The REAL enemy

It's pretty clear that the whole 'jooz' schitck is a psyop from the real enemy, the rich.

The rich can be any ethnicity, Irish, Asian although it appears to slightly waver in the Jewish favor.

For years these rich globalists have tried to divide the poor and rule over us with impunity, racism, antisemitism, capitalism, immigration, healthcare, insurance. These are all a part of the ruling classes notebook.

When will the world wake up.

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What have you done for your fellow man?

About the same time as you learn the difference between punctuations

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ty for the lesson Mr. Katz-Bergstein, you are truly our greatest ally.

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The hatred the capitalist class has for nationalism should be blatantly obvious to anyone. ALL of them are actively working against us and tacitly approving of you. Who do you think they're more afraid of?

Here's an idea genius, instead of trying to force wildly different cultures and races to be the same so that "class consciousness" can supersede race and culture consciousness, why don't we just stop the cross-cultural/racial contamination that divides us from happening in the first place, which the capitalist class also primarily pushes for?

Do you look at Bill Gates with contempt OP?


2% of the population over 50% of the billionaires high 20% of Congress and the Senate, foot in the door blood ties for the executive branch, 1/3 of the supreme court.

Ya slightly so fucking slight

That's just a coincidence.

he's not wrong

the rich are the substrate for the jew's larval stage

Jews are the rich, nigger.

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Tough luck, kike. We're going to exterminate the rich and you Jews. No amount of pleasing will save you

1 post from this user. I rly rly wonder why.

nope kikes are the problem and they need to be gassed, it's easy!


Remind me again, how the rich are in favor of nationalism. The last thing the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie wants is a powerful, unified populous. The disolussion of culture into one putrid homogination of consumerism and debt will not lead to the demise of capitalism as it exists, it will perpetuate it - indefinitely.

The idea that the problem is "either the Jews OR the rich" and not both is a ploy by the Jews and rich.

>We need to fight the rich!
>We need to fight the Jews!

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they are basically the same thing

The only war worth fighting is a socioeconomic class war. Fight the juridical persons, fight the insulated wealth that retains itself through interest and 'ownership' without any risk or action. Only then can the world be freed.

But people are easily distracted by all this bullshit.

What’s wrong with formatting like this?
It’s way easier to read than a giant wall of text.

I was taught to write like this in my post secondary program. Being able to compose emails and memos that are easy to read make you employable as fuck dude.

It has nothing to do with reddit.

You could at least type like this.
You know?