances must be formed to lead that anti rich agenda of yours, immigrants are the most unreliable people for such campaigns, they are literally tools of the rich used to divide the working class. I'm trying to tell you that they only divide people, not because people react badly to them, but because the IMMIGRANTS don't want to be absorbed into the mainstream culture and agendas, THEY are the ones resisting the political pull, they are the best ways to divide a populace.
>point to a moment in history
>points to prehistory, before written records
no wonder red countries have been universal failures
Communists don't care what religion you are. Marx just called it "the opiate of the masses", he didn't criticize it specifically. It was Lenin who enforced atheism. These days, most communists agree with that.
>West experiences decades of communist dysgenics
Again with the blaming. Of course, its the communists fault. Its not like we've had fucking 300 years of capitalism with no end in sight that has dominated the west.
>Most average people do better under fascism than communism.
Well given fascism lasted all of 7 years and during that all most of them knew was working to build up for war and then actual war, I don't think so.
Maybe we'd have more free time if your (((leaders))) weren't busy breeding Africa like wild and then taxing us to bring them over.
When injuns realized the hwite man is out to get them, they burned down their villages. But they came back in larger numbers and fucked them up. Violence is a meaningless label, when someone is trying to defend himself.
The Polish soldiers were violent and hateful and tried to kill Germans, who invaded their country. Violence is justifiable and hate is a basic emotion, healthy reaction for being harmed.
You forgot:
>So instead let's arrange economic affairs using a top-down approach, guaranteeing famines, political persecutions, slavery, war, and death.
I'm unconvinced. The low caloric surplus generated by a Bronze Age farmer ensured that only a small, select caste would be able to receive them. Babylon and Sumeria set aside much of that surplus towards a small, educated literate priestly caste (very few kings could actually read). These priests in turn were, among other things, able to articulate the ideology of the society to the farmers and therefore bind them in a social contract.
Only when farming technology improved to the point where it was feasible that every participant had an education did more egalitarian forms of government emerge.
Hello David
>Civilization was the dawn of capital and therefore hierarchy. Since 10,000BC, humanity has been alienated from their labour.
>But it can change.
>Individualism doesn't exist
is it any fucking wonder that no adult takes your little book seriously?
Capitalism isn't great for people either, and you're right to fight materialism, but facism is the only thing that can protect all races against the neoliberal feudalism that is to come.
Stop fighting for globalism if you actually want to fix things. You'll be able to build your degenerate commune when things are peaceful enough for libertarians again.
but why point out "Pan-Europeanism" for some irrational exception? That is the definition of white guilt. Peterson either knows what he's saying (which is scary), or he's been so brainwashed by the academia, that he harbors the same secret supremacist views of the left. How ironic is it that I, and probably most "racists" on here, don't actually believe in supremacy of race, but rather differences expressed through genes and culture, while Peterson and co. believe that whites are inherently better?
The only reason whites wouldn't be allowed an identity is if that identity is so powerful that it would destroy other races by its existence. We already know this is true in a sense, but not enough to make pets out of other races through a disgusting forced equality. Nothing is equal. You can either understand that or attempt to obfuscate it out of some bizarre sense of guilt. So what is Peterson really doing?
Hierarchic systems destroy and replace anarchic ones at every opportunity because they are stronger and more efficient.
Imagine trying to run a hospital without hierarchy. Or defend a country from shit like cartels, which thrive in chaos.
This is why people grow out of communism at 24.
Really mature way to carry yourself, even by Sup Forums standards.
JP is already saying as much as he can without getting fired. Speech is more restricted in Canada as I'm sure you know, although even in the US, attacking the Jews would end his career in academia. His *net positive impact* is far greater where he is, than being a shunned extremist.
Don't forget killing everyone who disagrees
>pride in your race is fine if you're non-white
>europeans should be ashamed though
Tired of boomer fuckwits like this guy
Well not from my experience. Its not been muslims or poles who've destroyed unionism and lowered our chances of emancipation, its poor and middle class white people who get brainwashed by the murdoch empire and shallow nationalism into constantly voting for the right wing. You can see it today, its in full swing. The right wing press in Britain is working endlessly to destroy the left and maintain the Tories' control while pushing further to the right into totalitarianism. Murdoch even constantly attacks the BBC because he's trying to get it defunded so the only information people can get is from him. We've got the working class attacking Sadiq Khan because he's supposedly a right wing muslim wants to implement sharia law, yet he has a fatwa issued against him for his progressive voting record and support of LGBT rights. Meanwhile, we're being told Rees-Mogg is a champion of the working class despite the fact he brags about tax evasion and has consistently voted against anything that would help the working class or marginalized people.
I mean, this is a masterclass on propaganda. They've literally made the British public believe 2+2=5.
unions have failed dude, they drove industries into bankruptcy. I don't know, maybe your program sucks? Maybe that's why people aren't corralling around you? The point still stands that immigrants are the biggest suckers in the nation, they fall for the dumbest shit, which is why they have to be kept out during hard times. Can't afford dumb people when you need real solutions. Oh and the BBC, that bastion of information for the people *chortle*,
Question: In OWS when white men were being kicked out of the movement to "make space" for "diverse experiences" do you believe this was an alphabet spook psy-op or genuinely what should have been done?
Do you think the left has not lost representation because they have made it clear they're not willing to work with whites, sometimes working actively against them?
That takes too much field work and thoughtful meditation. It's much easier to get on social media and virtue signal for likes. If you are an adult and you need someone to tell you to clean your room and get a job you need someone to remind you that white racial awareness is another six gorillion.
I myself am becoming more sympathetic to white nationalism as a sort of Zionism for whites, to protect ourselves and our descendants from being preyed on, and I'm coming to this debate from a different angle, as I've read his new 12 Rules book twice but I've listened to virtually none of his lectures. So I know only the contents of the book. I see a lot of discussion around a fragment taken out of context repeated by someone else put into an infographic, etc. the usual trappings of Sup Forums but really not doing justice to JP. The man's career has been focused on archetypes and clinical psychology, hardly this political debate pundit Louder with Crowder / Ben Shapiro shit. In fact he's very wary of political ideologies in general. But the 12 Rules book is compatible with "Zionism for whites" as I see it, resisting tyranny, carving out a path forward in nature, etc. I see a huge gap in knowledge between myself and the anti-JP anons because of a tweet about "Euro-centrism" although the ignorance goes both ways. Could you point me to exactly what you're concerned about?
Nobodies kicking white people out of movements. The reason marginalized groups are being given space and platforms is because they've been disadvantaged and so people are trying to help them.
>Do you think the left has not lost representation because they have made it clear they're not willing to work with whites
We do work with whites, most of us are white. The whole "SJWs hate whites" crap is a right wing lie to pry white people away from marxist causes and keep them under capitalist thrall. Of course, not all socail justice is marxist, in fact far too much of it is neo-liberal. And Social justice is a christian concept, its nothing new. No-one is working against whites, when right wingers say that, what they really mean is they're working against their hierarchy and capitalism.
>Well given fascism lasted all of 7 years
There were bunch of strong paternalist states though, Horthy's Hungary, Italian fascism, Polish second republic, Salazar's New State and all of them fared better than communism.
Yes, unity and solidarity is better than pure capitalism, than preying on the weak. But weaker people, the less able, the less talented have to accept their place in the social hierarchy. It's fitting for the more hard-working to gain more, it's fitting for the more educated, the more knowledgeable to lead on the issue he knows more about. It's fitting for the entrepreneur, for the developer to gain much more than the mere worker, who acts only as a puppet, as a tool in the hand of a master.
Communism all throughout the world only benefitted as much as it upset the status quo. And if there were talented and ambitious people kept down by a system revolution gave the benefit of elevating them. But in almost all cases there were more ambitious than talented and the ruling class had more talent and ability in them, not to mention self-restraint, empathy and proper leadership than the vengeful underlings aching for power.
And after that communism is the ideology of contra-selection. Wasting instead of accumulating and building up, promoting the least capable, because they mean the least competition for their peers.
Communism isn't in fact ever proper communism. It's never truly about the community, the family, the nation, the race, the species. It's never about what's best for all, because it is an ideology for the weak. And the weak is not all, they are the least of us.
You extort money from whites to give to non-whites, who then prey on whites. You are anti-white.
Are you aware who owns the Independent? The Guardian? Anything? There is no right wing control over your country, there's bitter old commies assured of your obedience since Churchill and the frauds who keep them propped up for their own share of the cake. Look up the genealogy (did I spell that right? The origins, the family line) of Marx - it's the same line of Rabbis that Mr Rothschild comes from. You've been played before you were born, all of us, and the only one winning is the fake Pope with his Vatican bank and their Arab buttbuddies.
>still thinking the race meme is relevant in 2018
>Look up the genealogy (did I spell that right?
Yes, and valid points.
Personally, I don't believe whites can create a Zionism for themselves. Our culture breeds independent spirits, more so than any other race. It is for this reason why Jewish parasites are so dangerous for us.
For me, 'White Nationalism' is only beneficial for the awareness it evokes inside the European. It's not so important as a political movement.
You want to defend Peterson, while I'm merely pointing out that his exclusivity towards whites is either malicious or naive. I would like to think it's the latter, but to your question I believe this is most likely an unconscious bias that he harbors. It's like when leftists denigrate themselves at the altar of multiculturalism. This is a sacrifice of hubris, a vaudeville liken to a man prostrate himself to an ant. It is depraved, by definition, it is maddeningly arrogant. It can't be anything else.
I'm going to continue to pretend you mean this in good faith.
SJWs hate whites by definition and absolutely are present and supported by the movement. I'm not pretending that there aren't whites who choose to attack progressive causes for selfish reasons. The left certainly has betrayed the white working class in the name of supporting "the marginalized".
All I see is a bunch of bitter working class white people willing to set things back 100 years because you wanted trannies and fags to be able to run the show.
Most of us millennial actually had every reason to join your cause but were actively forced out by the incredible amount of hate we would receive for simply being willing to debate ideas.
There isn't any real opposition to the current global power structure. Everything is already subverted.
It's not the alt-right it's not socialism, it's not progressivism, it's not communism or conservatives.
You have to do what you can to remove yourself from the system and live in peace, but it's difficult and larpy so the masses will never do it.
also this.
>The reason marginalized groups are being given space and platforms is because they've been disadvantaged
That's not the reason. The reason is that these
>marginalized groups
act as syndicates, they work together for their own benefit, while white people don't. They will move from demanding equality to demanding supremacy simply because for them that is the way forward. It's natural.
Communism is just like Christianity, in name a universalist ideology. But that's retarded, that's a lie. People will always form syndicats, always work together to rig the system. At any point all communist countries will either have to turn nationalist to help their own people or turn away from nationalism to harm them.
Nations, just like corporations aren't just embedded in the human psyche, they are deeply entrenched in the way agents mathematically work in our universe, they are there because of the game theory. Cooperation works better, when it's paired with strong discrimination.